

Din sökning på "*" gav 527977 sökträffar

Metabolic responses to starch in oat and wheat products. On the importance of food structure, incomplete gelatinization or presence of viscous dietary fibre

Objective: Evaluate the impotrtance of incomplete gelatinization, food structure and presence of viscous dietary fibre for the postprandial glycaemic and insulinaemic responses to oat and wheat products. Design: Three common breakfast meals were tested, "raw" rolled oats (muesli), boiled rolled oats (oat porridge) and white wheat bread. Boiled intact oat and wheat kernels (kernel porridges) were a

The solvability of pseudo-differential operators

We give a new proof of the Nirenberg-Treves conjecture: that local solvability of principal type pseudodifferential operators is equivalent to condition (Psi). This condition rules out sign changes from - to + of the imaginary part of the principal symbol along the oriented bicharacteristics of the real part. We obtain local solvability by proving a localizable a priori estimate for the adjoint op

Femoral neck fractures. Aspects on treatment and outcome.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Höftfraktur är en vanlig skada, som huvudsakligen drabbar äldre kvinnor, och oftast orsakas av ett ringa våld. Det är vanlig orsak till funktionsnedsättning, sjuklighet och dödlighet hos de äldre. Både incidensen (antal nya fall per antal innevånare och år) av höftfrakturer och det totala antalet har ökat de senaste årtiondena. Höftfrakturer medför stora kostnader för sHip fractures are a common cause of morbidity and mortality in elderly patients, with a high risk of functional impairment and institutionalization. The incidence and number of hip fractures have increased during the recent decades and hip fractures consume considerable health-care resources. The incidence of hip fractures in Malmö, Sweden, 1992–95, is described in Paper I. The annual incidence pe

Game Love : Essays on Play and Affection

What does love have to do with gaming? As games have grown in complexity, they have increasingly included narratives that seek to engage players with love in a variety of ways. While media attention often focuses on violent emotions and behavior in gaming, love has always been central to the experience. We love to play games, we have titles that we love, and sometimes we love too much or love terr

WDM network re-optimization avoiding costly traffic disruptions

Network re-optimization is a process that must be triggered periodically in order to improve the inefficient resource allocation of online routing heuristics due to the uncertainty of online lightpath demand arrivals and departures. Network re-optimization involves two tasks: a) finding new lightpaths for a (sub)set of current demands, i.e. rerouting, and b) migrating the current traffic to the ne

A field study in dairy farms: thermal condition of feet

The study aimed to find out the problems connected with feet during work in cold loose housing barns in wintertime. 13 dairy farms and 20 workers were studied. Skin temperatures and subjective responses were collected, and at the end of a work period the subjects filled in a questionnaire about the workday. The foot skin temperatures were measured on dorsal foot and second toe. Most of the workers

The Future of Political Community

This book explores the alternative futures of political community and moves beyond the critique of what is wrong with existing, state-based forms of political community. It does so not with the defence of a particular normative model of political community in mind, but rather in the quest for new ways of thinking about political community itself. Exploring how the political must be rethought in th

A Dutch book for group decision-making?

Distribute white and black hats in a dark room to a group of three rational players with each player having a fifty-fifty chance of receiving a hat of one colour or the other. Clearly, the chance that, as a result of this distribution, (A) "Not all hats are of the same colour" is 3/4. The light is switched on and all players can see the hats of the other persons, but not the colour of their own ha