

Din sökning på "*" gav 526784 sökträffar

Bögarnas Zarah: diva, ikon, kult

”If You Want to see a star of Shame, Look at Zarah! Zarah Leander and Queer Diva Worship” is a research project funded by The Swedish Research Council. This project investigates the Swedish actress and singer Zarah Leander as a queer diva in the way the “phenomenon Leander” emerged in the 1950s and 1960s in Sweden, Germany and internationally. Leander’s dark voice, travestie-like persona and her s

Doping of Semiconductor Nanowires

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vi människor konsumerar en ständigt ökande mängd elektrisk energi, som till största delen produceras av ändligt tillgängliga material som kol, gas, olja och uran. Elproduktionen har många skadliga bieffekter, som till exempel utsläpp av växthusgasen koldioxid vid förbränning av kol, gas och olja. Solceller omvandlar istället solens ljus direkt till elektricitet. ProcessIn this thesis, in situ doping during growth of III-V semiconductor nanowires, primarily for photovoltaic applications, is investigated. The nanowires were grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE), with gold seed particles. After growth the nanowires were characterized using various techniques, including photoluminescence, transmission electron microscopy and electrical measurements of co

Moisture and clothing layers: effect of ambient temperature on heat loss and insulation

During the latest years the research on the effects of moisture on clothing system has been boosted. New information has revealed phenomena, e.g. “heat pipe” effect with its condensation-evaporation cycle(s) that has not been considered earlier in prediction of physiological reactions or evaluating clothing properties. Considering the material properties, e.g. the evaporative resistance measuremen

Perspektiv på social hållbarhet i Varberg och Västervik

Det talas ofta om att försöka uppnå en hållbar utveckling med utgångspunkt i ett naturvetenskapligt perspektiv. Samhällsvetenskapliga aspekter som tar upp de sociala, ekonomiska och samhällspolitiska perspektiven är sällan förekommande. När man exempelvis vill uppnå en hållbar utveckling i en stad eller kommun måste man ta hänsyn till många dimensioner, inte endast de ekologiska förhållandena utan

”The queer disappearance of Butler" : När Judith Butler introducerades i svensk feministisk forskning, 1990-2002

This article on the Swedish reception of the work and theories of feminist philosopher Judith Butler follows four feminist fields that introduced and discussed Butler’s work from the early 1990’s to the early 2000’s; the first and earliest being the radical feminist field, followed by the field of feminist literary studies, the field of queer theory and, as a field of its own, the various translat

On the Road to FAIR: 1st Operation of AGATA in PreSPEC at GSI

The Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR), under construction at Darmstadt will provide intense relativistic beams of exotic nuclei at its Superconducting-FRagment Separator. High-resolution in-beam γ-ray spectroscopy will be performed in the HISPEC experiment, using the European Advanced GAmma-ray Tracking Array (AGATA). The PreSPEC-AGATA campaign is the predecessor of HISPEC and runs f

Modelling moisture conditions in cementitious materials – some present challenges

The moisture conditions of a concrete have a decisive effect on several properties and many parts of deterioration processes. The moisture distribution in a concrete structure is determined by the concrete composition, curing and the microclimate in the different parts of the structure. A prediction requires access to data on the time-dependency of the binder reactions, moisture fixation and moist

Polymer effects on microemulsions and lamellar phases

The main part of this thesis deals with the effects of adsorbing and non-adsorbing polymers when mixed with microemulsion droplets and bilayers in a lamellar phase. The phase behaviour, microstructure and interactions in a nonionic surfactant/ water/ oil-system, comprising penta ethylene oxide dodecyl ether (C12E5) and decane, was investigated. The microemulsion phase was studied by small angle ne