

Din sökning på "*" gav 529269 sökträffar

Nöden har ingen lag - var går nödrättens gränser?

24 kap. 4 § brottsbalken stadgar att handlingar eller underlåtenheter som normalt utgör brott är tillåtna om de begåtts i nöd och inte är oförsvarliga. Nöd är en objektiv ansvarsfrihetsgrund som är tillämplig när fara hotar liv, hälsa, egendom eller allmänna intressen. I uppsatsen utreds denna s.k. nödrätt ur ett rättsdogmatiskt och rättsutvecklande perspektiv. Syftena är att belysa nödrätten, somChapter 24 section 4 of the Swedish Penalty Code (brottsbalken) states that criminal actions or omissions which are committed out of necessity, do not constitute a crime as long as they are not indefensible. Necessity is an objective general ground for exemption from criminal responsibility, and is applicable when a danger threatens life, health, property or public legal interests. This paper look

Peacekeeping: a choice between stability and peace? A study on the effects of peacekeeping on peacemaking in the India-Pakistan Conflict

This study has the ambition to illuminate the relationship between peacekeeping and peacemaking. J.Michael Greig and Paul F. Diehl found in their study “Peacekeeping-Peacemaking dilemma” an interesting connection between the presence of a peacekeeping force and the failure of peacemaking process. This study will explore the connection between peacekeeping and a peace process through a qualitative

Peace promoting or spurring tension further? How The Indian Express frames Prime Minister Modi´s speeches in regard to identity groups in India

Political leaders affect the ordinary citizen´s perception of the world, making them important to study in relation to the upsurge of tension and conflict. In this specific thesis the focus is on how The Indian Express frames the discourses of the Prime Minister Narendra Modi in India concerning the relationship between Hindus, minorities and Non-Hindus. The analysis is done through an interrelate

Kneeling Heroes, Standing Heroes: the role of identity discourses in the national anthem controversy

The controversy over the national anthem protests became the latest battleground in an ongoing ´Culture war´ to define American identity. Domestic debates are where the content of common identity is negotiated, in this case the arguments made in the debate also taps into established discourses on identity. Building on a constructivist approach this thesis investigates the discursive production and

Ansvarets otydlighet : en diskursiv studie om Riksarkivets arbete med FGS:er

The digitalization of the Swedish public sector has led to new responsibilities for the Swedish National Archives, Riksarkivet. This study investigates the Swedish National archives’ responsibility regarding the common specifications also known as CS. CS are, in short, standardization requirements for transcription metadata in the context of e-archives. The purpose of this thesis is to make visibl

En räddare i nöd : en kvantitativ studie om upplevd hot- och våldsutsatthet bland myndighetsutövande socialarbetare

Helpers in distress: a quantitative study of exposure to threats and violence among social workers exercising public authority The aim of this study was to examine the exposure to work-related threats and violence among social workers exercising public authority. More specifically, its purpose was to identify differences between various areas such as welfare service or elderly care, and also expl

En fallstudie för att förklara agerandet under U 137-krisens tio dagar

This thesis is based on the grounding of the Soviet submarine U 137 that ran aground just outside the naval base of Karlskrona in October 1981. The Swedish authorities held the submarine for ten days before it was released back to the waiting Soviet naval force. During this time the Swedish government and military leaders had to take decisions regarding this crisis and what to do. After the discov

Tätortsnära naturvård - Förslag på naturvårdsåtgärder i Kronoskogen

Tänkt dig att du går i skogen en solig dag. Du hör fågelsång, ser vackra blommor och äter blåbär. Inne i skogen känner du ett lugn och kan andas ut från vardagens stress. Inget av detta hade varit möjligt utan en mångfald av arter i skogen, men idag är den hotad. Den biologiska mångfalden hotas av fragmentering och ändrad markanvändning, till exempel så blir våra skogar allt mer artfattiga. SkogsbLoss of biodiversity is an important environmental problem. Many species are threatened due to loss of habitats and fragmentation. Furthermore, loss of biodiversity affects the forests ability to provide ecosystem services such as water regulation. Most people live in urban areas and therefore urban forests are important for recreation and to reduce stress among the citizens, but the forests are a

Reproducering av det reproduktiva ansvaret

This case study aims to problematize the inequalities concerning the contraceptive responsibility that are expressed through marketing, from a feminist perspective. The studied case is the contraception app Natural Cycles and focus lies on the terms control, freedom and knowledge as means of power practice. The study combines research fields of advertising, gender studies and power and should be v

Starting a Career in Sweden: International Students’ Perception regarding Future Careers and Diversity in the Swedish Corporate Environment

In an increasingly globalized world, the contact with diverse individuals on a daily basis is unquestionable. Individuals regularly seek intercultural experiences and skills as a way to enrichen their professional and personal approaches and stand out in today’s competitive markets. This study focuses on international master students from Lund University’s School of Economics and Management (LUSEM

