

Din sökning på "*" gav 528390 sökträffar

Studentpresentationer på Advisory Board

Publicerad 21 november 2014 Bild: Cornelia Dahlström och Jenny Molander | Fotograf: Rebecka Holmström På höstens Advisory Boardmöte, den 6 november, presenterade några av institutionens studenter sina uppsatser under pausen. Inslaget var mycket uppskattat av både Advisory Boardmedlemmarna som fick en inblick i studenternas arbete och av studenterna som fick en chans att berätta om uppsatsen och mi

https://www.ses.lu.se/artikel/studentpresentationer-pa-advisory-board - 2024-12-26

Ny bok ute: ”Health Management – Att leda hälsoverksamheter med service i fokus"

Publicerad 4 december 2014 Flera av institutionens medarbetare har varit delaktiga i den nyutkomna boken ”Health Management – Att leda hälsoverksamheter med service i fokus”. Health Management är en unik bok med fokus på hälsa, service och ledarskap. Boken förklarar fördelarna med att leda och organisera hälsoverksamheter utifrån ett serviceperspektiv. Forskare vid bland annat Institutionen för se

https://www.ses.lu.se/artikel/ny-bok-ute-health-management-att-leda-halsoverksamheter-med-service-i-fokus - 2024-12-26

Campus Helsingborgs app

Publicerad 9 december 2014 Som du säkert vet har Campus Helsingborgs app som bland annat innehåller scheman inte fungerat i den senaste versionen/versionerna av IOS (iPhone). Den fungerar dock och har alltid fungerat i de äldre versionerna av iPhone och i Androidmobiltelefoner. Som en tillfällig lösning har Campus Helsingborg tagit fram en webbaserad schemavisning som kan användas för alla version

https://www.ses.lu.se/artikel/campus-helsingborgs-app - 2024-12-26

Boksläpp - "Ditt språk i min mun. Grannspråkets glädje och gagn"

Publicerad 17 december 2014 Onsdagen den 17 december kl. 16:30–18:00 är det boksläpp för ”Ditt språk i min mun. Grannspråkets glädje och gagn” av Anna Smedberg Bondesson. Efter en kort presentation av Centrum för Öresundsstudier och bokserien kommer Anna Smedberg Bondesson att presentera boken. Det bjuds samtidigt på vin, alkoholfritt och snacks. Kunskaper i grannspråk behövs ofta inte för en grun

https://www.ses.lu.se/artikel/bokslapp-ditt-sprak-i-min-mun-grannsprakets-gladje-och-gagn - 2024-12-26

Forskaren som kastade sig ut i Öresund

Publicerad 8 januari 2015 Den 7 januari kunde man läsa om vår forskare, Filippa Säwe, i Tidningen Hallå. Filippa berättar om sin forskning som handlar om det småskaliga fisket i Öresund. En slutsats som dragits från hennes forskning är att det hållbara och kustnära fisket håller på att dö ut. Hon berättar bland annat också att hon inte själv fiskar samt hur hennes väg till Institutionen för servic

https://www.ses.lu.se/artikel/forskaren-som-kastade-sig-ut-i-oresund - 2024-12-26

Två alumner från Service Management startar Sveriges första e-handelspark

Publicerad 19 januari 2015 Dan Nilsson som har studerat Service Management med inriktning Retail och Amelie Lidén som studerat Service Management med inriktning Health, har slagit sina kloka huvuden ihop med Karsten Deppert, även han en tidigare student på Campus Helsingborg. Nu ska de bygga en gemensam plats för e-handelsföretag. Tanken är att de ska erbjuda ett kontorshotell i kombination med la

https://www.ses.lu.se/artikel/tva-alumner-fran-service-management-startar-sveriges-forsta-e-handelspark - 2024-12-26

Sök ett av Helsingborgs stads resestipendier till Pärnu eller Dubrovnik

Publicerad 19 januari 2015 Helsingborgs stad delar ut resestipendier till studenter vid Campus Helsingborg för de som vill resa till Pärnu eller Dubrovnik för att samla in material till sina uppsatser. Pärnu och Dubrovnik är två av Helsingborg stads vänorter. Stipendierna delas ut en gång per år vid ett beslutsmöte i februari och den formella utdelningen till studenterna sker vid AGORA-dagen i mar

https://www.ses.lu.se/artikel/sok-ett-av-helsingborgs-stads-resestipendier-till-parnu-eller-dubrovnik - 2024-12-26

Karriärseminarier i vår

Publicerad 21 januari 2015 Check out student- and career related events from universities, organizations and companies on MyCareer. Get your career movingMyCareer is a global portal focusing on students' career possibilities and is a collaboration between Lund University and Graduateland. As a student you have the possibility to create a personal profile and thereby personalise the site with respe

https://www.ses.lu.se/artikel/karriarseminarier-i-var - 2024-12-26

Researcher awarded price from Society for Risk Analysis

Published 9 January 2017 Ullrika Sahlin, Researcher at the Centre for Environmental and Climate Research, CEC, has been awarded Richard J. Burk Outstanding Service Award for her work in the field of risk analyses. Ullrika Sahlin, Researcher at the Centre for Environmental and Climate Research, CEC, has been awarded Richard J. Burk Outstanding Service Award for her work in the field of risk analyse

https://www.cec.lu.se/article/researcher-awarded-price-society-risk-analysis - 2024-12-26

