

Din sökning på "*" gav 534737 sökträffar

Founder CEO Succession in High Growth Ventures How do entrepreneurs perceive their role as a founder CEO as their companies grow, and what impact does this have on their “decision” to remain in that role?

In order to grow, the founder must go. This is the conventional wisdom which states that when entrepreneurial firms enter a stage of rapid growth the new business quickly surpasses the skills and capacity of the founder. In this phase of rapid growth this paper aims to understand how entrepreneurs perceive their role as founder CEO as their company grows, and what impact this has on their “decisio

Signs From Above

This thesis looks into cross-cultural in-store marketing and how, with the use of contemporary symbols, marketing messages can cross language barriers. In the context of cosmopolitan cities with large populations of international inhabitants, being able to market to all individuals regardless of linguistic abilities and cultural backgrounds is critical for firms to stay competitive. Simply replaci

Digital tidssamordning av masshantering vid dammbyggnationer

3D-modeller är grunden i det som kallas BIM och är något som används mer flitigt inom byggbranschen men desto mindre inom anläggningsprojekt. BIM har utvecklats mer och mer för att underlätta samordningen av flera aktörer och lösa konflikter i olika faser och skeden. Med ytterligare dimensioner integreras även tid och kostnadsaspekten på projektet som resulterar i ett mer produktivt byggande. Gru3D-models are the base of what is called BIM. It is used more and more within in the construction industry over all, but not as much in the field of infrastructure projects. BIM is developed to coordinate several actors and resolve conflicts in different phases of the construction. With dimensions integrated in the model, such as time and cost aspect, it result in a more productive project. The m

Agila arbetsmetoder och tillfredsställelse: En undersökning om relationen mellan agila arbetsmetoder och tillfredsställelse i nybildade agila team

From originally being used for software development, there is an increased use of agile methodologies in other areas as well. This leads to a need for further studies on the implementation of agile methodologies. The aim of this thesis is to study newly formed agile teams and their member’s perceptions of job satisfaction and examine if there are any relationships between the use of agile practice

Long-term Specialization and Trade Flow Patterns of Heavy Industrial and Light Industrial Goods: A Comparative Analysis of Anglophone and Nordic countries

Recent studies focusing on the analysis of emissions embodied in trade have shown that high-income countries are increasingly becoming net importers of emissions. This is commonly explained by the economies’ changing trade specialization in heavy and light industrial goods. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate and compare the trade specialization patterns of twelve Anglophone and Nordic co

Swedish Real House Prices, 1986 - 2016

This paper examines long-run and short-term dynamics of real house prices in Sweden from the first quarter in 1986 to the last quarter in 2017. To understand this, multivariate co-integration and error correction modelling approach are used. More specifically, this paper examines whether fundamental factors of demand and supply can explain the real house price development in Sweden. Evidence shows

“Writing is Processing What You Have Read”: Using Written Input-to-Output Tasks in the Swedish Upper Secondary School

The Swedish national syllabi for the subject of English challenges upper secondary students to not only produce text, but to interact with and through it; students should actively engage with the learning process through reading, writing, and speaking. Previous research within this field has investigated the relationship between reading and writing, as well as how to use writing to complement the

Förvaltningsplan för Ringsjöns rovfiskbestånd - Problemidentifiering och förslag till åtgärdsplan

Eutrofiering är ett världsomspännande problem för sötvatten. Höga tillflöden av fosfor leder till försämrade förutsättningar för många typer av rovfiskar såsom abborre (Perca fluviatilis) och gädda (Esox lucius). Biomanipulation är en åtgärd som antas förbättra förutsättningarna för dessa rovfiskar, men kan samtidigt betyda försämrade förutsättningar för rovfiskarter som får konkurrensfördel av lå

Integration between Customer Relationship Management and Business Intelligence

The main purpose of any Customer Relationship Management(CRM) system of any customer-focused organization is to build new and retain old relationships with its customers.Such CRM systems provide customer data so that its users or top management can make correct decisions in order to improve organization’s performance. Nowadays, advanced analytics in the form of Business Intelligence (BI) can be us

Investigation of growth modes of the lithoautotrophic bacterium Cupriavidus necator

The microorganism Cupriavidus necator is a very interesting bacterium that has been established as a model microorganism for its capability to produce polyhydroxyalkanoates, more specifically polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB), a potential precursor/raw material for bioplastics. Lately, the scientific community has raised interest in the chemolithoautotrophic nature of C. necator as it can be grown using C

