

Din sökning på "*" gav 533064 sökträffar

Owners perception of urban domestic gardens - A study of CES in Lund, Sweden

Idag lever ca hälften av världens befolkning i städerna. Detta beräknas öka till ca 60%, närmare 6 miljarder människor till 2030 och en stor fråga som kommer med detta är vart skall alla bo? Jo, det byggs såklart nya bostäder hela tiden för den ökade befolkningen men nästa fråga blir då, vart ska man bygga alla dessa bostäder? Ska de byggas i utkanten av städerna vilket gör att de spiller över på Around half of the world population live within urban areas and is expected increase to encompass 60% by 2030. As the human population increases, cities are forced to densify or expand onto surrounding land, leaving less space for communal green space that supply the urban residents with vital ecosystem services. A resource of green space that thus far hasn’t been explored is private domestic gard

Sjuksköterskans upplevelser av hinder för äldre personers delaktighet inom slutenvård

Antalet äldre med komplex sjukdomsbild ökar i Sverige och de är en stor grupp som vårdas inom slutenvården. Vårdens resultat och följsamhet till vården ökar om patienterna känner sig delaktiga. Forskning visar dock att patienterna inte känner sig delaktiga. Syfte: Att beskriva vad sjuksköterskor inom slutenvården upplever för hinder för äldre personers delaktighet. Metod: Studien gjordes med semisElderly persons with multiple diagnoses are increasing in Sweden and they are a large part of the inpatients each year. Hospital care and patient compliance are both improved with patient participation. Studies show however that patients does not feel that they participate in their own care. Aim: To describe what nurses in hospitals experience for type of difficulties concerning participation of e

Vårdens kompetensförsörjning

The underlying reason for this essay was the current chal-lenges of acquiring and keeping competent personnel within the Swedish health care. The purpose statement was to ana-lyze how managers at a Swedish hospital work with talent management, with the focus being on the terms participat-ion, motivation and communication. This was carried out through a qualitative interview study, based on social

Föräldrars upplevelser i samband med lång vårdtid inom barnkardiologi - En intervjustudie

Bakgrund: Tidigare studier har visat att föräldrar upplevt brist på stöd samt utanförskap när deras barn har en lång vårdtid på sjukhus. Syftet: Att belysa föräldrars upplevelser i samband med en lång vårdtid, på en pediatrisk kardiologiavdelning, ur ett familjecentrerat perspektiv. Metod: Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med 10 föräldrar, tre pappor och sju mammor. Resultat: Centrala fy

Aurorabarnmorskors erfarenheter av att arbeta med förlossningsrädda kvinnor

Förlossningsrädsla är ett omfattande begrepp och det är något som drabbar ca 25% av alla gravida i olika utsträckning. Stödet till dessa kvinnor varierar över landet. Syfte: Att belysa Aurorabarnmorskors erfarenheter av att arbeta med förlossningsrädda kvinnor. Metod: En intervjustudie har tillämpats. Datan är analyserad med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Aurorabarnmorskors erfarenheter är

Vem vet bäst? - en analys av perspektiven i dödshjälpsdebatten -

In this essay the Swedish euthanasia debate was studied. The main focus of the study was to investigate the arguments presented in the debate to try to understand what kind of perspectives laid as a foundation of these arguments. The study shows that the arguments that favour euthanasia often come from the perspective of individual right to value their own lives, and use a democratic perspective,

Magic Formula Investing and The Swedish Stock Market

The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the existing research within the subject of the Magic Formula. The investment strategy will be tested on historical data for companies on the Stockholm stock exchange during the period 2007-04-01 to 2017-03-31. The return will be benchmarked against OMXS30 as an indicator of the market return. In addition to comparisons between the return of the Magic

Direct pellet extruder developed for LEDC - 3D print with recycled materials

The thesis is to develop a 3D printer that easily and conveniently can print with recycled plastic such as PET bottles, plastic packaging and much more. The printer will be designed according to the needs of a developing country. The idea is not to create an additive manufacturing factory but an effective manufacturing tool for the locals in the less developed parts of the country. The printer can

Employer attractiveness, arbetsengagemang och arbetstillfredsställelse inom den svenska byggbranschen

I dagens ekonomi är brist på arbetskraft ett stort problem i Sveriges byggbransch. Syftet med denna studie var därför att undersöka hur employer attractiveness värderas samt hur upplevelsen av arbetsengagemang och arbetstillfredsställelse ser ut inom den svenska byggbranschen samt huruvida det förelåg en korrelation mellan dessa begrepp eller ej. Studien ämnade även att kartlägga huruvida eventuelThe lack of labour is today an extensive problem in Sweden’s construction industry. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine how employer attractiveness is valued and how the experience of work engagement and job satisfaction appears in the Swedish construction industry. The study also aimed to identify to which extent potential correlations differed among white- and blue collar workers

Personal Cool - "Cooling of an Individual"

This project is a collaboration with Electrolux, KTH Royal Institute of Technology and the School of Industrial Design (Lund University). The goal of the project was to investigate new ways of cooling an individual, to ultimately result in a product proposal. We have all experienced heat waves in the summer, which can affect us even in our homes. In addition, typical home activities such as cleani

