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Principlös strategi

Per Ströms rapport Med storebror i uppfinnarverkstan från stiftelsen Den nya välfärden pekar på övervakningssamhället som ett hot mot demokratin och den enskildes integritet. Men integritetsidealet kanske bör se helt annorlunda ut än vad Ström anser. Det skriver Mikael Sundström, universitetslektor i statsvetenskap vid Lunds universitet.

Mobile Activism and Contentious Politics in Contemporary China

Digital telecommunication technology has expanded the mobile phone’s role for being increasingly used as a weapon against authoritarian regimes around the world in recent years. The proliferation of mobile phones in China also nurtures growing mobile-phone–facilitated popular protests, with the increasing use of mobile media as a key resource for not just proliferating censored information, but al

Att agera kritisk vän i ett arbetslag : jakten på den didaktiska dimensionen

In this presentation, I discuss critical friend sessions (see Handal 1999), performed during autumn 2014 and spring 2015, and focusing on lecturers educating the same group of teacher students. The aim was to investigate whether or not one could find traces of didactics in their teaching, since a didactic dimension is necessary when educating students at a teacher education program. The lecturers