

Din sökning på "*" gav 529194 sökträffar

Hbtq-kompetens? En kvantitativ studie av attityder, kunskaper och upplevd självförmåga hos psykologer.

En enkätstudie genomfördes i syfte att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar psykologers hbtq-kompetens. Via Facebook rekryterades 407 psykologer som besvarade den webbaserade enkäten. Hbtq-kompetens operationaliserades genom två komponenter: attityder till hbtq* (hbtq* används genomgående som förkortning för “hbtq-personer och hbtq-frågor”) och hbtq-kompetens (upplevd självförmåga att agera hbtq-A survey was conducted to investigate psychologists’ lgbtq competence. A total of 407 psychologists were recruited through Facebook. The concept of lgbtq competence was operationalized through two components: attitudes towards lgbtq* (attitudes towards and knowledge about lgbtq people and issues) and lgbtq competence (lgbtq affirmative counseling self-efficacy). The results were in line with previ

Reverse payment settlements in the context of Article 102 TFEU: Abusive or not? By object or not?

Pharmaceutical reverse payment settlements lie at the intersection of competition law and intellectual property law. In the recent years, these settlement agreements have increasingly attracted the attention of competition law authorities in the European Union. Generally, the focus of these cases, and of the literature concerning reverse payment settlements, has been on the collusive nature of the

Från "antifascistisk skyddsmur" till "tecken på statsförbrytelser": Narrativ analys av framställningen av Berlinmuren i Neues Deutschland

In 1961 a concrete wall through the city of Berlin was erected and further determined the division between a once united Germany into West and East Germany. In East Germany the communist party had the power and the newspaper Neues Deutschland to spread its propaganda, until the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989. The aim of this paper is to look further into how the newspaper Neues Deutschland portra

Kultur som strategisk resurs: En kvalitativ studie om kulturella värden i Åhléns digitala reklamfilmer

Denna studie syftar till att söka förståelse för hur ett svenskt, kommersiellt företag arbetar strategiskt kommunikativt med kulturella värden i sin digitala marknadsföring, och därigenom bidra med utökad förståelse inom forskningsfältet strategisk kommunikation. Det finns begränsat med forskning som har undersökt kulturella värden i reklam. I dessa är det främst visuellt innehåll som har studeratThis study aims to understand how a Swedish market-related company works strategically with cultural values in its digital marketing, thereby contributing to increased understanding within the field of strategic communication. There is limited research regarding cultural values in advertising. The studies that has been done, has mainly focused on the visual elements. With the ambition to contribut

Linkages between the Chinese stock market and the macroeconomic climate in the U.S. and EU

The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between investments in the Chinese stock market and shocks to the macroeconomic climate in the U.S. and in the EU. Four different indices are used in determining the investment response to shocks in the two different geographical regions of interest – The Shanghai Composite Index, CSI 300 Information Technology Index, CSI 300 Materials Index

Athletes in the European Union - Towards Improved Protection of Image Rights

The topic of this thesis is the sports law attached to the image rights and intellectual property rights (IPR). The focus is more on the individual athletes when it comes to the commercial use of their image. In this work I study how the individual athletes’ right to their image might possibly be limited. My question layout includes the reflection on how the athletes’ opportunities to use or to co

Effektivisering av tillvalsprocessen i småhusprojekt

Customer choices allows buyers to influence the finished result of their new accommodation to something that is aesthetically pleasing to the customer and makes the home more personal. The thesis work has been carried out in collaboration with Götenehus, who asked for an analysis of their work as it appears today. It deals with suggestions and new working methods in the process of customer choices

En granskning av dominerande våldsdiskurser i svensk rätt: om kvinnors relativa rättslöshet i ett neutralt, objektivt och opartiskt rättssystem

This thesis examines the Swedish court system’s representation of itself as a neutral, objective and unbiased institution. Through previous research and a theoretical framework consisting of feminist perspective on gender, intersectionality and symbolic violence, as well as critical discourse analysis and discursive psychology an otherwise invisible patriarchal core in the court system becomes vis

Aktivitetsbalans och roller ur ett nu- och dåtidsperspektiv hos kvinnor med Anorexia nervosa - En intervjustudie

Bakgrund I Sverige lider 1 % av befolkningen av Anorexia nervosa. Sjukdomen har inte sällan en stor påverkan på en individs aktivitetsbalans och roller. Områden som båda är viktiga för att en människa ska uppleva ett balanserat, hälsosamt och meningsfullt liv. Syfte Att undersöka hur unga kvinnor som tillfrisknat från Anorexia nervosa upplever och beskriver sin aktivitetsbalans i vardagen och sin

"Att ta kaptensrollen över sitt eget liv" : Socialt arbete tillsammans med utsatta människor i en brukarförening

Volunteer and service user organizations play an important role in order to meet the needs of marginalized people in Sweden. These organizations operate within civil society and are characterized by experiential knowledge and peer support. The purpose of this qualitative study was to gain knowledge on how a service user organization can organize their work as a means to offer support to marginaliz

The Adverse Side-Effects of Negative Interest Rate Policies on Banking Stability

The purpose of this paper is to investigate banking stability in countries where Negative Interest Rate Policies (NIRPs) are implemented, then study this stability by examining the relationships between policy interest rates and indicators of not only banking profitability but also capital adequacy, asset quality, and liquidity. The dataset used are the Financial Soundness Indicators (FSIs) collec

En studie av en klinisk population inom späd- och småbarnspsykiatrin-relationen mellan föräldrars anknytningsmönster, föräldrastress och kontaktanledning.

