Perspektiv på skandinavisk humor. Utgåva med utgångspunkt i konferensen Nordic Humour in World 24-27 Aug 2022 vid Centre for Scandinavian Studies, Lund University.
Perspektiv på skandinavisk humor. Utgåva med utgångspunkt i konferensen Nordic Humour in World 24-27 Aug 2022 vid Centre for Scandinavian Studies, Lund University.
Despite that climate hazards are increasingly felt across the globe, there is widespread and often subtle resistance to climate adaptation interventions. However, adaptation research and practice have largely focused on overcoming barriers to implementation. By presuming adaptation programs are welcome, they miss that many people oppose or refuse to participate in them, and the politics hidden beh
This chapter questions the rallying cry that ‘waste is a resource’ through the lens of François Jullien’s critique of efficacy. Focusing on the waste hierarchy, the lean movement, and the circular economy, it shows that viewing waste as a resource privileges a heroic mode of action based on ideals, means and ends, and intended outcomes. Contrasting ancient Greek and Chinese philosophies, Jullien c
Biocompatible, tough, and photoluminescent hydrogels are highly desirable for biomedical applications in vivo. Herein, hybrid hydrogels prepared from silk fibroin (SF) and polyacrylic acid (PAA) and complexed with europium, named as SF-PAA-Eu3+ hydrogels, exhibit good comprehensive properties. Owing to the intensive molecular interactions among SF, PAA, and Eu3+, SF-PAA-Eu3+ hydrogels show a great
The automation of map labeling is an ongoing research challenge. Currently, the map labeling algorithms are based on rules defined by experts for optimizing the placement of the text labels on maps. In this paper, we investigate the feasibility of using well-labeled map samples as a source of knowledge for automating the labeling process. The basic idea is to train deep learning models, specifical
The use of ETEM in oxidation studies of carbon nanostructures such as CB has revealed new, and confirmed previously suggested, oxidation mechanisms. However, the influence of the electron beam on the dynamic oxidation processes must be well understood in order to connect the results to the real world. To date, there are few studies reporting any quantification of the effect1,2. To better understan
This paper suggests that dystopian fiction should receive more attention within the environmental advocacy space. Despite the genre’s ability to provoke the reader, it is rarely interpreted in an environmental context. This paper aims to fill this research gap through an ecocritical analysis of two of the most famous dystopian novels: George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-four and Aldous Huxley’s Brave
Lung-resident mesenchymal stem cells (LR-MSC) are thought to participate in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) by differentiating into myofibroblasts. On the other hand, LR-MSC in IPF patients present senescence-related features. It is unclear how they respond to a profibrotic environment. Here, we investigated the profibrotic response of LR-MSC isolated from IPF and control (CON) patients. LR-MS
BACKGROUND: It is well-known that infectious complications after central venous catheterisation are associated with increased mortality, length of hospital stay and costs. However, there are limited data regarding such associations for immediate insertion-related complications. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate whether major immediate insertion-related complications are associate
Phosphate plays a crucial role in biology because of the stability of the phosphate ester bond. To overcome this inherent stability, enzymes that catalyze phosphoryl transfer reactions achieve enormous rate accelerations to operate on biologically relevant time scales, and the mechanisms that underpin catalysis have been the subject of extensive debate. In an archetypal system, β-phosphoglucomutas
The formation of platoons, where groups of vehicles follow each other at close distances, has the potential to increase road capacity. In this paper, a decentralized control approach is presented that extends the well-known constant headway vehicle following approach to the two-dimensional case, i.e., lateral control is included in addition to the longitudinal control. The presented control scheme
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Systolic blood pressure (SBP) drops recorded by 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure (BP) monitoring (ABPM) identify patients with susceptibility to reflex syncope and orthostatic intolerance. We tested the hypothesis that treatments aimed to increase BP (reassurance, education & life-style measures plus pharmacological strategies) can reduce SBP drops.METHODS: Multicentre, o
Despite the importance of SMEs for innovation activity, questions remain concerning the determinants of their innovative performance and the role of different types of collaboration and partners. The present paper empirically analyzes the role played by different types of R&D collaborations in the persistence of SME innovative performance. We used a longitudinal database to identify all the Sw
The reactivity of oxide surfaces is often attributed to formation and annihilation of oxygen deficient sites, which undergo complex structural rearrangements in the process. A prototypical example is VOx/TiO2 catalysts, widely used for e.g. selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of NOx emissions, where the possible effect of the supporting TiO2 surface structure has been much debated. Here, we presen
Världen behöver ställa om till en cirkulär ekonomi och asfalt är en produkt som är 100 procent återvinningsbar. Hanteringen börjar redan när beläggningen skall fräsas eller rivas. Genom att optimera denna process, kan asfalten återvinnas mer effektivt. Syftet med denna studie är att studera vad som förekommer med returasfalten när den fräses och vilka styrparametrar som asfaltfräsen kan påverka föThe world needs to move to a circular economy and asphalt is a 100 percent recyclable product. Recycling begins when the pavement is milled or demolished. By doing this process in the best possible way, asphalt can be recycled more efficiently. The purpose of this study is to study what happens to the recycled asphalt when it is milled and which parameters that the asphalt milling machine can cont
En belysning av några av de sätt som boken påverkat och påverkar människan på, med utgångspunkt i mötet mellan ontologi och fenomenologi.
Den juridiska regleringen av den svenska kommersiella byggnads- och anläggningsbranschen domineras av standardavtal framtagna av Byggandets Kontraktskommitté (BKK). AB 04 utgör de allmänna bestämmelserna för utförandeentreprenader och ABT 06 för totalentreprenader. Den grundläggande skillnaden mellan entreprenadformerna är ansvarsfördelningen av entreprenadens projektering och därav också objektetThe legal regulation of the Swedish commercial building and construction industry is dominated by standard contracts drawn up by the organisation Byggandets Kontraktskommitté (BKK). AB 04 constitutes the general provisions for construction contracts where design is the client's responsibility and ABT 06 for design-build contracts. The fundamental difference between the two types of standard co