

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

Less is less? – A comparative case study of Finnish NGOs’ exit strategies after the cut of Finland's official development assistance in 2016

The relationship between a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) and a government can be unpredictable, which could complicate the NGO’s operations in a resource dependent environment. If a government decides to abruptly cut its official development assistance allocation towards the civil society; does that not only reflect the government’s new development policy but it might also jeopardize the con

Analysis of Catenary Shaped Timber Structures

Bygg kabelkonstruktioner i trä! I dagens samhälle blir det allt viktigare med hållbara lösningar för att lyckas bromsa den globala uppvärmningen. Stål och betong står båda för stora klimatutsläpp och har efter industrialiseringen varit det dominerande valet av material för stora byggnader. Ett alternativt, hållbart material som lyfts fram att kunna vara framtidens material är trä. Ett exempel på eIn the design of a building there are many parameters that effect the material efficiency. The choice of structural solution and material are two of the parameters that will be investigated further in this rapport. Suspension structures is one type of structural solution that has high material efficiency, here the bending stiff properties of timber could also be utilized in order to increase the s

Hör, ni som har öron: En studie av samtalets funktion för nutida predikan

The purpose of this practical theological master’s thesis is to examine conversation as part of sermon preparation in present day preaching in the Lutheran Church of Sweden. This study combines studies of homiletical literature with qualitative empirical methods, stating that theory and practice informs one another. Through participant observation in Bible study groups and the following Sunday’s s

Att inte gå under : en retorisk mytanalys av Arthur Koestlers skönlitterära politiska verk Natt klockan tolv på dagen

The French semantic Roland Barthes belives that within our language there exists myths. These myths, being highly suggestiv, creates an alternative lingustic property beyond words actual meaning. However, Barthes belived that myths are hard to apply to political science, and further more, claimng that myths doesnt manifest itself within the socialist ideology. By using Arthur Koestlers masterwork

The Disembedded Entrepreneur

Abstract Title: The Disembedded Entrepreneur Seminar date: 14-01-2016 Course: FEKH99, Degree Project in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Undergraduate level, 15 University Credit Points Author: Jonathan Galovan Supervisor: Caroline Wigren Key words: Entrepreneurship, Embeddedness, Disembeddedness, Network, Resources. Purpose: The purpose of this research is to explore, analyze and bette


In Stockholm, Sweden commuters are spending 17 working days a year stuck in traffic, polluting our climate and wasting their time. Commute by train could be a great replacement if the connections to the stations were not lacking. By adding the adult kick bike Pendla to the train you will be more flexible, healthy and eco friendly. The kick bike is foldable and free to bring on the train. My produc

”Förtroende är A och O” - En undersökning om förtroende- skapande i affärsrelationer mellan venturekapitalister och entreprenörer

Syfte: Denna uppsats ämnar att studera hur förtroende skapas i affärsrelationer mellan venturekapitalister och entreprenörer. Detta leder oss till att undersöka följande förtroendeskapande faktorer; målkongruens och delade värderingar, kontrakt, tidsperspektiv, avsaknad av konflikter och kommunikation. Metod: Vi har gjort en flerfallstudie med kvalitativ ansats och induktiv metod där semistruktPurpose: This paper aims to study how trust is created in the business relationship between venture capitalists and entrepreneurs. This leads us to examine the following trust-building elements; goal-congruence and shared values, contracts, time perspective, lack of conflicst and communication. Methodology: We have made a multi-case study with a qualitative approach and inductive method where se

Att vara ”varken-eller”

The purpose of this thesis is to study a group of sudanese men and women's view of so called "Swedishness" and if they perceive themselves as Swedish. I have examined how the informants identify themselves, and how they think others portray them. In general my informants show a clear view of ”Swedishness”. They see it as being impossible to identify as Swedish, due to the fact that t

Det fysiska mötets betydelse för utvecklingen av socialt kapital inom kluster

Titel: Det fysiska mötets betydelse för utvecklingen av socialt kapital inom kluster – En fallstudie av Mobile Heights Seminariedatum: 2017-01-12 Kurs: Företagsekonomi FEKH19: Examensarbete i Strategic Management på kandidatnivå Författare: Sofia Gripwall, Hanna Lordh, Elisabet Melin, Filippa Wingårdh Handledare: Niklas Hallberg Fem nyckelord: Kluster, Socialt kapital, Tillit, Fysiska möten, Title: The importance of physical contact in the development of social capital within clusters – A case study of Mobile Heights Seminar date: 2017-01-12 Course: Business Administration FEKH19: Bachelor Degree Project in Strategic Management Authors: Sofia Gripwall, Hanna Lordh, Elisabet Melin, Filippa Wingårdh Advisor: Niklas Hallberg Five key words: Clusters, Social capital, Trust, Physical

Faktorer som kan påverka sjuksköterskans attityd gentemot patienter med självskadebeteende. En litteraturstudie.

