

Din sökning på "*" gav 532077 sökträffar

Acoustophoretic manipulation of sub-micron particles

Microchannel acoustophoresis is a technique which uses acoustically induced forces to translate particles in a microchannel. Its use in biological applications is increasing. Using acoustophoresis to precisely manipulate bioparticles such as yeast, blood cells and cancer cells gives the technique great potential. However, manipulation of sub-micron particles such as bacteria, platelets and micro-v

Growth and the Informal Economy: A study on the effect of growth on the relative size of the informal economy in the developing world

Throughout the developing world the informal (“black”) economy is a current issue. It constitutes a source of vulnerability to the people affiliated to it, and further hampers the nation´s economic performance. In addition it is at large unresponsive to policy change, and is further on difficult to monitor by government officials. The informal economy is a global problem. Previous studies on the i

Gender and the City - a comparative analysis of how Malmö and Umeå approaches gender and intersectionality in urban planning

This thesis is a comparative case study about how the Swedish municipalities Malmö and Umeå address gender aspects in their comprehensive plans. It also discusses how these municipalities approach the situation of women with diverse ethnic backgrounds in their planning strategies. According to previous research, immigrant women often have different experiences of the city than other women. The the

Polystyrene nanoparticles interactions with Calbindin D9k and Monellin

Nanomedicine and the use of nanoparticles (NPs) are growing like never before. It is therefore important to investigate the interactions in the nano world and the possible hazards. Proteins in organisms can adsorb to NPs and change the proteins structure and therefore their functions. This could be a potential danger and thus an interesting research field. Here, we explore how the proteins Calbind

Robust Route Prediction in Raster Maps - Real Time Topography for Look-Ahead Control

By adapting gear changes and cruise control of a Heavy Duty Vehicle (HDV) to road inclination, fuel and time savings can be achieved. In this thesis is presented a novel method of predicting the upcoming road topography, by constructing a geographical and topographical self-learning map from which a route prediction is made. The system is designed to simultaneously produce the desired road grade o


Arbetet fokuserar på att ge en tydlig bakgrund till vad dagens projektingenjörer har för uppgift i ett ledande projekt. En frågeställning genom arbetet kommer att vara jämförelse mellan Trafikverkets definition av projektingenjörer kontra konsultens definition av projektingenjörer. Upplever projekteringsorganisationerna de krav som ställs på projektingenjörerna? Finns det en tydlig skillnad på kon

Characterization of coated soot particles - Validating a new APM software and using it to design aerosol measurement set-ups

Beroende på hur förbränningen av bränsle sker i motorer och var vi eldar vårt virke så kommer det resulterande sotets struktur att få olika effekter på klimat och hälsa. Sotstrukturen beror på många parametrar till exempel på temperaturen vid förbänning av bränsle och vad som händer med sotet efter förbänning i atmosfären är beroende på var på jorden man är.Soot characteristics such as absorbing light are heavily dependent on its structure and interaction with other compounds. By coating soot or collapsing the soot core, the characteristics will be altered which affects its climate forcing, the lung deposition and other interactions with the human upper airways. In this work a new approach to measure aerosol particle mass with the Aerosol Particle Ma

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The aim of this study is to explore narratives on violence in lesbian relationships. The study seeks to explore how stories and the act of storytelling can be used as a means to investigate a topic that has been discounted by focusing on the conditions and limitations for speaking. The study consists of both a personal narrative about being in a relationship with violence and community-based persp

Control Variates for Monte Carlo-Pricing of Three-Asset Spread Options with Application in the Energy Markets

The purpose of this paper is to compare a collection of control variates for Monte Carlo-valuation of spread options on three assets with a view towards energy markets and to lay a foundation for continued research on control variates, e.g. combinations of control variates and adaption for quasi-Monte Carlo. The paper builds upon previous research on option pricing using Monte Carlo-simulation and

De fontibus revelationis : the debate about a constitutive tradition during the Second Vatican Council

This investigation deals with the debate surrounding the controversial question of whether there exists a constitutive tradition at the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). The investigation can broadly be divided into three sections. The first section provides both an analysis of the terminology relevant for understanding and a theological background. The background leads up the Council of Trent (

