Din sökning på "*" gav 529364 sökträffar
Fragmented grasslands on the Baltic island of Öland : Plant community composition and land-use history
The relationships between properties of present landscapes and species diversity within fragmented grasslands have been the subject of many studies. However the potential roles of grassland history and past landscape structure as determinants of diversity have not been widely studied. We therefore focus on these roles with an overview of patterns of variation in plant community composition in gras
Genetic Determination of Isozyme Variation in the Bladder Campions, Silene uniflora and S. vulgaris
The genetic control of variation at the Pgi‐2, Pgm‐1, Pgm‐2, and Tpi‐1 loci was investigated for the gynodioecious bladder campions, Silene uniflora and S. vulgaris. The main objective of the study was to determine whether alleles 1 and 2 at Pgi‐2, which have closely similar electrophoretic mobilities, were genuine Mendelian alleles. The results from a series of crossing experiments were consisten
The sex ration in a dioecious endemic plant, Silene diclinis
Silene diclinis is a rare Spanish relative of the well-studied dioecious S. dioica and S. latifolia (=S. alba, S. pratensis). The main wild population and its cultivated derivatives showed female biased sex ratios. The ratios did not differ significantly between subpopulations or between the wild and cultivated samples, but they did deviate significantly from the expectation of a 1:1 male to femal
Design and operation of integrated monitoring systems for offshore wind turbines. : DEWEK 2008 - 9th German wind energy conference.
A study in endemism : Silene diclinis
Silene diclinis (Lag.) M. Laínz is a dioecious endemic with a highly restricted distribution in south-eastern Spain. The sparse literature on the plant is summarised before referring to the results of a study of S. diclinis in the wild. A new description of the species is presented and its taxonomic affinities discussed. Details of the flowering time of S. diclinis, possible pollinators and its po
Gene flow and introgression from domesticated plants into their wild relatives
Domesticated plant taxa cannot be regarded as evolutionarily discrete from their wild relatives. Most domesticated plant taxa mate with wild relatives somewhere in the world, and gene flow from crop taxa may have a substantial impact on the evolution of wild populations. In a literature review of the world's 13 most important food crops, we show that 12 of these crops hybridize with wild relatives
Fixing problems in fisheries-integrating ITQs, CBM and MPAs in management
We aim to show how some of the important interdisciplinary fixes or solutions to diverse problems observed in fisheries can complement each other. This can be achieved through methodical allocation of the rights pertaining to fisheries and simultaneous implementation of policy instruments to correct for market failures and equity concerns. We emphasize via a roadmap that there are some general pri
Test automation with grad-CAM Heatmaps - A future pipe segment in MLOps for Vision AI?
Machine Learning (ML) is a fundamental part of modern perception systems. In the last decade, the performance of computer vision using trained deep neural networks has outperformed previous approaches based on careful feature engineering. However, the opaqueness of large ML models is a substantial impediment for critical applications such as in the automotive context. As a remedy, Gradient-weighte
3D X-Ray Diffraction Characterization of Grain Growth and Recrystallization in Rolled Braze Clad Aluminum Sheet
Braze clad on aluminum (Al) sheets has enabled fast and convenient brazing assembly of complex heat exchangers. However, there are details in the brazing process that are not fully understood. Herein, 3D X-ray diffraction (3DXRD) is used to investigate the grain position, size, and orientation before and after controlled atmosphere brazing (CAB). The outcomes are presented as maps of center-of-mas
Automated left atrial time-resolved segmentation in MRI long-axis cine images using active contours
Background: Segmentation of the left atrium (LA) is required to evaluate atrial size and function, which are important imaging biomarkers for a wide range of cardiovascular conditions, such as atrial fibrillation, stroke, and diastolic dysfunction. LA segmentations are currently being performed manually, which is time-consuming and observer-dependent. Methods: This study presents an automated imag
Demonstration: A cloud-control system equipped with intrusion detection and mitigation
The cloud control systems (CCs) are inseparable parts of industry 4.0. The cloud, by providing storage and computing resources, allows the controllers to evaluate complex problems that are too computationally demanding to perform locally. However, connecting physical systems to the cloud through the network can provide an entry point for attackers to infiltrate the system and cause damage with pot
Slutrapportering av samordning av universitetets hantering av forskningsdata
Detta är slutrapportering av rektorsuppdraget Samordning av universitetets hantering av forskningsdata, Dnr STYR 2019/295. Rapporten beskriver forskningsdataområdets disruptiva natur och dess relation till e-infrastrukturområdet, hur ett samordningsuppdrag formaliserades och med tiden formerades, vilka underprojekt som initierats och delområden som bevakats, föreslår en färdplan inför nästa steg i
Selection of the optimal candidate to mitraclip for secondary mitral regurgitation : Beyond mitral valve morphology
Secondary mitral regurgitation (MR) occurs despite structurally normal valve apparatus due to an underlying disease of the myocardium leading to disruption of the balance between tethering and closing forces with ensuing failure of leaflet coaptation. In patients with heart failure (HF) and left ventricular dysfunction, secondary MR is independently associated with poor outcome, yet prognostic ben
Exploring technology design among mobile entrepreneurs in Kampala : An open space workshop
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are located at the center of international development and considered vital for the progress of the current sustainable development goals. ICTs are embedded in cultural structures and social norms, which provide both possibilities and challenges to the people working with technologies such as mobile phones. Drawing upon theories and methodologies o
Evaluating for a transition - Advancing evaluation of research and policy for a more sustainable energy system and society
In response to global sustainability challenges, there are multiple public research andpolicy incentives being implemented to support a more sustainable energy system. These are aimed at advancing technology and innovation as well as guiding citizens tochange behaviour. But are those incentives accurately leading to a transition towards amore sustainable energy system and society?Evaluation of the
Germline variants at SOHLH2 influence multiple myeloma risk
Multiple myeloma (MM) is caused by the uncontrolled, clonal expansion of plasma cells. While there is epidemiological evidence for inherited susceptibility, the molecular basis remains incompletely understood. We report a genome-wide association study totalling 5,320 cases and 422,289 controls from four Nordic populations, and find a novel MM risk variant at SOHLH2 at 13q13.3 (risk allele frequenc
The Influence of Redundant Structural System Characteristics on the Value of SHM Information
This paper addresses the influence of deteriorating structural system characteristics on the value of structural health monitoring (SHM) before its implementation. The value of SHM is calculated within a recently developed framework utilizing the Bayesian pre-posterior decision analysis modelling the structural system performance, the integrity management, the structural risks and the SHM informat
Formation of supermassive black holes in galactic nuclei – I. Delivering seed intermediate-mass black holes in massive stellar clusters
Supermassive black holes (SMBHs) are found in most galactic nuclei. A significant fraction of these nuclei also contains a nuclear stellar cluster (NSC) surrounding the SMBH. In this paper, we consider the idea that the NSC forms first, from the merger of several stellar clusters that may contain intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs). These IMBHs can subsequently grow in the NSC and form an SMBH.