

Din sökning på "*" gav 532376 sökträffar

Article explores Pokémon GO-imaginary in East Jerusalem

Published 19 September 2017 Fabio Cristiano, Lund University, and Emilio Distretti, London Metropolitan University, have co-authored the article “Along the Lines of the Occupation: Playing at Diminished Reality in East Jerusalem” for the journal Conflict and Society. Abstract:Augmented reality enables video game experiences that are increasingly immersive. For its focus on walking and exploration,

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/article-explores-pokemon-go-imaginary-east-jerusalem - 2025-03-01

Ivan Gusic's doctoral thesis posted

Published 22 September 2017 Ivan Gusic posted his thesis at the wall in Eden accompanied by collegues. In the background: Deputy Head of Department Björn Badersten. The notification of the date of the defence and "posting" of Ivan Gusics thesis "War, peace & the city: urban conflict over peace(s) in the postwar cities of Belfast, Mitrovica, and Mostar." was held on Thursday, September 21, at 3:15

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/ivan-gusics-doctoral-thesis-posted - 2025-03-01

Hanna Bäck on governments' capacity to implement reform

Published 22 September 2017 Hanna Bäck, professor of political science, has published the article "Veto player theory and reform making in Western Europe" in European Journal of Political Research. The article focuses on governments' capacity to implement policy reforms, and builds on a new comparative data set on about 5,600 important economic reform measures undertaken in 13 Western European cou

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/hanna-back-governments-capacity-implement-reform - 2025-03-01

New textbook in social sciences for teachers grade 4-9

Published 26 September 2017 Hanna Bäck and Roxanna Sjöstedt have authored the chapter “Political Science Perspectives” (in Swedish) in a new textbook for middle- and junior high school teacher students, published by Gleerups. Read a sample of the book here at the Gleerup web siteHanna Bäck's personal web page.Roxanna Sjöstedt's personal web page.  Hanna Bäck and Roxanna Sjöstedt.

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/new-textbook-social-sciences-teachers-grade-4-9 - 2025-03-01

Most Swedish ministers have had a solid political background

Published 29 September 2017 Hanna Bäck has co-authored the chapter "No More Political Insiders? Ministerial Selection in Sweden During the Post-WWII period" which was published recently in a book on technocratic ministers in the European countries. The chapter investigates Swedish ministers' background and shows that most ministers have had a solid political background, and that the share of "tech

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/most-swedish-ministers-have-had-solid-political-background - 2025-03-01

Full Programme of the ESG Conference Announced - Fariborz Zelli reflects on the importance of the conference

Published 6 October 2017 The Department of Political Science is co-hosting the 2017 Lund Conference on Earth System Governance held at Lucsus in October. The conference is part of the global series organised by the Earth System Governance Project. The conference theme Allocation and access in a warming and increasingly unequal world will be addressed in five thematic streams: Environmental justice

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/full-programme-esg-conference-announced-fariborz-zelli-reflects-importance-conference - 2025-03-01

Knotz awarded research prize

Published 16 October 2017 Carlo Knotz, who defended his dissertation "Getting Tough on Unemployment" at the Department of Political Science in Lund in December 2016, has been awarded the 2017 Research Prize by the Swedish Federation of Unemployment Insurance Funds. He shares the prize with Patrik Vulkan at the University of Gothenburg.The prize sum of 75 000 SEK is shared equally between the prize

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/knotz-awarded-research-prize - 2025-03-01

Kinnvall and Svensson on transnationalism and ontological security

Published 19 October 2017 Catarina Kinnvall and Ted Svensson have recently published an article entitled 'Ontological Security and the Limits to a Common World: Subaltern Pasts and the Inner-Worldliness of the Tablighi Jama'at' in Postcolonial Studies. The article attends to the contested notions of transnationalism, globality and ontological security that the Islamic revivalist movement Tablighi

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/kinnvall-and-svensson-transnationalism-and-ontological-security - 2025-03-01

New research programme on civil society elites

Published 24 October 2017 Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ) has granted 35,1 million SEK to the 6 year research programme "Civil society elites? Comparing elite composition, reproduction, integration and contestation in European civil societies". The programme is led by professor Håkan Johansson at the School of Social Work at LU. Participants from the Department of Political Science are Niklas Alter

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/new-research-programme-civil-society-elites - 2025-03-01