Welcome BECC guest researcher Liba Pejchar, Associate Professor from Department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology at Colorado State University

Published 18 January 2017 The purpose of Dr. Pejchar's visit is to advance science at the intersection of biodiversity, ecosystem services and agriculture in collaboration with BECC researchers. Dr. Liba Pejchar brings expertise in several emerging topics in BECC at the intersection of biodiversity, ecosystem services and human well-being. Her lively research program explores innovative strategies

https://www.cec.lu.se/article/welcome-becc-guest-researcher-liba-pejchar-associate-professor-department-fish-wildlife-and - 2024-12-26

Workshop on tools for researchers at LU

Published 1 February 2017 • Do you get your Friday emails from Research professional with the latest funding opportunities? • Is your profile in LUCRIS, ORCID-ID and PRISMA in order? • What happens with your articles once they are published? How do you get them in all these databases? Warmly welcome to a workshop on tools for researchers at LU on 9 February 10–12. This event is open to both CEC Fe

https://www.cec.lu.se/article/workshop-tools-researchers-lu - 2024-12-26

Lund University and SEI sign MoU

Published 3 February 2017 In January 2017, Lund University signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Stockholm Environmental Institute, SEI. The relationship between Lund University and SEI has a long history, covering areas such as climate adaptation and low carbon transitions in Sweden, agriculture and food security, and, most recently, with a common 58 MSEK Mistra Geopolitics programme. Future

https://www.cec.lu.se/article/lund-university-and-sei-sign-mou - 2024-12-26

Potato project awarded grant

Published 6 February 2017 Johanna Alkan Olsson from CEC, Lund University was awarded 5,000 Euros for her project on algorithmic potato farming at Climate-KIC Nordic Ideation Day 27 January. The project will create a method for farmers to better handle outbreaks of late blight on crops, a disease expected to become more problematic in a changing climate. This was the second ever Climate-KIC Nordic

https://www.cec.lu.se/article/potato-project-awarded-grant - 2024-12-26

Collaboration project on breast cancer cells

Published 21 November 2019 NanoLund Member Thomas Laurell works with Emma Niméus from the Medical Faculty on a method to separate cells from breastcancer tumor tissue according to size, density and mechanical properties. The goal is to learn more about the properties of different cell types and to use this knowledge for better and more targeted treatments.Read more in the Lund University article (

https://www.nano.lu.se/article/collaboration-project-breast-cancer-cells - 2024-12-26

Theatre on Nanoplastics

Published 15 November 2019  Tommy Cedervall and fellow researchers are setting up a theatre play and a workshop in collaboration with the theatre Sagohuset in Lund, targeted  towards high school students.The play is a one man show by actor Torbjörn Lindberg, and was developed through dialog with the group of researchers. The play ends with a fact-based workshop where the researchers and the audien

https://www.nano.lu.se/article/theatre-nanoplastics - 2024-12-26

Iron-based solar cells on track to becoming more efficient

Published 11 November 2019 An international study led from Lund University in Sweden shows that 30 per cent of the energy in a certain type of light-absorbing iron molecule disappears in a previously unknown manner. By closing this loophole, the researchers hope to contribute to the development of more efficient solar cells using this iron-based solar cell.The sun is an unlimited source of pure an

https://www.nano.lu.se/article/iron-based-solar-cells-track-becoming-more-efficient - 2024-12-26

Tommy Cedervall interviewed on nanoplastic

Published 1 October 2019 Tommy Cedervall has been interviewed about nanoplastics on two different occations during September. WHO issued a report on an analysis of current research related to microplastics in drinking-water and Tommy was interviewed on the need for more research because we do not yet know how nanoplastics affect humans and nature.Later a research report from McGill University conc

https://www.nano.lu.se/article/tommy-cedervall-interviewed-nanoplastic - 2024-12-26

Martin Leijnse involved in awarded ERC Synergy Grant

Published 11 October 2019 Martin Leijnse and three researchers from University of Copenhagen have received in total 10 million Euro for an ERC Synergy project called ‘Foundations of nonlocal and nonabelian condensed-matter systems'. Here, nonlocal means that quasiparticles encode a quantum state that is hidden from any local measurement, while nonabelian means that exchange of quasiparticles chang

https://www.nano.lu.se/article/martin-leijnse-involved-awarded-erc-synergy-grant - 2024-12-26

Double nanowire Josephson junction device in the frontier of physics research

Published 14 October 2019 In recent work involving NanoLund's Lars Samuelson, Hongqi Xu and Sören Jeppesen closely collaborating with a group at University of Tokyo/RIKEN in Japan and a group at Peking University in China describes how they have successfully realized a double nanowire Josephson junction device and discovered an enhancement of supercurrent arising from coherent splits of Cooper pai

https://www.nano.lu.se/article/double-nanowire-josephson-junction-device-frontier-physics-research - 2024-12-26