

Din sökning på "*" gav 532077 sökträffar

The Friend, the Influencer, the Lawyer: a Qualitative Case Study of IKEA’s Identity Expressions on Facebook

With the increased loss of control over the organizational identity (OrI) in social media, research has started to encourage organizations to hand over control of the OrI to the creation and distribution of stakeholders. This has created challenges for the strategic communicator in managing the OrI internally, as the employees adapt to the OrI in the mind of the stakeholder rather than the OrI set

The effect of hydrogen on the morphology of n-type silicon electrodes under electrochemical conditions

We study the electrochemical roughening of a silicon electrode surface during the hydrogen evolution reaction in a fluoride electrolyte using neutron reflection. We demonstrate that as the roughening process modifies the morphology of the silicon surface we can follow the changes by observing the changes in the shape of the total reflection feature. We assume that the change in the morphology of t

Hur styrs smart mobilitet? En analys av Lunds kommuns kapacitet för att styra smart mobilitet

In a future where smart mobility is increasingly common, it is not possible to rely only on the instruments for governance that have been used throughout the ages. Therefore, we need to map and investigate what opportunities exist for governance of smart mobility. The following essay therefore intends to investigate which governance instruments are used in Lund municipality for transport governanc

Expanding the Synthetic Library of C7 N-acetylneuraminic Acid Analogues

Sialic acids are prominent on the cell surfaces of mammalian cells and partake in modulating cellular mechanisms. N-acetyl neuraminic acid (Neu5Ac) is one of the most prominent sialic acids on mammalian cells. Bacterial pathogens can acquire Neu5Ac from the environment and display them on their cell surfaces, in a process known as molecular mimicry, thus evading the immune system. Many pathogens a

Digital Business Models and the Circular Economy: Understanding the utilisation of Digital Business Models for the Circular Economy values

Digitalisation and its effect on the circular economy have been a major debate. Thus, this study investigates the possible contributions of Digital Business Models (DBMs) toward the Circular Economy (CE) by utilising circular economy core values through its multiple dimensions. Following a qualitative approach, semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight participants in the retail sector.

Exploring the Agile Project Manager - A Case Study at Scania R&D

Background: Organizations implement agile methodologies with the aim to increase their ability to respond quickly and adapt to changing environments. Agile transformations include changes in the organizational structure, processes, and roles. Most agile frameworks and approaches introduce new leadership roles, such as the scrum master and product owner; however, the project manager role is not

Functional gradients of the medial parietal cortex in a healthy cohort with family history of sporadic Alzheimer’s disease

Background: The medial parietal cortex is an early site of pathological protein deposition in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Previous studies have identified different subregions within this area; however, these subregions are often heterogeneous and disregard individual differences or subtle pathological alterations in the underlying functional architecture. To address this limitation, here we measure

Effect of Indirect and Direct Heat Treatment on Nutritional and Technological Properties of Milk

This research was done to analyse how different heat treatment processing conditions influence the properties of milk. The focus was on high temperature heat treatment, namely extended shelf life (ESL) and ultra-high temperature (UHT) milk. The milk processing was performed in the range of 124 - 143 ℃ for 1 and 4 seconds. The analyses that were done involved nutritional and technological propertie

"Varenda ton vi tar är ju personlig" - En intervjustudie om personligt uttryck i sångundervisning på gymnasiet

Personligt uttryck har alltid varit viktigt för oss när vi sjunger och som blivande sånglärare vill vi att arbetet med personligt uttryck ska bli en naturlig del av vår egen sångundervisning. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka begreppet personligt uttryck ur ett sånglärarperspektiv för att ta reda på hur sånglärare tolkar och beskriver sitt arbete med begreppet på gymnasiet. Vi genomförde fePersonal expression has always been important to us when we sing and as future singing teachers, we want the work with personal expression to become a natural part of our own singing lessons. The purpose of this study is to investigate the term ’personal expression’ from a singing teacher’s perspective to find out how singing teachers understand and describe their work with the term in upper secon

Odlad motståndskraft - Urban odling som ett verktyg för resiliens?