Sweden's first international critical animal studies conference in Lund

Published 24 October 2017 Between Thursday 26 to Saturday 28 October, The Lund University Critical Animal Studies Network (LUCASN) will be hosting Sweden’s very first international conference in Critical Animal Studies. As co-founders of LUCASN, Jana Canavan and Kurtis Boyer from the Political Science Department are co-organisers of the conference. The conference will take place at the Pufendorf I

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/swedens-first-international-critical-animal-studies-conference-lund - 2025-03-01

TNU:s research selected for oral presentation at the EHDN meeting

By Jenny [dot] Mansson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Månsson) - published 20 September 2016 Dr Rana Soylu Kucharz presented her recent project with the title "Striatal Neuropathology induced by Hypothalamic Overexpression of Huntingtin Fragments using Adeno-associated Viral Vectors in Mice” as an oral presentation in the Short Communication session at the EHDN meeting in the Hague, the Netherl

https://www.huntington-research.lu.se/article/tnus-research-selected-oral-presentation-ehdn-meeting - 2025-03-01

Petersén in official ceremony for new Professors

By Jenny [dot] Mansson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Månsson) - published 24 October 2016 There was an official ceremony for the new Professors at Lund University, Friday October 14 2016. Read more about Petersén's research in the official document from the ceremony and see pictures from the newspaper Sydsvenskan: Sydsvenskan broschyr-professorsinstallation-lunds-universitet-14okt2016.pdf

https://www.huntington-research.lu.se/article/petersen-official-ceremony-new-professors - 2025-03-01

Petersén gives a talk at International Huntington Conference in Vilnius

By Jenny [dot] Mansson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Månsson) - published 28 March 2017 Petersén is invited to give a talk entitled "Hypothalamic dysfunction in Huntington disease: relevance for non-motor features and striatal pathology" at an International Huntington Conference in Vilnius, April 7 2017.Please see programme: hd_conference_programme_20170407.pdf

https://www.huntington-research.lu.se/article/petersen-gives-talk-international-huntington-conference-vilnius - 2025-03-01

TNU goes to Gordon Research Conference on CAG Triplet Repeat Disorders

By Jenny [dot] Mansson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Månsson) - published 15 June 2017 Cheong and Henningsen present their recent research findings and Petersén acts as discussion leader at the Gordon Research Conference on CAG Triplet Repeat Disorders in Mount Snow, USA, June 2017.See program at: https://www.grc.org/cag-triplet-repeat-disorders-conference/2017/

https://www.huntington-research.lu.se/article/tnu-goes-gordon-research-conference-cag-triplet-repeat-disorders - 2025-03-01

A Huntingtoncenter has been formed at Lund University and Region Skåne headed by Professor Åsa Petersén

By Jenny [dot] Mansson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Månsson) - published 10 November 2017 A new initiative between Lund University and Region Skåne is the formation of an excellence center for Huntington disease. The aim is to bring research closer to the clinic and to provide multidisciplinary care by experts for families with HD at all stages.The center will work in close collaboration with

https://www.huntington-research.lu.se/article/huntingtoncenter-has-been-formed-lund-university-and-region-skane-headed-professor-asa-petersen - 2025-03-01

Dr Soylu-Kucharz receives Best Thesis in 2016 award

By Jenny [dot] Mansson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Månsson) - published 6 December 2017 Dr Rana Soylu Kucharz has received the Best Neurobiology section thesis 2016 award at EMV, Lund University.Congratulations!!!   Best Neurobiology section PhD thesis 2016 Best Neurobiology section PhD thesis 2016 was awarded Dr. Rana Soylu Kucharz for her thesis Hypothalamic and Metabolic Dysfunction in Ge

https://www.huntington-research.lu.se/article/dr-soylu-kucharz-receives-best-thesis-2016-award - 2025-03-01

Sanaz Gabery - Hjärnfonden Stipendee

By Jenny [dot] Mansson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Månsson) - published 27 February 2019 Dr Sanaz Gabery is one of 14 to receive Hjärnfonden's (Brain Foundation) stipend for postdoctoral researchers during 2019. Her project is focusing on white matter alterations in Huntington's disease. Earlier research has shown that grey matter is reduced in Huntington patients’ brains, which can be one e

https://www.huntington-research.lu.se/article/sanaz-gabery-hjarnfonden-stipendee - 2025-03-01