

Din sökning på "*" gav 536023 sökträffar

’Das deutsche Schwert’. New York, januari 1940

Artikeln ställer frågan vad det betyder när den från Tredje riket flydde, österrikisk-judiske basen Emanuel List på Metropolitan i New York i början av Andra världskriget sjunger orden om ”Das deutsche Schwert” i Wagners ”Lohengrin” (med historiskt ursprung i Vormärz-stämningarna 1848), och jämför med när den nationalsocialistiske Josef von Manowarda sjunger detsamma vid Bayreuthfestspelen 1936. N

Fri rörlighet i Norden. Nordiska gränshinder i rättslig belysning.

Samhörigheten mellan de nordiska länderna är etablerad sedan länge och det är många som pendlar, flyttar eller gör affärer över gränserna i Norden. Det finns också ett omfattande politiskt och rättsligt samarbete. Trots detta uppstår det ibland juridiska svårigheter, ofta kallade gränshinder, för den som vill röra sig över de nordiska gränserna. Det kan exempelvis handla om problem i anslutning ti

CMOS circuit speed optimization based on switch level simulation

The authors present a tool for transistor sizing for the purpose of speed optimization. The tool, called SLOP (switch-level optimization), is based on a switch-level simulation program for CMOS circuits. Consequently, the results are always verified by simulation. It gives the delay-area curve and the final sizes of each transistor according to the maximum width limitation specified by the user. E

Democracy and Argument - Tracking Truth in Complex Social Decisions

A committee has to address a complex question, the answer to which requires answering several sub-questions. Two different voting procedures can be used. On one procedure, the committee members vote on each sub-question and the voting results then are used as premises for the committee’s conclusion on the main issue. This premise-based procedure (pbp) can be contrasted with the conclusion-based pr

Sweden : A Pioneer of Acidification Abatement

In Sweden, the combination of the country’s natural ecological vulnerability to acidification and its geographical location has been domestic focal points for the treatment of the ‘acid rain’ issue. Political interest in the acidification issue in Sweden emerged in the late 1960s, when the problems of long-range transport of sulphuric compounds and their harmful environmental effects were first hi

Specialized basic courses for engineering students - a necessity or a nuisance

Basic statistics courses for engineering students often focus on general applications in engineering, using course literature intended for ‘engineers’. However, these students are not a homogeneous group, and the differences among engineering programmes appear to be increasing. One way to meet the challenge of the diversity of needs within a discipline is to adapt the courses for different program

Studies on Laser Generated Vacuum Ultraviolet Radiation and Spectroscopic Investigations of Light Elements in Laser-Produced Plasmas

A system for generating and detecting laser-produced radiation in the wavelength region below 200 nm has been constructed. The generation techniques are mainly based on nonlinear frequency mixing processes in gaseous media. Other techniques for the production of vacuum ultraviolet radiation, for instance the use of a laser-produced plasma, are briefly discussed. Laser-produced plasmas have also be

Packing effects in palladium(II) and platinum(II) compounds, X-ray crystallography

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det finns ett starkt samband mellan en förenings struktur och dess egenskaper. En detaljerad tredimensionell bild av en förenings struktur på molekylnivå är därför grundläggande information för att förstå dess reaktivitet, stabilitet och fysikaliska egenskaper. Röntgenkristallografi är ett utmärkt redskap för att ta reda på ett ämnes struktur i en kristall. En kristallsThis thesis focuses on i) the effect of packing on the molecular geometry ii) packing arrangements of neutral Pd(II) and Pt(II) complexes iii) the trans influence in Pt(II) complexes iv) the differences in bonding in corresponding Pd(II) and Pt(II) complexes and v) the geometry of Pd(II) complexes with potential catalytic properties. Detailed three-dimensional structural information at the atomic