

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

Insights from an intervention of a performance measurement system covering all change steps : The paradox of informed change leadership passivity

This intervention-based action research study describes the design, implementation, use and evaluation of an artefact, a performance measurement system (PMS), for change initiatives. The longitudinal (6-year) research study covers all three steps of planned change—change readiness, implementation, and institutionalisation. The PMS worked well, delivering valid and reliable measurements and informa

A strategic perspective on automated warehouse systems in retail : Insights from a multiple case study

PurposeAs the warehouse is increasingly viewed as a strategic component, retailers’ willingness to invest in automated warehouse systems (AWS) has increased. These investment decisions are influenced by well-known operational factors, but strategic factors, which have received limited attention in warehousing literature, also play a pivotal role. Addressing this gap, this study investigates how st

Maternal weight during pregnancy and risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia in offspring

In addition to biological factors, maternal exposures during pregnancy can contribute to leukemogenesis in offspring. We conducted a population-based cohort study in Sweden to investigate the association between risk of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in offspring and maternal anthropometrics during pregnancy. A total of 2,961,435 live-born singletons during 1983-2018 were followed from birth t

Konkurrerande kollektivavtal - särskilt om andrahandsavtalets ställning i svensk rätt och dess förenlighet med artikel 11 i Europakonventionen

I svensk rätt kan en arbetsgivare komma i en situation där arbetsgivaren är bunden av två kollektivavtal för samma arbete, vilket skapar konkurrens om vilket av avtalen som ska tillämpas. Denna situation uppstår vanligtvis när en arbetsgivare, redan bunden av ett kollektivavtal med en fackförening, ingår ett nytt kollektivavtal med annan organisation med samma tillämpningsområde. Termerna förstahaUnder Swedish law, an employer might be bound by two collective agreements with the same or overlapping scope of application, creating a situation of competition regarding which agreement should be applied. This situation usually arises when an employer, already bound by a collective agreement with a trade union, enters into a new collective agreement with another organisation with the same scope

Modelling the effects of land-use change and peatland restoration on nutrient exports in Northern Europe

Land use has a major influence on the nutrient balance in a region. Land use changes such as the restoration of peatlands can therefore have an impact on it. In this analysis, nutrient exports in the Baltic Sea basin and in some regions of the North Sea basin were estimated under different future scenarios including scenarios that promote land use changes such as peatland restoration through CO2 p

Enhancing Knock Detection and Combustion Diagnostics : A Machine Learning Approach with Ion Current Sensors

Achieving robust and efficient control of internal combustion engines is critical for meeting stringent environmental regulations and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Natural gas engines, in particular, offer significant potential for cleaner energy but present unique challenges due to variations in fuel composition and combustion dynamics.This thesis investigates novel methods for improving com

A genome-scale metabolic reconstruction provides insight into the metabolism of the thermophilic bacterium Rhodothermus marinus

The thermophilic bacterium Rhodothermus marinus has mainly been studied for its thermostable enzymes. More recently, the potential of using the species as a cell factory and in biorefinery platforms has been explored, due to the elevated growth temperature, native production of compounds such as carotenoids and exopolysaccharides, the ability to grow on a wide range of carbon sources including pol

Different sustainability endgames : Institutional logics in the performance management of local governments

Many local governments have embraced sustainability as an overarching performance goal, and they increasingly generate performance information to track, govern and communicate their progress in sustainable development. Local governments face multiple overlapping and sometimes conflicting institutional logics, but very little research has examined how these logics influence performance management.

Sankt Görans Koloni

Projektet Sankt Görans Koloni är en undersökning av hur odling och gröna mötesplatser kan användas för att ena en splittrad stad. Projektet är en odlingsförening, park och kulturcentrum i centrala Landskrona.