The highly increased food prices in 2022–2023 are one of many crises that have and will affect different parts of the world on local bases. This prompts the need to strengthen resilience for humans to ease the negative effects and be able to bounce back from these critical events. Urban agriculture could be a way. Using the Swedish municipality of Malmö as a case study, the aim of this thesis is t

katalysator och sidospår - ett utforskande av skissprocessen

Tidigt under åren i arkitektskolan lär vi oss att forma och utforska våra egna kreativa processer. Dessa blir djupt personliga, och i detta projekt vill jag försöka formulera och utforska mitt sätt att arbeta. Under min studietid har jag upplevt att de största problemen jag haft under designprocessen varit att jag tenderat att bli för självkritisk i ett tidigt skede, vilket har resulterat i låsninIn the early years of architecture school, we learn to shape and explore our creative processes. These become deeply personal, and in this project I want to try defining and exploring my way of working. During my time as a student, I have experienced the biggest problems I had during the design process were that I tended to be too self-critical at an early stage, which resulted in blockages in the

The new hype in the e-commerce industry: A case study in Sweden to investigate challenges perceived by software development teams

The growing number of users and the changes in customer behaviour over the last few years caused new hype in the e-commerce industry. This imposed pressure resulted in some technical disruptions in those systems. Software development teams responsible for creating and maintaining these systems, in their turn, were affected by the sudden shift to remote work. The current study aims to investigate s

The Effect of Zero Trust Model on Organizations

The increase in cyber threats has prompted organizations to adopt more robust cybersecurity frameworks, such as the Zero Trust model. This study investigates the effects of implementing the Zero Trust model on organizations. Based on qualitative analysis of expert views, it finds that Zero Trust enhances an organization's security posture, despite requiring significant changes in user habits a

Digital Transformation in the Fast Fashion Industry: How do Consumers Perceive Phygital Retail?

The fashion industry has witnessed significant digital transformation, leading to the emergence of phygital retail that seamlessly integrates physical and digital experiences. This study explores the impact of phygital store design on customer-based brand equity in the fast fashion sector, focusing on the drivers and barriers that shape customer perceptions of phygital retail. By employing Cifci e

Svenska avfallsabonnemang - En studie om utformning av avfallsabonnemang och prissättning som incitament

Ny avfallslagstiftning tvingar kommunerna att se över sina avfallsabonnemang I dagsläget bestämmer varje kommun själv hur många källsorterade avfallsfraktioner de vill hämta upp hos hushållen samt huruvida matavfall ska sorteras ut separat eller slängas blandat med restavfall. Ny avfallslagstiftning från EU och regeringen tvingar kommunerna att se över sina avfallsabonnemang så att de lever upp tRecycling reduces the need for new raw materials and greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, the new waste legislation from the EU and the Swedish government imposes higher recycling requirements on Swedish municipalities. Starting from January 1, 2024, it will be mandatory for all EU member states to separately collect food waste through curbside collection. The Swedish government has also decided

Improving charging scheduling of public transport electric buses

Title: Improving charging scheduling of public transport electric buses Authors: Anna Hassler & Franz Bamberg Supervisor: Johan Marklund, Lund University Background: This thesis focuses on a Swedish BTO that operates EB fleets. For companies investing in electrification, record-high and volatile electricity prices, present challenges and creates a need to improve the charging scheduling of

Fritidsaktiviteters betydelse för äldres psykiska hälsa och livskvalitet - ur ett arbetsterapeutiskt perspektiv

Bakgrund: Äldres psykiska ohälsa är ett ökande folkhälsoproblem som inte lyfts i tillräcklig utsträckning med konsekvensen av en minskad livskvalitet. Trots behovet av insatser för att främja psykisk hälsa för äldre så genomförs insatser som främjar en meningsfull vardag som även inkluderar fritidsaktiviteter i låg utsträckning. Det finns tidigare forskning som tyder på att sådana insatser kan fräBackground: Mental health issues among older people is a growing public health challenge that is not sufficiently considered, with the consequence of a lower quality of life. Despite the need for more efforts to promote mental health among older people, there are few interventions that contribute to a meaningful life through leisure activities. Existing research indicates that such health-promotin

ChatGPT i Skolan

Denna studie baseras på en enkätundersökning om vad svenska gymnasielärare anser om AI-verktyg som ChatGPT. Det teoretiska ramverket baseras på Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). En majoritet av respondenterna ansåg att deras skola och Skolverket har gett otillräckligt stöd och vägledning för hur AI-verktyg ska användas. De upplevde också att andra lärare och skolornas led

Från delning till brottsling - Om hur gärningspersonens syfte bakom hanteringen av barnpornografi påverkar och bör påverka straffansvaret

Barnpornografibrottet har sedan dess tillkomst 1980 diskuterats och kritiserats flertalet gånger, bland annat för att vara för opreciserat och för långtgående i relation till yttrande- och informationsfriheten. 2022 uppstod diskussionen på nytt genom identifieringen av ett nytt brottsfenomen, unga sprider barnpornografiskt material till varandra utan sexuellt syfte. Fenomenet har varit föremål förThe criminalization of child pornography has been discussed and criticized since its incorporation for not being precise and for limiting fundamental rights. In 2022 the discussion arose again after the identification of a new crime phenomenon; young people sharing child pornography without a sexual purpose. The new phenomenon has been subject to trail in at least 3 decisions in district court. Th