“Du är ingen riktig man” : En kvalitativ analys av skildringar om hedersrelaterat våld i biografier och ungdomsromaner

“You are not a real man” A study about how masculinity and honour violence is described in biographies and youth novels. The aim with this study is to examine and investigate how honour violence is described in youth novels and biographies about honour violence. The evaluated question formulations in this study were how masculinity is expressed in these biographies and youth novels, how honour vi

”Alternativen idag är nästintill noll för bögpar så alla tänkbara vägar är aktuella sätt”; En studie i hur män som lever i samkönad relation ser på olika alternativ till att bli föräldrar

En webbenkät utformades i syfte att göra en explorativ studie om hur män som lever i samkönad relation ser på sina olika alternativ till att bli föräldrar samt hur de kan förstås. Med olika alternativ till att bli föräldrar gavs fem alternativ; adoption, surrogatmödraskap/värdmödraskap, med lesbisk kvinna, med hetero-/bisexuell kvinna samt med samkönat par. Sammanlagt var det 24 män som besvarade An online survey was designed to explore how men living in a same-sex-relationship assess different alternatives to become parents and how the alternative can be understandable. With different alternatives to parenthood, five options are emphasized; adoption, surrogate, with lesbian woman, with heterosexual / bisexual woman and with same-sex couples. A total of 24 responses were analysed:eight men

"Vi ges inte möjlighet att arbeta utifrån patientens behov" -en intervjustudie med terapeuter inom Vårdval psykoterapi

Svensk sjukvård har i enlighet med LOV, lag om valfrihet, upprättat avtal för privata aktörer att bedriva vård med offentlig finansiering. Vid psykisk ohälsa på primärvårdsnivå finns inom region Skåne Vårdval psykoterapi. Denna studie har fokuserat på terapeuter inom vårdval psykoterapi KBT kort, där patienten kan erhålla 6-13 samtal. Syftet var att undersöka hur dessa terapeuter ser på avtalet so

Skånes landsbygd(er) - om landsbygdsutveckling och urban norm i det flerkärniga skåne

Urbanization is a strongly fortified global trend. The Swedish population is increasing; however, many municipalities are faced with declining populations. Currently, regional imbalance and rural development is given more room in the social- and political debate. While rurality is often mentioned with negative emphasis, urbanity gets associated with prosperity and thus sets the norm. The region of

Innovating for a Sustainable Future Using Customer Journey mapping to produce valid problem descriptions in an innovation network

Världen står inför stora ekonomiska, sociala och miljömässiga utmaningar, vilket kräver en ökad innovationstakt och en acceleration av omställningen till en hållbar utveckling. Samhället förändras i en snabb takt och omställning kräver nya och starka samarbeten mellan industri och samhälle. För att arbeta mer effektivt och framgångsrikt med att uppnå FN:s 17 globala hållbarhetsmål har Sverige skap

Har graden av informationsasymmetri inom ett bolag betydelse för analytikers pricksäkerhet?

Titel: Har graden av informationsasymmetri inom ett bolag betydelse för analytikers pricksäkerhet? Slutseminarie: 03/06/2019 Kurs: Examensarbete i finansiering på kandidatnivå, 15 hp Författare: Sebastian Petersson, Fred Berntson och Erik Norman Handledare: Håkan Jankensgård Nyckelord: Aktieanalytiker, riktkurs, informationsasymmetri, felprognos, rekommendation Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka om

Evacuation behaviour intentions based on the summer 2018 Swedish forest fire season

A large number of forest fires occurred in Sweden during the summer 2018 on a total area of 21 000 hectares. Between 300 and 500 residents were evacuated from their home due to these fires. This situation was unfamiliar in Sweden at the time, and the routines for dealing with such crisis were challenged. This thesis aimed to investigate the communication and information strategies, the evacuation

Sensory Feedback in Prosthetic Arms

The sense of touch in our body is something that many of us take for granted. It is after all hard to imagine how we would move and utilize our arms and legs without any sensory feedback. For people who need to use hand prosthetics it is however very clear how they could improve their quality of life if they could “feel” with their hands once again. This could be realized using an artificial sens

State Responsibility for Eliminating Violence against Women with a Focus on Afghanistan

Violence against women is a serious human rights violation and a major cause of reduced of life, distress, injury and death for female. According to World Health Organization, 1 in 3 women around the world experience physical or sexual violence, mostly by an intimate partner. This study attempts to contribute to our understanding the problem of violence against women and State obligation with a f

Implementering och design av en intelligent och dynamisk fjärrkontroll i Palm OS (Implementation and design of an intelligent and dynamic remote)

This master's thesis involves design and implementation of an infrared link between an air diffuser and a Palm handheld computer. The diffuser, IDCC (Intelligent Diffuser for Climate Control), is developed by LindinVent AB. The application can download current controller variables and parameters and send new parameters to the diffuser. For adjusting parameters on the Palm an intuitive graphica