

Din sökning på "*" gav 531139 sökträffar

Measurements of top-quark pair single- and double-differential cross-sections in the all-hadronic channel in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV using the ATLAS detector

Differential cross-sections are measured for top-quark pair production in the all-hadronic decay mode, using proton-proton collision events collected by the ATLAS experiment in which all six decay jets are separately resolved. Absolute and normalised single- and double-differential cross-sections are measured at particle and parton level as a function of various kinematic variables. Emphasis is pl

Frequency and Correlation of Common Genes Copy Number Alterations in Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia with Prognosis

OBJECTIVE: It was shown by genomic profiling that despite no detectable chromosomal abnormalities a proportion of children with pre-B acute lymphoblastic leukemia harbors copy number alterations (CNA) of genes playing role in B-cell development and function. The aim of the study was to determine the frequency of CNA in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia and correlate these findings with clinic

ST14A cells have properties of a medium-size spiny neuron

The ST14A cell line was previously derived from embryonic day 14 rat striatal primordia by retroviral transduction of the temperature-sensitive SV40 large T antigen. We showed that cell division and expression of nestin persists at 33°C, the permissive temperature, whereas cell division ceases, nestin expression decreases, and MAP2 expression increases at the nonpermissive temperature of 39°C. In

Under the Sky We Make : How to Be Human in a Warming World

It's warming. It's us. We're sure. It's bad. But we can fix it.After speaking to the international public for close to fifteen years about sustainability, climate scientist Dr. Nicholas realized that concerned people were getting the wrong message about the climate crisis. Yes, companies and governments are hugely responsible for the mess we're in. But individuals CAN effect real, significant, and

A comparison of MyPKFiT and WAPPS-Hemo as dosing tools for optimizing prophylaxis in patients with severe haemophilia A treated with Octocog alfa

Introduction: MyPKFiT and the Web-Accessible Population Pharmacokinetic service—Hemophilia (WAPPS-Hemo) are web-based population-based applications developed for helping physicians individualize and optimize replacement therapy. Although MyPKFiT is intended for Octocog alfa and Rurioctocog alfa pegol use only, the WAPPS-Hemo is applicable to all factor VIII concentrates. Aim: To compare MyPKFiT an

Recombinant FVIIa in elective non-orthopaedic surgery of adults with haemophilia and inhibitors : A systematic literature review

Aim: To assess available evidence on the use of rFVIIa in non-orthopaedic surgery including dental surgery in adult patients with congenital haemophilia with inhibitors (PWHI). Methods: A systematic literature search was performed according to a prespecified search string; prespecified criteria were used to select applicable studies including PWHI ≥18 years of age who underwent any non-orthopaedic

Prosecution Reform and the Politics of Faking Democracy in South Korea

A public struggle in South Korea around prosecution reform brings into focus a deeper battle between forces seeking to make the state more responsive to ordinary people and those aiming to preserve the status quo. Opponents of prosecution reform turned to a mode of politics that appropriated the styles and symbols of democracy to justify the obstruction of reforms that would break down a key autho

Boronic Acid Functionalized Nanosilica for Binding Guest Molecules

Dendritic fibrous nanosilica (DFNS) has very high surface area and well-defined nanochannels; therefore, it is very useful as supporting material for numerous applications including catalysis, sensing, and bioseparation. Due to the highly restricted space, addition of molecular ligands to DFNS is very challenging. This work studies how ligand conjugation in nanoscale pores in DFNS can be achieved

Blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus males increase their reproductive effort when subject to a flea experimental manipulation

Parasites exert a strong selection pressure on their hosts as manifested in behavioural antiparasite traits to reduce negative impacts on fitness. The numerous nest-dwelling ecto-parasites residing in avian nests make altricial birds excellent model-systems for investigating the relationship between parasites and their hosts. Here, we experimentally increased natural levels of hen fleas Ceratophyl

The perils of authentic leadership theory

In this commentary, we discuss perils of authentic leadership theory (ALT) in a modest effort to help weed out one theory that has gone amiss to pave the way for new ideas. We make an argument for why ALT is not only wrong in a harmless manner, but it may be outright perilous to leadership scholars, scholarship and those who believe in it. It may undermine academic work, delegitimize university in

Projection Bias and Youth’s and Parents’ Perceptions of Their Joint Political Discussions

This study investigated the idea that youth’s perceptions of the frequency of family political discussions and of parental political support mostly derive from their own political interest, a form of projection bias. Tests were performed of whether the same bias applies to parents, and whether youth’s and parents’ perceptions of political discussions and political support overlap to only a limited

A combined measurement and modelling approach to assess the sustainability of whole-tree harvesting—a swedish case study

The demand of renewable energy has increased the interest in whole-tree harvesting. The sustainability of whole-tree harvesting after clear-cutting, from an acidification point of view, depends on two factors: the present acidification status and the further loss of buffering capacity at harvesting. The aims of this study were to investigate the relationship between these two factors at 26 sites a

Asymmetric contributions of seed and pollen to gene dispersal in the marsh orchid Dactylorhiza umbrosa in Asia Minor

Orchids differ from other plants in their extremely small and partly air-filled seeds that can be transported long distances by wind. Seed dispersal in orchids is expected to contribute strongly to overall gene flow, and orchids generally express low levels of genetic differentiation between populations and low pollen to seed flow ratios. However, studies in orchids distributed in northern Europe

Hayek, welfarism, and the deserving poor

Hayek sees poverty in its absolute sense as a factual problem, which the society has an obligation to deal with. Relative poverty, on the other hand, is not a problem with which the state should be concerned. Hayek approves the use of redistribution to decrease absolute poverty. However, redistribution of income for the sake of greater material equality would necessarily imply unequal treatment of