Instrumentation of multilevel systems with transducers to characterize hydrogeological conditions at a PCE and TCE contaminated site in Helsingborg, Sweden

Detaljerade data är avgörande vid karaktärisering av komplexa förorenade områden. I denna studie utrustar vi ett antal G360-brunnssystem med Star-Oddi milli-TD-tryckgivare i ett mestadels PCE (tetrakloretylen)- och TCE (trikloretylen)-förorenat bostadsområde i Helsingborg. Trots att dessa tryckgivare vanligtvis används inom marina undersökningar gör deras kostnad samt kompakta storlek dem av intreHigh-detailed data are key when characterizing complex contaminated sites. In this study we instrument Star-Oddi milli-TD pressure transducers in G360 multilevel groundwater monitoring systems within a mainly PCE (tetrachloroethylene) and TCE (trichloroethylene) contaminated residential area in Helsingborg, Sweden. Despite these transducers being typically utilized in marine research, their afford

The Dialectical Construction of a Notion of Truth in Some 13th-Century Masters of Arts

Aristotle puts forward claims about truth in a number of places of his phil-osophical output, in works of logical, psychologico-epistemological andmetaphysical character. In these works, truth seems to be susceptible of at-tribution to thoughts, language, and things, but the modalities of these attri-butions remain unclear, as it is unclear whether these attributions are relatedto each other, and

Integrating molecular photoswitch memory with nanoscale optoelectronics for neuromorphic computing

Photonic solutions are potentially highly competitive for energy-efficient neuromorphic computing. However, a combination of specialized nanostructures is needed to implement all neuro-biological functionality. Here, we show that donor-acceptor Stenhouse adduct dyes integrated with III-V semiconductor nano-optoelectronics have combined excellent functionality for bio-inspired neural networks. The

Hidden Photoexcitations Probed by Multipulse Photoluminescence

Time-resolved photoluminescence is a validated method for tracking the photoexcited carrier dynamics in luminescent materials. This technique probes the photoluminescence decays upon a periodic excitation by short laser pulses. Herein, we show that this approach cannot directly detect hidden photoexcitations with much slower dynamics than the photoluminescence decay. We demonstrate a new method ba

The Geometry and Dynamics of Meaning

An enigma for human languages is that children learn to understand words in their mother tongue extremely fast. The cognitive sciences have not been able to fully understand the mechanisms behind this highly efficient learning process. In order to provide at least a partial answer to this problem, I have developed a cognitive model of the semantics of natural language in terms of conceptual spaces

Intra- and Postoperative Complications in 4565 vNOTES Hysterectomies : International Registry Cohort Study

Objective: To present the rates of intra- and postoperative complications and conversions in a large cohort of unselected vNOTES hysterectomies, performed by surgeons with different levels of expertise. Design: International register-based cohort study. Setting: Hysterectomies in the iNOTESs registry, 2015 to January 2024, performed by 201 surgeons from multiple countries. Population: 4565 patient

Co-designing carbon label interventions in restaurants : insights from a field experiment in a tourism destination

Food consumption accounts for a third of global greenhouse gas emissions in developed countries, with the hospitality industry, including restaurants, playing a significant role. While behavioural interventions show promise in promoting climate-friendly food choices, their implementation in hospitality operations poses significant challenges. This study integrates the operational perspectives of m

Cultural Norms and Neighborhood Exposure Impacts on the Gender Gap in Math

This work investigates the interaction between cultural norms and neighborhood characteristics, in the context of the gender gap in math. Using high-quality Swedish administrative data, I estimate the effect of mothers’ country-of-origin gender norms on the gender gap in math among second-generation immigrant siblings and exploit a refugee placement policy to obtain random variation in regional ch

Spatiotemporal distribution of neural crest cells in the common wall lizard Podarcis muralis

Background: Neural crest cells (NCCs) are migratory embryonic stem cells that give rise to a diverse set of cell types. Here we describe the dynamic distribution of NCCs in developing embryos of the common wall lizard Podarcis muralis inferred from 10 markers. Our aim is to provide insights into the NCC development of lacertid lizards and to infer evolutionary modifications by comparisons to other

Improving neural network efficiency with multifidelity and dimensionality reduction techniques

Design problems in aerospace engineering often require numerous evaluations of expensive-to-evaluate high-fidelity models, resulting in prohibitive computational costs. One way to address the computational cost is through building surrogates, such as deep neural networks (DNNs). However, DNNs may only be an effective surrogate when sufficient evaluations of the high-fidelity model are required suc