Abstrakt Self-harming patients is a problem nurses’ faces in their everyday work. In Sweden approximately 7800 people is hospitalised due to self-harm. The aim of this study is to examine what factors influences nurses’ attitudes and care towards patient who self-harm. This study reviewed previous studies on this subject and collected nine articles that had relevance towards the aim. The result fo

Identification of novel signal transduction proteins of importance for FLT3 signaling in acute myeloid leukemia

Novel therapeutic strategy for acute myeloid leukemia Acute myeloid leukemia, AML, is a type of blood cancer that is generally common among elder ages with median age of 65 years old. Around 350 cases per year are diagnosed with AML in Sweden. It is characterized by infiltration of cancer cells in the bone marrow leading to insufficient production of different blood cell types including the immu

Development of a Web GI System for Disaster Management

Spatial data is an important and necessary ingredient in the disaster management cycle. The preparedness phase requires simulation of disastrous events, identification of disaster management hotspots and creation of hazard- and risk maps. A rapid response in the event of a disaster requires good situational awareness and fast sharing of that knowledge across the community. Further, in the recovery

Rädslan som förändrade folket - en kvalitativ textanalys av Jimmie Åkessons partiledartal i Almedalen

Denna uppsats ämnar att studera det svenska riksdagspartiet Sverigedemokraternas partiledare Jimmie Åkessons användning av politisk kommunikation och utvald retorik för att vinna förtroende hos det svenska folket. Undersökningen görs på Åkessons fyra Almedalstal framförda 2011-2014 och det teoretiska ramverk som agerar utgångspunkt för arbetet grundar sig i fenomenet “politics of fear” samt populi

Den nakna sanningen om en blottande censur : om algoritmisering och fyrkantig disciplinering på Facebook

I denna uppsats studeras 14 aktuella och uppmärksammade händelser där Facebook censurerat bilder som alla innefattar den naturliga och nakna kvinnokroppen. Bilderna som censurerats har bland annat innehållit sjukdomsupplysning, sexualundervisning, amning, konst och aktivism. Syftet med studien är att visa på hur Facebook reproducerar och befäster en mytbaserad bild av kvinnan. Utifrån detta vill v

Saxo and his younger cousin - a study in the principles used to make Gesta Danorum into Compendium Saxonis

The aim of this study is to offer as detailed analysis as possible of the Compendium Saxonis, a late medieval abridgement of the famous historical work Gesta Danorum, written towards the end of the XII century by Saxo Grammaticus. Books I–IV and XVI have been used for this purpose. The study contains an introduction, two chapters and a conclusion. In the introduction, scarce information known abou

Tillväxt och migration - En regional studie av relationen mellan tillväxt och migration

Denna studie undersöker korrelationen mellan inkomstnivåns tillväxt på en kommunal nivå och migration år 2001-2014. Den använder data från Statistiska Centralbyrån för att göra en multipel regressionsanalys som studerar korrelation mellan inkomstnivåns tillväxt och variablerna. De valda variablerna är initial inkomstnivå och initial invandringsnivå (som är utrikes födda i relation till population)

En intervention inom positiv psykologi om karaktärsstyrkor för att öka välbefinnande och förbättra arbetsförhållanden

Uppsatsen syftade till att skapa och testa ett enkelt verktyg att använda inom organisationer för att öka anställdas välbefinnande och förbättra upplevelsen av psykologiska, sociala och organisatoriska arbetsförhållanden. Med teoretisk utgångspunkt i positiv psykologi skapades en tre veckor lång arbetsplatsintervention. De 32 deltagarna var administrativ personal hos en politisk organisation indelThe aim of this study was to create and test a simple tool to use within organizations to increase employee well-being and improve the experience of psychological, social and organizational working conditions. With help of theory from positive psychology, a three week workplace intervention was created. The 32 participants were administrative employees of a political organization, divided into one

Study of spatial and temporal variation of atmospheric optical parameters and their relation with PM 2.5 concentration over Europe using GIS technologies

The purpose of this study was to examine the use of remote sensing aerosol data as an estimator of ground level fine particulate matter concentration (PM 2.5). In order to examine this possible relation, daily MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) data were used, collected for an entire year. The analysis involved manipulation of pollution and meteorological data, such as the PM 2.5 concentration wh

Ricany Distillery - fill it up!

Ricany is a town with 15 000 inhabitants situated 25 minutes by train from Prague city centre. The closeness to the capital makes Ricany dependent in many spheres, mainly culture and public services, but also one of the most popular places for living in the whole Czech Republic. During the past ten years, the population has grown by 27% and due to a missing reasonable concept in urban planning, th