

Din sökning på "*" gav 536921 sökträffar

Fokus Hållö - ett reflekterande arbete kring upplevelse, arkitektur och plats

Platser har en förmåga att beröra oss människor. Vi rör oss dagligen mellan olika platser som skapar olika stora intryck hos oss. Intryck som ofta beror av platsens olika karaktärsdrag. I detta examensarbete försöker jag förstå mig på hur en plats fysiska karaktär kan bidra till den mänskliga upplevelsen av platsen. Syftet är att skapa ett underlag som man i en förlängning skulle kunna använda sig

En fråga om sannolikhet - Bedömningen av flera osäkra rättsfakta

Denna studie belyser problematiken kring den rättsliga bedömningen avseende existensen av flera osäkra rättsfakta. För att ett rättsfaktum ska anses bevisat behöver det göras sannolikt till den grad som motsvarar beviskravet. Det råder dock delade meningar om hur beviskravet ska uppnås då flera osäkra rättsfakta är föremål för rättens prövning. Ska varje rättsfaktum bedömas för sig eller är det deThis study illustrates the problem of the legal assessment regarding the existence of several uncertain dispositive facts. In order for a dispositive fact to be considered proven, it has to be made probable to the degree that corresponds to the evidentiary requirement. However, there are divided opinions on how to reach the evidentiary requirement as several uncertain dispositive facts are subject

Characterizing fungal communities in the schmutzdecke of new and established full scale slow sand filters.

Vilka svampar renar ditt vatten? ”Renhet” kanske inte är det första ordet du kommer att tänka på när bakterier och svampar kommer på tal. Faktum är dock att dessa är viktiga i de processer som gör att ditt dricksvatten är säkert och gott. För att säkerställa dricksvattnets kvalitet används på många platser långsamfilter; bassänger fyllda med sand där många olika sorters mikroorganismer hjälper tiSlow sand filters (SSF) are biofilters which utilize the metabolic potential of complex biofilms to remove contaminants, such as harmful chemicals, organic carbon and pathogenic bacteria, from drinking water. This study presents the first analysis of fungal internally transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences in samples from two newly constructed and one established SSF, all of which underwent a removal

Matkultur som verktyg för destinationsutveckling

Titel: En studie av matstaden Malmö - från post-kockumsk depression till hållbar foodie-destination - Matkultur som verktyg för destinationsutveckling Universitet: Lunds Universitet, Campus Helsingborg, Institutionen för Service Management Kurs: KSMK65: Examensarbete för kandidatexamen Författare: Robert Simonsson och Linus Svensson Handledare: Malin Andersson Nyckelord: Matkultur, gastronomi, des

Koldioxidbudget - en kartläggning av hur verktyget används i svenska kommuner

Om vi ska avleda de värsta effekterna av klimatkrisen måste vi hålla oss inom gränserna för vår globala koldioxidbudget. Precis som att vi dagligen förhåller oss till vår hushållsbudget, måste våra utsläpp återspegla det vi har kvar på vårt ”klimatkonto”. Kommuner är i behov av ett verktyg för att översätta vad det globala åtagandet i Parisavtalet innebär lokalt. Kommunala koldioxidbudgetar är idaWe have a limited amount of greenhouse gases left to emit, our global carbon budget, if we are to divert the worst effects of the climate crisis. This study aimed to map how municipalities implement carbon-budgeting in their efforts to fulfil the Paris agreement, and investigate why the instrument is not more frequently used. A survey among Swedish municipalities was carried out, in two stages. A

Mundane Resistance to Feminism

Title: Mundane Resistance to Feminism - Exploring men’s resistance to feminism through femvertising commercials Date of the Seminar: 2020-06-05 Course: BUSN39 Business Administration: Degree Project in Global Marketing - Master Level Authors: Frida Andersson & Sofie Tersmeden Supervisor: Peter Svensson Key words: Feminism, Femvertising, Mundane Resistance, Brand Activism, Male Perspective. The

Vuxna maskrosbarns livsberättelser : En narrativ analys av fyra livsberättelser om uppväxten med missbrukande föräldrar

