

Din sökning på "*" gav 531896 sökträffar

Hur har covid-19-pandemin påverkat svenska företagsinvesteringar och skiljer det sig från tidigare ekonomiska kriser?

This paper examines how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected Swedish corporate investments and if it differs from previous economic crises. By using data on total investments and investments made in digitalization and IT of Swedish businesses between 1986 and 2022, two time series regressions examine the impact of crises on investments. The results give support for both hypotheses implying that the

Var Rysslands invasion av Ukraina en av de huvudsakliga orsakerna till hastigt stigande bensinpriser i Sverige?

This paper examines the impact of selected variables, one of which is the start of Russia's invasion of Ukraine in early 2022, on Swedish gasoline prices during a 10-year period, January 2013 to January 2023. This paper presents an analysis that includes both macroeconomic and microeconomic theories. The results recognize an effect connected with the dummy variable representing Russia's in

Synen på svenskar - Den ekonomiska bördan av synnedsättning och blindhet i Sverige

Throughout history, people have always been faced by difficulties regarding their physical conditions. Vision of sight is no different and poor eyesight has certainly hindered a lot of people from achieving their goals in life. To this day, this still holds true and many people around the globe are affected by some sort of visual impairment. The purpose of this study is to describe and to determ

Causal Association Between Subtypes of Excessive Daytime Sleepiness and Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases

BACKGROUND: Excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS), experienced in 10% to 20% of the population, has been associated with cardiovascular disease and death. However, the condition is heterogeneous and is prevalent in individuals having short and long sleep duration. We sought to clarify the relationship between sleep duration subtypes of EDS with cardiovascular outcomes, accounting for these subtypes.

The Long-Term Mortality Effects Associated with Exposure to Particles and NOx in the Malmö Diet and Cancer Cohort

In this study, the long-term mortality effects associated with exposure to PM10 (particles with an aerodynamic diameter smaller than or equal to 10 µm), PM2.5 (particles with an aerodynamic diameter smaller than or equal to 2.5 µm), BC (black carbon), and NOx (nitrogen oxides) were analyzed in a cohort in southern Sweden during the period from 1991 to 2016. Participants (those residing in Malmö, S

A network architecture for scalable end-to-end management of reusable AI-based applications

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a key enabler for future 6G networks. Currently, related architecture works propose AI-based applications and network services that are dedicated to specific tasks (e.g., improving the performance of RAN with AI). These proposed architectures offer a unique way to collect data, process it, and extract features from data for each AI-based application. However, this d

The Dialectics of Disaster: Considerations on Hazards and Vulnerability in the Age of Climate Breakdown, with a Brief Case Study of Khuzestan

In a historical moment inundated by disasters, understanding and conceptualising thephenomenon is a matter of some importance. No framework for doing so has been more productive than that developed by Wisner and his colleagues. But their so-called ‘Progression of Vulnerability’ (pressure and release [PAR] model) framework was conceived before the onset of the climate crisis. And that crisis, as th

DSPE-PEG2000-methotrexate nanoparticles encapsulating phenobarbital sodium kill cancer cells by inducing pyroptosis

Cancer is a life-threatening disease worldwide. Nanomedicine and nanodelivery systems are recently developed scientific field that employs specific materials in the nanoscale range to deliver drugs. Lipid-based nanoparticles are an ideal delivery system since they exhibit many advantages, including high bioavailability, self-assembly, formulation simplicity, and the ability to exhibit a plethora o

Photon pumping, photodissociation and dissipation at interplay for the fluorescence of a molecule in a cavity

We introduce a model description of a diatomic molecule in an optical cavity, with pump and fluorescent fields, and electron and nuclear motion are treated on equal footing and exactly. The model accounts for several optical response temporal scenarios: A Mollow spectrum hindered by electron correlations, a competition of harmonic generation and molecular dissociation, a dependence of fluorescence

Superconductivity in monolayer and few-layer graphene. III. Impurity-induced subgap states and quasiparticle interference patterns

We consider the most energetically favorable symmetry-allowed spin-singlet and spin-triplet superconducting pairing symmetries in monolayer and few-layer graphene and for each calculate the energy spectrum in the presence of a scalar or magnetic impurity. We find that two doubly degenerate subgap states exist for scalar impurities for all types of pairing, except for the spin-singlet s-wave state.

