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.Com Online!

Sammanfattning Titel: .Com Online! – En studie i virtuell marknadsföring baserad på gymnasieungdomars Internetkonsumtion. Nivå: Kandidatuppsats vid Institutionen för Service Management Lunds Universitet, Campus Helsingborg. Författare: Christian Hägerström, Emma Norén och Lisa Svensson Handledare: Richard Ek och Christian Fuentes Problem och syfte: Den tidigare forskningen inom ämnet virtuell mark

”All that glitters…” - en analys av konstruktionen av homosexuella karaktärer i TV-serierna Sex and the City och Ugly Betty

”All that glitters…” är ett examensarbete författat vid Enheten för Medie- och Kommunikationsvetenskap av Darina Nilsson och Emma Vig. Mediernas stereotyper har stor inverkan på människan, och särskilt på minoritetsgrupper i samhället som i högre grad än andra porträtteras på ett stereotypt sätt. Denna uppsats analyserar framställningen av manliga homosexuella karaktärer (Stanford Blatch, Marc St.

Facebook, mitt bästa jag varje dag - En kvalitativ studie om redigering av den personliga framställningen på Facebook, ur ett dramaturgiskt perspektiv

Denna studie är en kvalitativ undersökning som ämnar studera huruvida användare kan redigera sin självpresentation på communitysiten Facebook. Syftet med studien är att utforska hur individer kan lägga upp strategier för sin självpresentation och vilka konsekvenser detta kan medföra. Uppsatsen kommer även att behandla huruvida individer på Facebook hanterar de olika roller de innehar i situationen

The relation between the autonomy and the state: Approaches to sustainable peace in Southern Sudan

Contemporary discussions on peace implementations indicate that new peace agreements are more comprehensive in promoting peace than previous peace agreements. In contemplation of analyzing whether this idea is justifiable, this thesis utilizes the concepts of peacebuilding and power sharing in order to make use of a comparative study. The comparison between two peace agreements, one from 1972 and

Jag och min yxa- En undersökning om vad stridsyxan kan ha haft för betydelse inom SYK i Sydsverige.

Syftet med min uppsats har varit att uppnå bättre kunskap kring de befintliga teorier som finns kring stridsyxan och dess betydelse. Materialet jag har använt har varit relevant och genom att sammanställa befintliga teorier samt skapa en egen tolkning har jag fått ett svar på min problemställning; vilken betydelse hade stridsyxan för SYK (stridsyxekulturen) i Sydsverige? Min kritiska granskning ha

Fluid-structure interaction (FSI) case study of a cantilever using OpenFOAM and DEAL.II with application to VIV

This Master Thesis in Technical Mathematics at LTH, directed towards simulation and computation,has treated the subject of fluid-structure interaction (FSI) for incompressible flowwith small vibrations. The open source packages DEAL.II and OpenFOAM have been used to create a coupling between a finite element formulation for structure and a finite volume formulation for fluid ( gas or liquid ). A s

The day-of-the-week effect on stock returns and volatility: The case of Latin America

It has been found that the behavior of stock markets follow patterns that are not necessarily consistent with the Efficient Market Hypothesis. Anomalies have been classified into different groups of which calendar anomalies such as the day-of-the-week effect has been under study for many years. Many authors have been following the evolution of this calendar seasonality in developed stock markets.

Demographic Dividend in East and South Asia, The Economic Impact of Changes Age Structure in Population.

The demographic transition of declining of mortality and fertility, causes changes in age structure of the population, provide countries a generation that is proportionately bigger than the predecessors and their successors. A greater share of population that is in the working age, gives the opportunities of economic growth in a country is called demographic dividend. The bulk working age populati

"När mamma och pappa inte dricker förvandlas skräckens hus till tystnadens hus." - En studie om barn till alkoholister

There are today about 200 000 children living in families where either one or both parents are addicted to alcohol. These children often become young carers, as they are prematurely being placed in adult caring roles. The aim of this thesis has been to illustrate the situation for children of alcoholics and to examine how these children are coping when parents do not fulfil their parenting respons

International unlawful parental child abduction. Comparative study: Lithuania, Sweden, and Russia.

Globaliseringen har haft en stor inverkan på människors privata relationer. Den ökade migrationen har avsevärt ökat chanserna för att människor slår sig ner och startar familj utanför sina hemländer. Detta arbete visar att föräldrar från internationella familjer begår mer än hälften av alla olovliga internationella barnbortföranden eller kvarhållanden till/i sina hemstater. Övriga fall svarar de fGlobalisation has made its impact not the least on peoples’ private relations. The increased migration has made chances of people settling down and starting family outside their home countries rather high. The thesis has shown that parents from international families commit more than half of international parental abductions or retentions to/in their home states. The remaining group of parents sim

Är man lyckad då blir man lycklig - en kvalitativ studie om ätstörningar och identitet

ABSTRACT Author: Anna Axelsson Title: If you are successful you will be happy – a qualitative study of eating disorders and identity. [translated title] Supervisor: Associate Professor Håkan Johansson Assessor: Associate Professor Håkan Jönsson The purpose of this study was to examine how people who have suffered from an eating disorder construct their identity. More specifically its aim was to

Multiple Memberships - Loyalty Programs from a Consumer Perspective

Purpose: The aim of this study is to unravel consumer motives for enrolling in multiple programs and explore the consumer experience of multiple memberships in the highly competitive loyalty program market. Methodology: We have conducted a qualitative research with a hermeneutic approach. A sample group of nine women in the ages 47-62 were selected based on a snowball sample. Through detailed acco

Japanskans klassmarkörer : en närmare titt på klassmarkörerna –tsu, -ko och -hon

Japanese classifiers with emphasis on the three main classifiers –tsu, -ko and –hon will be discussed in this thesis. Initially the word classifier will be analyzed to give us further understanding of the Japanese classifiers. The prime goal of this thesis is to analyze the semantic properties and daily use of the classifiers –tsu, -ko and –hon and to see what these classifiers have in common with

De stora och lyriken

During the late 20th century the bookmarket has undergone several major changes. Economic difficulties, tax reforms and countenance politics have made the market what it is today. Best selling books have larger share of the market at the cost of higher quality literature and this may result in fewer published titles. Poetry is a genre that is representative for quality literature and is considered

Climate variability and satellite : observed vegetation responses in Tanzania

Climate and vegetation growth of an area are interrelated processes; both take place on small to global scales. However, climate change and variability impacts on vegetation in most places in the world including Tanzania is of great concern since vegetation supports many socio-economic sectors, and plays a crucial role in atmospheric greenhouse gas moderation. This study aims at investigating the

The spatial structure of economic activities in the Netherlands. Discussing regional specialisation trends.

This thesis investigates differences in the industrial composition of employment and value added across COROP regions in the Netherlands for each year over the period 1995-2007. It is found that the direction of the regional specialisation trend – as measured by the Coefficient of Regional Specialisation – has fallen for employment but has risen for value added. This relation is further explored b