Din sökning på "*" gav 532143 sökträffar
Consequences of gaining olfactory function after lifelong anosmia
We present a rare case in which a patient has gained her smell after lifelong anosmia. The patient was objectively tested and diagnosed with functional anosmia at age 13 and reported they were experiencing a new sensation of smell at age 22. Our results show an electrophysiological signal for two unimodal odorants. The patient had a retronasal score in the hyposmic range and self-reported the abil
The diagnostic value of dopamine transporter imaging and olfactory testing in patients with parkinsonian syndromes
The aim of the study was to compare the efficacy of olfactory testing and presynaptic dopamine imaging in diagnosing Parkinson's disease (PD) and atypical parkinsonian syndromes (APS); to evaluate if the combination of these two diagnostic tools can improve their diagnostic value. A prospective investigation of 24 PD patients, 16 APS patients and 15 patients with non-parkinsonian syndromes was per
Scientific Language Use and Sensemaking in Concept Maps : Interaction Between Concept Systems, Scientific Concepts and Everyday Concepts
The interaction between student language use and sensemaking is an area in science learning that needs further elucidation in order to meet government standards in science education. In this study, concept mapping was used to elucidate the relationship between scientific language use and sensemaking defined as the interaction between the scientific concept system and everyday concepts in order to
Dendrokronologisk analys av en fiskarstuga på Grisslans fiskeläger sydost om Örnsköldsvik, Ångermanland
Dendrokronologisk analys av vrakfynd från 1930-talet vid Gullholmen utanför Orust, Bohuslän
Dendrokronologisk analys av norra flygeln på Bisslinge gård, Sollentuna
Dendrokronologisk analys av huvudbyggnaden Vita Holmen på Löwenströmska sjukhuset, Upplands Väsby
Innovators in urology
Guided by the Fool at the Desk : Generic Practices In Late-Night Comedy Talk Shows
Simulating optical depth for participating media using ray tracing
Influencing consumer behavioural intentions: Reducing household water consumption
Although the topic of sustainability communication has been extensively studied since the 1970s, there remain gaps and contradictions, e.g. the effectiveness of communication strategies for influencing individual pro-environmental behaviour change. This study continues this discussion: the purpose was to identify what communication interventions are most effective for changing individual intention
Second-hand clothing markets and a just circular economy? Exploring the role of business forms and profit
Second-hand consumption of clothing can support the transition to circular economies by prolonging the lifespan of products through reuse. Historically, not-for-profit businesses have been dominant actors in second-hand markets across Western Europe and North America. However, with the growing interest in second-hand consumption, for-profit firms have increasingly entered this market over the last
Systemic sclerosis
Systemic sclerosis, also known as scleroderma, is a rare and complex autoimmune connective-tissue disease. Once considered an untreatable and unpredictable condition, research advancements have improved our understanding of its disease pathogenesis and clinical phenotypes and expanded our treatment armamentarium. Early and accurate diagnosis is essential, while ongoing efforts to risk stratify pat
Food systems transformation is critical for meeting our climate goals, and for ensuring individual health and food security by boosting resilience to external shocks. We face the challenge of producing enough nutritious food for our growing global population, whilst reducing our environmental impact at a time of increased competition and scarcity of resources. Protein diversification can play an i
The role of male coloration in the outcome of staged contests in the European common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis)
Saskia Sassen: Globalisering och fördrivning
Målkonflikter och planeringsproblem : Några perspektiv från elområdet
Den klimatdrivna energiomställningen kommer att ställa omfattande krav på elsystemet. Ny förnybar produktionskapacitet och ny överföringskapacitet måste byggas i ett mycket snabbt tempo. Detta kommer att skapa utmaningar av två olika slag: i) att planera och bygga sådan kapacitet tar lång tid där det kan ta 10 år från idé till utbyggnad, ii) skalan i utbyggnaden kommer innebära ökad risk för konfl
A review of data-driven approaches to predict train delays
Accurate train delay prediction is vital for effective railway traffic planning and management as well as for providing satisfactory passenger service quality. Despite significant advances in data-driven train delay predictions, it lacks of a systematic review of studies and unified modelling development framework. The paper reviews existing studies with an explicit focus on synthesizing a structu
”Det handlar om överlevnad, kärlek och omsorg” – När ARFID tar över livet. En tematisk analys om föräldrars upplevelser av att leva med barn med ARFID
Syftet med studien var att undersöka föräldrars upplevelser av att leva med ett barn med undvikande/restriktiv ätstörning (ARFID). Utgångspunkten var föräldrarnas vardag samt vad som var viktigt för dem i relation till barnens ätstörning. Data samlades in genom att genomföra semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex föräldrar. Deras barn hade en pågående behandlingskontakt på en barn- och ungdomsmediciThe aim of this study was to explore the experiences of parents living with a child with an avoidant/restrictive eating disorder (ARFID). Experiences of the parents’ everyday life, and what was important to them in relation to their child's eating disorder, were explored. The study's epistemological position was critical realistic, and data was collected by conducting semi-structured inter