This study aims to examine the experiences of adult children to parents with drug and/or alcohol addiction, and how they narrate how this affected their childhood, and adult life. The method used was a narrative analysis of four life stories, taken from four podcast episodes. The empirical data was structured into themes found in the life stories. The themes that were found in the life stories wer

Implementation of a traffic interceptor for Anybus CompactCom

The aim of this project is to design and develop a traffic interceptor for the Anybus protocol. This protocol is owned by HMS Industrial networks and its use is intended to enable industrial devices to communicate with any fieldbus or industrial Ethernet network. The traffic interceptor developed in this master thesis was introduced so the host can observe the data flow before it is translated in

Discourse and Power in Sister Carrie

This essay aims to perform a Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) of select passages from Sister Carrie. The purpose of this is to identify and explain how discourse (language use) affects the intercharacter positions of power at various points of the story. These findings will be presented in the form of rhetorical devices and will be used to propose methods and exercises intended to teach skills re

Modelling of Water Exchange in Flommen Lagoon System in Skanör-Falsterbo, Sweden

The Flommen Lagoon system is located in Skanör-Falsterbo, Sweden. It hosts a diverse and sensitive ecosystem. There have been concerns about the water quality in this lagoon due to impaired water exchange. The objectives of this thesis is to determine the current state of the water exchange in the lagoon and investigate possible measures to improve it. These possible measures revolve around the

En kropp i balans. Hormoner, läkare och förväntningar på endokrinologins framtid i Sverige 1920–1940

Since hormones entered the scientific stage in the early 20th Century they were intrinsically connected with expectations of a better future. The new molecules appeared to be the missing piece in understanding the puzzle that was the human body. Hormones exhibited an impact on bodily functions way beyond anything previously seen, they rejuvenated the old, altered sexes and cured imbeciles. The aim

How explosive should the launch of the new Samsung Galaxy Note8 be?

In August 2016, Samsung launched the Galaxy Note7, but the initial excitement of both the company and the market dropped painfully after only a few days when reports covered phones that were bursting into flames. With an increasing number of incidents and massive media coverage, Samsung had to quickly step up its actions from a reluctant withdraw to a global recall within only one month. Hence, th

Användarcentrerad utveckling av navigationssystem i ambulanssjukvården

Ambulanssjukvård är en verksamhet som under de senaste decennierna successivt ombildats från att huvudsakligen transportera patienter till vårdinrättningar till att idag vara en viktig vårdgivande aktör i mobiliseringen av prehospital akutsjukvård. För att ambulanspersonal ska kunna uppfylla deras utökade arbetsuppgifter och bibehålla god patientsäkerhet i takt med ökade påfrestningar på hela ambuThe operations of emergency medical services have in the past few decades undergone a transformation from mainly transporting patients to health facilities to being a key care-giving contributor in the mobilization of prehospital care. In order for paramedics to fulfill their expanded set of tasks while maintaining good patient safety concurrently with increasing demands on the emergency medical s

Synthesis of a 13C-labeled tool compound for diagnostic applications

Overconsumption and abuse of alcohol are common causes of disabilities and disease. In some cases, it can even lead to premature death. To detect alcohol abuse and overconsumption of alcohol, medical history, patient symptoms and different biomarkers can be used. In this thesis the alcohol specific phosphatidylethanol (PEth) biomarker has been of interest. PEth is the collective name for a group o

Att ha - En undersökning av Maria Lindbergs verk och dess allegoriska dimension

This thesis highlights how art with minimal forms of expression communicate allegorical by discussing specific aspects in the interpretation of Maria Lindbergs artwork Att Ha. This is done through a semiotic analysis complemented by a theoretical framework consisting of mainly allegorical theories. The purpose of this study is to understand the varying messages that are being produced by stressing

Analysing the Impacts of Using Direct Shipments in the Distribution Network for Spare Parts

Distribution is a part of the supply chain and refers to the steps taken to move and store a product from the supplier stage to the customer stage in the supply chain. Direct shipment is a concept within distribution and refers to shipping direct between a supplier and a retailer or customer. Distribution is considered a key driver for overall profitability of a company since it directly affects b