Inom späd- och småbarnspsykiatrin behandlas familjer av en mängd olika anledningar. Det kan bero på dåligt mående hos föräldern, att känslorna för barnet inte är så starka som förväntat, att relationen mellan barn och förälder är konfliktfylld eller att det finns en oro över barnets symtom. Föreliggande studie syftade till att undersöka och beskriva den kliniska populationen inom två späd- och småIn child and infant mental health clinics families are treated for a variety of reasons. It may be that the feelings expressed for the child by the parent may not be as expected, due to the mental health problems of the parent, or that the relationship between the child and parent is filled with conflict, or that there is a parental concern for the child's symptoms. This study aimed at investi

Are limited editions limited to products?

Purpose: The aim of this paper is to explore whether service can be implemented as limited edition in order to strengthen the brand and to drive business. Methodology/Approach: This research is based on a qualitative approach with a multi case study analyzing Visit Sweden, Finnair and Lund University. Each brand has implemented a limited service of own kind this year. Findings: The research sh

Automatic Belt Tension Device

In this master’s thesis, the development of a new belt tensioning solution, for use in ASSA ABLOY's sliding doors is treated. As a starting point for the work, ASSA ABLOY’s current belt tension solution has been used as a reference. On this reference, an extensive problem analysis have been carried out, including interviews, field studies and laboratory tests in order to understand what is req

Remote Leadership - A Qualitative Study About Leaders' Experience of Leading Remotely

The main objective of this research study is to investigate how today’s leaders experience remote leadership, thus the following research question is examined: How does a leader make sense of remote leadership? The concept of remote leadership is investigated from a leader perspective using a qualitative method, interviewing 11 remote leaders in the private sector. The following categories have em


Korslimmat trä, eller KL-trä, har gett nya möjligheter för storskaligt byggande av träkonstruktioner. Träets låga egenvikt kan dock resultera i ökad risk för vibrationer som upplevs obehagliga och mentalt påfrestande. Därför behövs bättre förståelse för det dynamiska beteendet av KL-trä för framtida användning. Datorsimuleringar för bjälklag av KL-trä kan dock vara tidskrävande och ibland försvåraThe deregulation of timber for use in large scale constructions has seen the addition of new innovative timber-based products to a category of products referred to as engineered wood products. A now well established addition to these products is cross laminated timber, or CLT for short. CLT products use a form of orthogonal layering, where several parallel wooden boards are arranged in a number of

Immigrant background and hospital care because of dental caries among preschool children in Sweden: A longitudinal, register-based study in a national cohort.

Introduction: Dental caries among preschool children is a global problem, a burden on children’s well-being, and an economic burden on healthcare systems. In Sweden, preschool children with an immigrant background have a higher prevalence of caries. Extensive treatment need and long-standing poor oral health may require dental treatment within hospital care. This study aimed to investigate whether

Vad är en specialistsocionom? : En undersökning av socionomers tankar om specialisttjänster i den sociala barn- och ungdomsvården.

Abstract Author: Emilie Probert Title: What is a specialist social worker? - A study of social workers thoughts regarding specialist social workers in social child care. Supervisor: Kerstin Svensson Assessor: Anna Angelin The aim for this study was to seek in depth knowledge regarding the arguments towards a more specialized social child care and the implementation of specialist social workers w

”En grannlaga uppgift”- en kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares och särskilda företrädares upplevelser att meddela åklagarbeslut till barn

När ett barn misstänks vara utsatt för brott startas utredning hos både socialtjänsten och polisen. Barnahus är en organisation som under gemensamt tak samverkar kring barn som utsatts för allvarliga brott. I riktlinjerna till Barnahus framgår att barn har rätt till deltagande och information. Denna studie undersöker hur barn får information om förundersökningens fortlöpande. Barn har, oavsett om

Baljväxter - bästa maten i klimatkrisen

Varannan tugga i Sverige är importerad från alla världens hörn och det enda vi är helt självförsörjande på är spannmål, socker och morötter. I en krissituation där vi inte längre har tillgång till importerade livsmedel kanske vi får leva på enbart morotskaka om vi inte ökar vår livsmedelsproduktion. Klimatförändringen kommer att påverka hela världen och ändra förutsättningar som vi idag mer eller Only 50 percent of Swedish food supply comes from domestic production, which creates a high dependency on an international trade to import foods. This leads to a high vulnerability within the food system. In order to secure food supply in times of crisis Sweden must increase its food production. According to climate research, future climate will be characterized by a higher rate of extreme weather