Psykisk ohälsa bland skolelever ur ett normkritiskt perspektiv - En intervjustudie om kopplingen mellan normavvikelse och psykisk ohälsa bland skolelever

Den psykiska ohälsan bland skolelever i de svenska grundskolorna har ökat de senaste åren vilket märks av inte minst genom flertalet rapporter och undersökningar. Alla skolor har olika förhållningssätt vid deras likabehandlingsarbete där fokus ligger på att göra så att eleverna trivs så bra som möjligt. På senare år har normkritik fått ett större inslag i detta likabehandlingsarbete vilket innebärMental unhealthiness among school students in Swedish elementary schools has increased in recent years, which is not least seen by various reports and surveys. All schools have different approaches to their equal treatment work, focusing on making the students feel as comfortable as possible. In recent years, norm criticism has gained a greater part in this equal treatment work, which means making

Strategic Thinking: Theory & Practice

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to test a potential means of measuring strategic thinking ability (Cognitive Process Profiling) in individuals through a multi-method approach. First, we identify what strategic thinking is in theory by analysing the current literature and then identify the most prominent competencies that enable individuals to think strategically. Following this literature r

Utmaningar och möjligheter - En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers arbete med elever med ADHD

The aim of this study is to investigate the role of school counsellors in the work of helping children diagnosed with ADHD to feel good mentally and socially in the school environment. The study investigates how school counsellors work individually with these children and also together with other collaborators and organisations to help these children develop and overcome their difficulties. The sa

Building occupant movement in wide descending stairs

Several incidents in the past confirm that crowd movement in stairs represents a risk that has potential of causing serious injuries. Extensively research has been conducted for descending stairs. However, less is known about particularly wide staircases, which is taken to be stairs with tread width of 1.2m or above. This thesis provides estimations for engineering characteristics like velocity, f

Iron and Aluminum leaching from peatland soils in Southern Sweden – Effects on benthic macroinvertebrates

Giftigt lakvatten skadar småkryp Vattnet är turkos-färgat och innehåller giftigt höga halter av metaller, så småningom fälls metallerna ut och bildar en orange sörja som lägger sig som en kvävande filt över allt i vattnet. Livet är inte lätt för vattenlevande småkryp i Fredriksdalsviken. En rejäl översvämning år 2007 i Kristianstad fick missfärgat vatten att välla ut över strandängarna i naturresThe leaching of metals caused by drainage of peatland soils was, in Scania, brought to attention after a flood in Kristianstad 2007. The flood caused large areas of wet meadows to be covered in iron (Fe) and aluminum (Al) contaminated water and one of the affected areas was Fredriksdalsviken, a nature reserve important as a breeding area for birds. The negative effects of these metals on macroinve

Choice of Conditional: Nara Nonara and Nodattara

The purpose of this thesis is to differentiate between the usage of three very similar Japanese conditionals: nara, nonara, and nodattara. A questionnaire study to find connections between the choice of conditionals depending on the surrounding expressions was conducted to establish potential rules and patterns of usage. The research found that short sentences, negative protases, and conditionall

Mycobacterium marinum promotes mitochondrial degradation in an ESX-1 dependent manner

Investigating the role of mitochondrial damage in a Tuberculosis infection Tuberculosis (TB) is a significant health risk that was responsible for 10.4 million infections and 1.8 million deaths in the year 2015 alone. The causative agent for TB is Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), which is an intra-cellular bacterium that primarily replicates within the white blood cell called the macrophage. To

Regulation of the immunological synapse by the phosphatase PTPN22

Integrins are adhesion molecules that control cell to cell interactions and play a fundamental role in adhesion of T cells during an immune response. Protein tyrosine phosphatase nonreceptor type 22 (PTPN22) is an important regulatory factor of the integrin lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1 (LFA1). A single-nucleotide polymorphism in the gene coding for PTPN22 has previously been linked as

Lateral interactions between protein molecules adsorbed onto a planar interface

This paper seeks to express the chemical potential for proteins on a surface in terms of number surface densitiy. Generalized Van der Waals (GVdW) theory and Virial hard disk theory are explored and fitted to experimental data by varying the hard disk radius. Additionnally Metropolis Monte Carlo simulations are used to simulate the interactions between proteins. Simulations are done on freely rot