Statligt huvudmannaskap löser inte alla problem

Det krävs en mer balanserad diskussion om ansvarsfördelningen mellan stat, regioner och kommuner som ser till för- och nackdelarna med varje alternativ, skriver Sveriges företrädare i Europarådets expertgrupp om den kommunala självstyrelsen, professor Anders Lidström och hovrättsrådet Tom Madell.

Study of scintillation properties and performance of CsI(Tl) detectors over time

This work presents a systematic study of the properties (Light Output Non-Uniformity (LONU) and energy resolution) of two CsI(Tl) scintillation units over a span of almost three years, under adverse conditions of humidity and temperature. These two crystals are part of the CALIFA detector, a highly segmented calorimeter and spectrometer for γ rays and light-charged particles, that is placed surrou

Economic Feasibility of PV Installations for Multifamily Houses in Moscow

While it is evident that photovoltaic installations are becoming more and more widespread globally, demand for them in the Russian market remains low. Considering recent changes in the legal framework, which are beneficial for households with renewable energy, it is crucial to evaluate photovoltaic installation's economic feasibility for the Russian context, which is evaluated in this article. Fir

Organisational, Reputational, and Visible Leaders: A Comparison of Three Approaches to Civil Society Elite Identification

This chapter compares three different types of elite identification methods—the positional method, the reputational method, and claims-making analysis. The aim is to address the implications of different methods of elite identification for our understanding of civil society elites and to reflect on the methodological challenges in the study of civil society elites. Hence, we focus on comparing bot

Validation of a culturally adapted Swedish-language version of the Death Literacy Index

The death literacy index (DLI) was developed in Australia to measure death literacy, a set of experience-based knowledge needed to understand and act on end-of-life (EOL) care options but has not yet been validated outside its original context. The aim of this study was to develop a culturally adapted Swedish-language version of the DLI, the DLI-S, and assess sources of evidence for its validity i

Quantification of growth and nutrient consumption of bacterial and fungal cultures in microfluidic microhabitat models

Understanding microbes in nature requires consideration of their microenvironment. Here, we present a protocol for quantifying biomass and nutrient degradation of bacterial and fungal cultures (Pseudomonas putida and Coprinopsis cinerea, respectively) in microfluidics. We describe steps for mask design and fabrication, master printing, polydimethylsiloxane chip fabrication, and chip inoculation an

Estimating Respiratory Modulation in Atrial Fibrillation Using a Convolutional Neural Network

The quantification of autonomic nervous system (ANS) activity from ECG data may provide useful information for personalizing atrial fibrillation (AF) treatment, but is currently not possible. Since respiration is known to elicit an ANS response, the purpose of this study was to assess whether the respiratory modulation in AV nodal refractory period and conduction delay during AF can be estimated f

Different metabolism of glutamatergic and GABAergic compartments in superfused hippocampal slices characterized by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

We investigated intermediary metabolism using 13C-glucose and 13C-acetate tracers followed by 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) isotopomer analysis in rat hippocampal slice preparations, the most widely used preparation for electrophysiological studies. Slices displayed a stable metabolic activity over a wide range of superfusion periods in the absence or presence of 50 μM 4-aminopyridine (4AP)

Missionary Enthusiasm and Human Rights Activism : A Study of the ReligioPolitical World of the Swedish Slavic Mission, c. 1965-1985

This paper explores how the Helsinki process altered practices within the Swedish Pentecostal community. In order to understand this process of change, we need to take two fundamental, and slightly contradictory, traits related to the East-West conflict found among this religious grouping into account. First, post-WWII Swedish Pentecostals were in general vehemently opposed to Communism and to the