Exterior water flow simulation

The Water Tightness group at Volvo Cars is responsible for creating and maintaining requirements and thresholds regarding water flows on a car. This is performed by doing extensive physical testing while making sure that databases and previous requirements are kept up to date. Previously the big focus for the Water Tightness department has been physical testing as there were no other options. Dur

Ett overkligt sångideal? - En studie i hur några av dagens sångpedagoger upplever att samtida populärmusikaliska sångideal påverkar sångundervisning på gymnasiet

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur några av dagens sångpedagoger upplever att populärmusikaliska sångideal påverkar sångundervisning på gymnasiet, samt hur pedagogerna arbetar för att hjälpa elever att lära känna och förstå sin egen sångröst. Studien har genomförts med hjälp av fyra kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer med sångpedagoger som undervisar på gymnasiet. Litteraturgenomgången belyThe aim of this study is to examine how some of today’s voice teachers believe that vocal ideals in contemporary popular music affect voice tuition in upper secondary school, and how the teachers guide voice students to know and understand their singing voice. This is a qualitative interview study, with four voice teachers from upper secondary shools. The literature review illustrates which elemen

The impact of green roofs on the urban heat island effect : a study on Augustenborg, Malmö

With the growth of cities more issues relating to the environment, economy and health have emerged. The climate in the city affects how the city is structured and how the city space is used. In return the city also has an effect on the climate by modifying the regional climate conditions on a large scale. This has led to an increase in air temperature in the urban areas causing an urban heat islanGrowth of cities has caused the climate in them to change making urban areas warmer than the surrounding rural areas. This phenomenon is called an urban heat island. Mitigation tactics to counter the heating of the urban areas vary from changing the thermal properties of the surface materials to adding vegetation and water bodies to the urban scene. This study aims to investigate the impact green

The Journey to Entrepreneurship: A Cultural Analysis of Creative Entrepreneurs in a Business Incubator in Finland

This thesis explores the process of becoming a creative entrepreneur and how this process can be supported in and out of an incubator. Using ethnographic methods and cultural analysis, I argue that being an entrepreneur is an overarching lifestyle and the process of becoming one is affected by each individual’s backgrounds, motivations, identities, existing skills, social networks and perceptions

Modeling & Simulation of Affinity Chromatography & Investigation of CaptureSMB

När läkemedel produceras bildas även en massa biprodukter. Dessa biprodukterna kan många gånger vara mycket skadligare än vad själva läkemedlet gör nytta. Därför renar man upp läkemedel med en process som heter kromatografi. Kromatografi är som ett rör som är fyllt med något typ av sand eller sten. För att sedan rena upp sitt läkemedel låter man sin blandning med produkt och biprodukt åka genom koChromatography was first described in the 1903 by a Russian scientist. Later on chromatography was almost forgotten until the 1940s when two British scientist published a study about liquid chromatography. They were later awarded with the Nobel prize in chemistry for their work in chromatography. Chromatography has since then developed a lot and nowadays several different kinds of liquid chromatog

Att räkna pinnar - en kvalitativ undersökning av hur psykologer påverkas av och hanterar att möta krav på antal patientbesök

Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka att räkna pinnar - ett informellt uttryck med betydelsen att vara ålagd krav att ta emot ett visst antal patienter per vecka; hur detta påverkar och hanteras av psykologer, och hur påverkan och hantering kan förstås och förklaras. Data insamlades genom sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med psykologer i Skåne, där merparten var anställda vid allmänpsykiatri

One-Size-Traps-All? A Sub-national Study on the Impact of the TRIPs Agreement on India's Innovative Activity

In an integrated world economy, innovation is considered one of the main catalysts for economic development and growth. To stimulate the very and enable technological change, innovators need to be granted the rights to their own creations. The Word Trade Organization therefore implemented the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights in 1995 among all its member states, wi

Identification and characterization of design fires to be used in performance-based fire design of CERN facilities

CERN operates the most complex particle accelerator facility built until today. As such, it consists of thousands of custom-made components spread both in upper ground facilities and in underground tunnels and caverns. Several different hazards, including fire, are present in these facilities and need to be reduced to a tolerable level; in particular, fire safety often requires the application of