

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar


News | Robotics and Semantic Systems LTH Computer Science Search Robotics and Semantic Systems Computer Science | LTH | Lund University Research Education Publications People About Robotics and Semantic Systems  >  news Denna sida på svenska This page in English Welcome Stefan 2023-05-08 Welcome Dr. Stefan Reitmann! Stefan has joined the HRI group of RSS in mid-April this year (2023) and will be w

https://rss.cs.lth.se/news/article/welcome-stefan/publications/ - 2025-03-11

Participate in new workshops on Team Based Learning

Participate in new workshops on Team Based Learning Participate in new workshops on Team Based Learning By Caroline Cabot - Published 14 April 2023 Would you like to prepare yourself for the active learning classroom? Now you have the chance to participate in MedCuls new workshops with Larry Michaelsen - the creator of TBL, Team-Based Learning! Take the unique opportunity to take part in the works

https://www.ahu.lu.se/en/article/delta-i-nya-workshops-om-team-based-learning/ - 2025-03-11

Digitalization of education: Premises, promises and consequences

Digitalization of education: Premises, promises and consequences Digitalization of education: Premises, promises and consequences Published 6 May 2021 Starting on 28 May, the Department of Higher Education, AHU, offers a series of seminars on the theme Digitization of education: Premises, promises and consequences. For quite some time now – long before the Corona pandemic forced us to teach with d

https://www.ahu.lu.se/en/article/seminarieserie-om-digitalisering/ - 2025-03-11

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REGLERTEKNIK LTH KURSINFORMATION NETWORK DYNAMICS FRTN30 (VT LP2, 7.5 hp) Why studying network dynamics? Networks permeate our modern societies. Everyday, we exchange information through the World Wide Web and other comminucation networks, modify our opinions and take decisions under the influence of our social interactions, commute across road networks, buy goods made available to us by productio

https://www.control.lth.se/fileadmin/control/Education/EngineeringProgram/FRTN30/FRTN30NetworkDynamics.pdf - 2025-03-11


Untitled JitterTime 1.2—Reference Manual Anton Cervin Department of Automatic Control Technical Report TFRT-7658, version 3 ISSN 0280–5316 Department of Automatic Control Lund University Box 118 SE-221 00 LUND Sweden © 2020 by Anton Cervin. All rights reserved. Printed in Sweden. Lund 2020 Abstract This technical report describes JITTERTIME, a Matlab toolbox for calculating the time-varying state

https://www.control.lth.se/fileadmin/control/Research/JitterTime/report1_2.pdf - 2025-03-11


Examples QPgen Home Examples Installation Documentation Licence Authors Citing Examples Here we show through two examples how to generate code using QPgen. We also present some performance results. Model predictive control Model predictive control of the pitch angle in an aircraft. Code that generates MPC controller Simulation code Problem size: 60 decision variables 40 equality constraints 80 con

https://www.control.lth.se/fileadmin/control/Research/Tools/qpgen/examples.html - 2025-03-11

The \(h\) function

The \(h\) function QPgen Home Examples Installation Documentation Licence Authors Citing The \(h\) function The function \(h : \mathbf{R}^p\to\mathbf{R}\cup\{\infty\}\) is separable down to the component and is piecewise linear in each component. The figure shows a 1-dimensional example. The function can model, e.g. ,: Hard constraints (if slopes are infinite) Soft constraints (if finite slope) Th

https://www.control.lth.se/fileadmin/control/Research/Tools/qpgen/hfcn.html - 2025-03-11


Licence QPgen Home Examples Installation Documentation Licence Authors Citing Licence QPgen and its generated code is licenced under the GNU Affero GPL v3 licence. By using QPgen and/or its generated code, you agree to the terms in the licence. If this licence is not suitable for your purposes, please contact the authors for a different licence agreement. Page generated 2015-12-09 10:07:10 CET, by

https://www.control.lth.se/fileadmin/control/Research/Tools/qpgen/licence.html - 2025-03-11

Arbete och försörjning: Mikael Adolphson, professor, Cambridge: Japan and the World. A Comparative P

Arbete och försörjning: Mikael Adolphson, professor, Cambridge: Japan and the World. A Comparative Perspective on Medieval Monetization | The Subject of History 11 Mar Arbete och försörjning: Mikael Adolphson, professor, Cambridge: Japan and the World. A Comparative Perspective on Medieval Monetization 11 March 2025 13:15 to 15:00 Seminar Samarrangemang med Globalhistoriska seminariet, seminariesp

https://www.hist.lu.se/en/about-us/calendar/seminars/Egendom%20och%20f%C3%B6rs%C3%B6rjning/arbete-och-forsorjning-mikael-adolphson-professor-cambridge-japan-and-world-comparative-perspective/ - 2025-03-11

Meet three recent PhD graduates

Meet three recent PhD graduates | The Subject of History 12 Mar Meet three recent PhD graduates 12 March 2025 15:00 to 17:00 Lecture/talk Jonathan Krämer, Yeonju Jung, Shen Qing At this event, three recent PhD graduates will share their experiences. They come from different disciplines and universities but their theses focus on some aspects of East and South-East Asian societies. The PhD graduates

https://www.hist.lu.se/en/about-us/calendar/seminars/History%20of%20Knowledge/meet-three-recent-phd-graduates/ - 2025-03-11

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LITTERATURLISTA Bokhistoria, Paleografi (7,5 hp) Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper Avdelningen för bokhistoria BBHR02, Bokhistoria: Paleografi, 7,5 hp, höstterminen 2024 Kurslitteratur (all litteratur finns på Canvas om inte annat anges) Bischoff, Bernhard (1990).Latin palaeography: antiquity and the Middle Ages. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, ISBN 0-521-36473-6, (291 s.: varav ca 15 sidor lä

https://www.ht.lu.se/media/utbildning/dokument/kurser/BBHR02/20242/Litteraturlista_BBHR02_HT2024.pdf - 2025-03-11

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Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper Avdelningen för idé- och lärdomshistoria Kurslitteratur för ILHA20: Idé och lärdomshistoria, fortsättningskurs (30 hp) Delkurs 1: Idéhistoriska platser (7,5 hp) Fastslagen av institutionsstyrelsen, reviderad och godkänd av kursplanegruppen 2023.xx.xx Obligatorisk litteratur. I. Introduktion och Florens Sellberg, Erland, ”Inledning –– staden som en kult

https://www.ht.lu.se/media/utbildning/dokument/kurser/ILHA20/20232/ILHA20_dk_1_Litteraturlista.docx - 2025-03-11


NEWS | Division of Physical Chemistry Faculty of Science Search Division of Physical Chemistry Department of Chemistry Department of Chemistry Kemicentrum Safety and security Contact About Education News and events Research People Instruments COMMONS Center Center for Scattering Methods Home  >  COMMONS Center  >  NEWS Denna sida på svenska This page in English NEWS Four COMMONS postdocs on board!

https://www.physchem.lu.se/commons/news/news/ - 2025-03-11