

Din sökning på "*" gav 531363 sökträffar

En redogörelse för uppkomsten av etnonationell identitet ur världssystem teori. - varför och hur de assyeriska/syrianska etnonationella identiteterna skapas

Uppsatsen försöker ge en bild om assyrier/syrianers väg till en etnonationell identitet. Assyrier/syrianer är en kristen folkgrupp vars rötter är från Mellanöstern. Dock bor många av medlemmarna i Sverige och är koncentrerade till Södertälje. Efter bosättningen i Sverige räckte inte gruppens religiösa bakgrund för att etablera sig i landet. År av förtyck och diskriminering i ursprungsområdet resul

Revisorns inställning till "den nya revisionsberättelsen"

Sammanfattning Uppsatsens titel: Revisorns inställning till "den nya revisionsberättelsen" Seminariedatum: 5 juni 2015 Kurs: FEKH69, Kandidatuppsats, 15 poäng Författare: Andi Jojic, Edvina Latifi och Cornelia Merlöv Handledare: Alexander Paulsson Nyckelord: Förväntningsgap, “den nya revisionsberättelsen”, ISA 701, normer, tystnadsplikt, oberoende, självständighet, professionalitet, reAbstract Title: Auditors mindeset towards “the new audit report" Seminar date: June 5th, 2015 Course: FEKH69, Bachelor thesis, 15 points Authors: Andi Jojic, Edvina Latifi och Cornelia Merlöv Advisor: Alexander Paulsson Key words: Expectation gap, “the new auditor report”, ISA 701, norms, confidentiality, independence and autonomy, professionality, auditor profession, self-regulation. Purp


This project is inspired by a modern family constellation - the patchwork family. Now days a family not necessary consists of a mum and a dad and their biological children. A family can be a constellation of several families with children from earlier relations, siblings with different parents and step-children. A common situation in the patchwork family is that the number of family members varies

I takt med den globala kulturen? En djupare förståelse kring individers utförande av salsadans

Salsadans är ett komplext fenomen påverkat av en mängd olika faktorer. Dansen har existerat i mer än femtio år men tilltalar fortfarande olika typer av människor, blandade åldrar, yrken, religioner, samhällsklasser, etniciteter och stilar. Dagens moderna människa har fått nya behov av att hitta mening genom sina yrken och i aktiviteter, hon har blivit mer rörlig då världen tycks ha krympt. Salsan

Meaning constitution among Swedish nurses on the subject of psychological contract breach

This study examines the effects of psychological contract breach among Swedish nurses in the public healthcare sector. To gather insight on how nurses themselves experience that they are affected by psychological contract breach, this study takes a phenomenological approach with emphasis on meaning constitution. The sample includes a total of N=12 professional nurses from five different organizati

The relationship between Affirmative Action and Equality in the International Human Rights system: A compatibility test

Affirmative action, a notion characterized by both potential as well as predicament, is one of the most controversial concepts of equality law. This thesis examines the legal standpoint of affirmative action, its nature as well as its requirements and limitations within the international human rights sphere. The analysis reveals affirmative action as a variable obligation of States to combat discr

Kartläggning av besöksgruppen hos den psykosociala personalen på ungdomsmottagningen i Region Skåne - Ungdomars självskattade psykiska hälsa utifrån levnadsvillkor och sociodemografiska faktorer

Den psykiska ohälsan bland ungdomar har ökat de senaste decennierna. Ungdomsmottagningen är en viktig instans i främjandet av ungdomars psykiska hälsa samt i förebyggandet av psykisk ohälsa. Det är därmed väsentligt att den psykosociala verksamheten på ungdomsmottagningen anpassas till besöksgruppen samt dess behov av stöd. Syftet med studien var att kartlägga besöksgruppen hos den psykosociala peMental ill-health among adolescents has increased over the past decades. The youth clinic is an important instance in promoting mental health and preventing mental ill-health. Hence, it is important to adjust the psychosocial work to the visit group and its needs of support. The purpose of this study was to chart the visit group at the psychosocial staff at the youth clinic in Region Skåne. This w

Radiella lösningar till en klass av semilineära elliptiska ekvationer

Detta arbete handlar om en viss typ av differentialekvationer, så kallade Shrödingerekvationer, som bl.a. har tillämpningar inom kvantmekanik. Genom att studera lösningarna (vågfunktionerna) till sådana ekvationer kan man erhålla information om olika atomära tillstånd. Lite förenklat kan man säga att lösningarna beskriver olika rörelsemönster för elektronerna runt en atomkärna. I det här arbetet sIn this thesis we consider the boundary value problem (*) u''+((n-1)/r)u'+f(u)=0,(r > 0, n > 1), u'(0)=0, lim(r->infinity)u(r)=0, where f satisfies a number of appropriate conditions. Under these assumptions, a theorem states that for every nonnegative integer m, (*) has a solution u(r) with exactly m zeros in (0,infinity). A proof, using a scaling argument and a shooting method is

From the perspective of the internal auditor: Does the control environment influence the possibility of internal auditors to detect fraud?