Migration patterns in two populations of the Common Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula, examined with light levelgeolocators

Flyttningsmönster hos två populationer av större strandpipare beskrivet med hjälp av ljusloggrar Fågelflyttning är ett resultat av naturlig selektion och är anpassad till alla delar av en fågels liv, så som miljön den häckar i, dess byte av fjädrar och konkurrens med artfränder oh andra. Eftersom fåglar finns i nästan alla miljöer är variationen på olika sätt att flytta stor. Ibland uppstår tydliLeap-frog migration, i.e. when a northerly breeding population/species migrates further south compare to southerly breeding population/species, is a common migration pattern in birds. However, it is still unknown which factors facilitate the evolution of such a migration pattern pattern. A textbook example of a species exhibiting leap-frog migration is the Common Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula

Commercialising Personalised Nutrition: Barriers and Critical Success Factors

Personalised nutrition is a concept which include dietary advice developed according to an individual’s needs and preferences. This by the usage of information regarding an individual’s lifestyle choices as well as of dietary, phenotypic and genotyping information. Scientists have had high expectations regarding personalised nutrition’s ability to optimise health and prevent and treat diseases. Ho

Tänk om allt vore annorlunda: kausala relationer mellan det aktuella och icke-aktuella inom modalrealism och modalabstraktionism

Can there be causation between actual and non-actual states of affairs? To me it seems so, but few modal theories seem to be able to handle the question. I present and compare two theories of modality: David Lewis' modal realism and Alvin Plantinga's abstractionist theory of modality. None of the theories can give a perfect answer, but while Lewis' theory simply make such causal relati

Att skatta bort synden

Can states by introducing taxes, change the way their citizens consume? Can states tax away the sins of their population? In this following paper, I have examined varies excise taxes in Denmark. More specificly I have analyzed Denmark’s tobacco- and alcoholtax and their failed sugar tax. How effective are they and what made the sugar tax fail? What are the correlation between the taxes and what ar

"Made in Jordan"? - En fallstudie av EU:s reglerande inflytande genom handel i Jordanien

Conditionality clauses in EU trade agreements are widely criticised for their inefficacy in influencing companies’ production processes. While it is usually customary that companies that fail to comply to said clauses may still continue to export to the single market, the new 2016 trade agreement between the EU and Jordan has imposed stricter restrictions and forbids non-compliant companies to exp

Fields of blue growth as "green" answers : a critical analysis of the Swedish discourse on aquaculture and ocean development

Because of increasing pressures on marine life and habitats, the overall health of the global ocean has over the latter years received attention internationally. It is therefore of relevance to analyse how the type of human-nature relationship towards the ocean is presented through what can be coined as Blue Growth. The aim of this research is to critically discuss what human-nature relationships

Emma and Clueless in the ESL Classroom: A comparative study from a Marxist perspective

This essay provides an understanding of why a teacher of English in Sweden can use the novel Emma (1994) and the film Clueless (1995), in comparison, to describe and use Marxist literary theory in the classroom. As there are various ways of teaching the English language to adolescents, using literature and film provides a chance for teachers to teach new terminology connected to critical theory, a

Vardag blir musik – en pedagogisk studie om improvisation i vardagen och i musiken

Är improvisation på gitarr liktydigt med att spela gitarrsolo? Bakgrunden till denna undersökning är att många gitarrelever tycks omfatta denna åsikt. Denna studie syftar till att förstå hur gymnasieelever uppfattar improvisation i vardagen och i musik samt att utveckla en pedagogik som bygger på elevens individuella förståelse av improvisation. Studien utfördes inom ramen för gitarrlektioner där Is improvisation on the guitar synonymous to playing a guitar solo? A backdrop to this study is the observation that many guitar students seem to share this opinion. This study aims to contribute to a better understanding of how high school students perceive improvisation in music and in everyday life. It also seeks to find a way to teach improvisation based on the student’s individual understandi

Underprestation - ett välbevarat fenomen

Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka om börsintroduktioner i den svenska kontexten underpresterar långsiktigt mot index. Uppsatsen ämnade även undersöka vilka variabler som påverkar den långsiktiga underprestationen för ett företag som börsintroduceras. Uppsatsens urval bestod av 54 börsintroduktioner som matchades mot indexet OMX Stockholm Benchmark GI. För insamling av relevant data användes dThe purpose of this study is to examine if Swedish initial public offerings (IPOs) underperforms in the long run compared to a relevant index. It also aims to test if the underperformance of an IPO can be explained by a set of observable variables. The study included 54 IPOs made on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm during the period 2000-2013. Business Retriever, Datastream, Nasdaq, Skatteverket and Zephyr wa

Frequency Tracking Using Digital Cavities

Digital cavities are efficient algorithms for comb filters with very low computational costs. They have been used to precisely measure the amplitude and phase of high frequency signals (few giga samples per second) from data acquired by high speed digitizers 80 GSps. However, the previous measurements were done offline as the serial processors used in the analysis could not cope with the large dat