

Din sökning på "*" gav 528039 sökträffar

Soil-living archaea: Influence of pH, carbon and nitrogen on their abundance and activity

Popular Abstract in Swedish På 70-talet upptäckte man att en grupp mikroorganismer, som man tidigare katalogiserat som bakterier, bildade en helt egen grupp. Dessa kallades ärkebakterier och fick senare namnet arkéer. Arkéer är små (ca 1 tusendels millimeter) encelliga organismer precis som bakterier, men de skiljer sig på många sätt från dem. Till exempel har de en kemiskt annorlunda uppbyggd celDuring the last decade it has been discovered that around 2% of the soil-living prokaryotes belong to the domain Archaea. In many soils the most abundant archaeal group is the ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) that, in addition to ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB), preform the first and rate-limiting step in the nitrification process. The knowledge of factors that regulates the archaeal abundance and

The double lysine motif of tapasin is a retrieval signal for retention of unstable MHC class I molecules in the endoplasmic reticulum

Tapasin (tpn), an essential component of the MHC class I (MHC I) loading complex, has a canonical double lysine motif acting as a retrieval signal, which mediates retrograde transport of escaped endoplasmic reticulum (ER) proteins from the Golgi back to the ER. In this study, we mutated tpn with a substitution of the double lysine motif to double alanine (GFP-tpn-aa). This mutation abolished inter


The novel "Reflexer" (Reflections) is the first novel in Swedish literature with a transgender person as the main character. "Reflexer" is a coming-out-novel before the genre was invented and deals with both sexual and gender identities in the early 20th century Sweden. "Reflexer" can thematically be linked to our contemporary LGBTQ literature.

Frontline public relations practitioners. Trustbuilding through multicultural competence and dialogue

This chapter describes and analyzes the public relations strategies and practices of a public organization, a local rescue services, in the process of establishing credibility and building trust in multicultural areas. The trust-building efforts are a response to several years of social unrest, communicative clashes and hostile treatment between operative firemen and residents in certain areas. Th

Creativity in Time and Space

The focus of attention in this article is that of milieux as forges for creativity and renewal. Among the milieux presented are places, corporations and research institutions. The renewal discussed here includes art, architecture, music and literature as well as science and technology. The goal of this article is to identify characteristics of importance in environments where exceptionally creativ

On the spectral efficiency of a volume

The spectral efficiency of a volume in a MIMO environment is analyzed. The analysis is based on a spherical mode expansion for the propagation, the radiation Q for the antennas, and Fano theory for the broadband matching

Optimal time-frequency kernels for spectral estimation of locally stationary processes

This paper investigates the mean square error optimal time-frequency kernel for estimation of the Wigner-Ville spectrum of a certain class of nonstationary processes. The class of locally stationary processes have a simplified covariance structure which facilitates analysis. We give a formula for the optimal kernel in the ambiguity domain and conditions that are sufficient for the optimal time-fre

What’s important? Making what is valuable and worth protecting explicit when performing risk and vulnerability analyses

Values and opinions about what is valuable, are of centralimportance in risk and vulnerability analyses. Yet what is considered valuableis seldom explicitly established. The aim of this study is to explore what groupsof civil servants express as valuable and worth protecting when performing riskand vulnerability analyses in their organisations and to discuss the underlyingreasons for their stipula