Title: The Control Environment and Internal Auditor - Does the control environment influence the possibility of internal auditors to detect fraud Seminar date: 2015-06-04 Course: BUSN69 Degree Project - Accounting & Auditing Authors: Ha Vu & Silvia Segura Advisors: Karin Jonnergård & Peter W. Jönsson Five key words: Internal Auditor, COSO, Control Environment, Fraud detection, Fraud M

Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth: Evidence from GEM Data

There is a widespread perception among scholars and policymakers that a link exists between entrepreneurship and GDP growth. Based on data from 33 OECD countries between 2001 and 2011, this essay aims to empirically investigate the impact of entrepreneurship on economic growth. More specifically, this essay seeks to analyze how entrepreneurship contributes to different types of economic growth. In

Does foreign direct investment promote human development?

This thesis examines whether foreign direct investment (FDI) has a positive impact on the overall welfare in the host country in the region of Sub- Saharan Africa. As a measurement for welfare the human development index (HDI) is used. In addition the thesis examines whether FDI in resource rich countries have a different impact on a country’s human development. The empirical study is based on pan

Health, Income and Local Comparisons: a Study of the Relative Income Hypothesis in South Africa

This study investigates the relationship between income and health of individuals in South Africa. In particular it tests whether the relative, rather than just the absolute, income of the individual plays a significant part in determining health outcomes. The absolute income hypothesis (AIH) is tested and, in line with previous related research, found significant, so that individuals with higher

Two-factor Authentication in Smartphones: Implementations and Attacks

Two-factor authentication is the method of combining two so called authentication factors in order to enhance the security of user authentication. An authentication factor is defined as ”Something the user knows, has or is”. Something the user knows is often the traditional username and password, something the user has is something that the user is in physical possession of and something the user

Mobile Banking and Women Empowerment - A field study in Kenya

This study investigates how the usage of a Kenyan mobile banking service called M-pesa affects women empowerment and if different forms of usage have a significant effect. This is done through the distribution of a questionnaire in Nairobi, Kenya. Through both a OLS and a 2SLS model the answers about a person’s usage of M-pesa is then run against a constructed a women empowerment index and against

Mitträffling på tvåfältsvägar - En kvalitativ undersökning om branschens åsikter och metoder

In order to increase the traffic safety on two-lane roads the Swedish Road Administration introduced new milled rumble strips in the middle of the lane. These rumble strips are a way to attract drivers attention if they are about to unintentionally leave the lane. The milled rumble strips cause both internal and external noise and vibration internally in the vehicle. The Swedish Road Administratio

Business Engagement in the Vocational Education and Training System in Georgia

Youth unemployment in Georgia is severe. In order to bring young people closer to the labour market, the strategy of building vocational education and training (VET) system is actively pursued. However, business engagement in this process is low, impeding the system to provide the skills and knowledge tailored to labour market needs. The purpose of the thesis is to find out the reasons behind the

GNSS precision vid kinematisk mätning - och möjliga användningsområden för maskinstyrd vinterväghållning.

This thesis evaluates the potential for machine guidance in winter road maintenance. The proposed benefits would be a reduction in material- or time needs. It should also reduce accidents with benefits for both property damages and personal injuries. The work methods and organisational structure of winter road maintenance is described through literature studies and interviews. The interviews are d

”Har vi med allt nu?” – En kvalitativ studie om hur strategiskt miljö- och klimatarbete integreras på kommunal nivå.

Hanna Matschke Ekholm ”Har vi med allt nu?” – En kvalitativ studie om hur strategiskt miljö- och klimatarbete integreras på kommunal nivå. En stor del av koldioxidutsläpp och miljöförstöring sker genom aktiviteter och beslut av individer och organisationer på lokal nivå. Sverige har ett starkt kommunalt självstyre och stora möjligheter att göra skillnad. Det strategiska miljö- och klimatarbetetThis study aims to illustrate the complexity when integrating environmental and climate strategic questions in local governments. The study gives an account for significant aspects when mainstreaming environment and climate consideration in municipality organizations, what obstacles there are and how it can be organized in order to be more successful. For this purpose a qualitative approach has be