

Din sökning på "*" gav 527133 sökträffar

Att vilja sluta från sitt hjärta eller vara så trött på allt - En kvalitativ studie om mäns vägar ut ur missbruk

The aim of my essay was to understand male way out of drug abuse. I wanted to find out if there were any specific factors contributing to men’s decisions to terminate their drug abuse. I also wanted to know which problems men face on their way to a life without drugs, and where they gather their strength to continue a life without drugs. To answer these questions I made six thematic qualitative in

Barn till psykiskt sjuka föräldrar : uppmärksammas barn till psykiskt sjuka föräldrar?

The purpose of the essay was to examine and understand how professionals work in different fields of action to observe children of mentally disordered parents and how they work with these children, also what it implies for the child if it doesn't get observed. Some questions we had for our essay were: - Do children of mentally disordered parents get observed and how do the professionals work t

Gamla bromsklossar vs. unga fartdårar - är kunskapsöverföring en nyckelfråga? : en kvalitativ studie om hur företag hanterar 40-talisternas uttåg från arbetsmarknaden

In 2014 people born in the 1940s will be retired. The Swedish labour market is facing a radical change in quantity and experience. We have studied five private companies in Sweden. Our purpose was to explore how these organizations worked with what we have defined as a future key issue – the retirement of people born in the 1940s and what that involves in terms of loss of competence. For our analy

Portfolio : dokumenterad utveckling eller utvecklande dokumentation

By making interviews with ten-year-old pupils we tried to analyse how they value, understand and use the portfolio method. We also wanted to know if these results match the aims of the board of education, the school administration and the teachers. Our main questions were: · Whose demands does the portfolio method meet? · What kinds of demands are met? · What does this method mean to the pupils? ·

Medborgarlön: ett alternativ för det framtida svenska samhället

The aim of our essay has been to examine at what point in history the issue of a basic income first came up and the reason why this concept didn't take root in our modern Swedish society, in spite of this being an old idea. Our main questions are: Which are those obstacles and possibilities that show up in the Swedish society regarding the introduction of a basic income? What advantages and di

Mäns våld mot kvinnor : Omöjliga män eller män med möjligheter?

The purpose of this survey has been to find the answer to the following three questions: What resources are available in Scania for men involved in domestic violence? Who are these men that will come for help? What type of treatment is available? To do this we have interviewed representatives from the following sources: - the local police department in the north-west region of Scania - the local a

Heder och samvete - Hedersrelaterade brott mot unga flickor - Stöd och hjälp från samhället

The purpose of this essay has been to look at the phenomenon murder and other crimes in the name of honor, against young female immigrants. We have chosen to look at it from different perspectives of society, to be able to study different possibilities to why it occurs. Our purpose has been to deepen our understanding of what we have chosen to call murder and other crimes in the name of honor. Fur

Konsten att förhindra ett beroende : om hur enskilda biståndsorganisationer arbetar för att undvika ett beroende hos mottagarna

The purpose of this essay was to examine how Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), working with foreign aid, work to avoid the recipients from being dependent on them as organizations. The main issues were: 1. What does the activity of the NGOs look like in the developing countries? 2. In which way do the people in the recipient countries participate in the projects? 3. What do the organizations

Through the Eyes of the Child A Study of Children's Experiences at the Time Their Parents Separate:What Happens in These Children's Lives Seen from Their Own Point of View

The main purpose of this study is to form a picture of what happens in a child's life when their parents separate and how this event is seen through the child's eyes. This study is based on qualitative research methods in which eleven children from six families were interviewed. In addition, the parents were asked a few questions about their custody arrangements and the amount of the coop

En kunskapsbaserad socialtjänst : BBiC - ett kunskapsprojekt i Helsingborgs stad

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore the concept of knowledge-based social work as exemplified by the project Barns behov i centrum (BBiC). Questions: What are the central concepts of knowledged-based social work? How has BBiC, identified as a "knowledge project", developed? How do social workers understand knowledge development efforts? Method: Explorative case study (interv

"Ingen människa är en ö..." (Ur filmen Om en pojke) - en uppsats om ungdomars psykiska välbefinnande och levnadsvillkor

My purpose with this essay was to investigate psychic health/well-being among young people from the concept Sense of Coherence and to try to make out such factors that could have an effect on young peoples Sense of Coherence. The main questions were: · How is the Sense of Coherence look among the investigated youths? · What kind of similarities/differences exists between genders regarding the Sens

Hej! Så här har det varit för mig - En empirisk studie av sex flyktingars processuella tankar och upplevelser om livet i Sverige.

The purpose of this essay was to examine how six refugees have experienced their life in Sweden over time. Our main issue was to learn how they experienced to meet a new society and culture and how it has affected them. We were also interested finding out if the new society has changed their way of thinking and acting. To fulfil our purpose to answer these questions we made the interviews based on

Familjerådslag och empowerment : varför leder socialtjänstens utredning inte till familjerådslag

Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka varför ett stort antal utredningar avslutas utan att familjerådslag hållits. För att kunna besvara denna frågeställning ställs ett antal frågor: · I vilken utsträckning upplever familjer, vars barn utreds av socialtjänsten, att de informeras om familjerådslag? · Varför tackar familjer nej till familjerådslag? · Hur ser barnens vårdnadshavare på att släkt och nätve

Barns delaktighet i insatsen hemterapeut

The purpose with this essay was to examine and raise a child perspective on the inset home therapy. The purpose also included to get more knowledge about how much children in middle childhood are involved in investigations and social acts, and most of all when it comes to those measures that includes children themselves. We studied this from three different perspectives: one socialworker perspecti

Invandrarföretagare : om drivkrafterna bakom valet att starta eget

The main purpose of this essay was to find out what motivates immigrants to start their own business. We decided to study the local immigrant-owned pizzarestaurants in Halmstad, Sweden. We choose to conduct a questionnaire and a couple of interviews, which was a complementary to extend our understanding. We wanted to get their view of motivations behind the choice to run their own business. We als

När det oväntade inträffar : en studie om hur barns behov av stöd uppmärksammas inom akutsjukvården, i samband med nära anhörigs oväntade död

The aim of this essay was to find out how children are paid attention to by staff at emergency wards, when a close relative unexpectedly passes away. We had five questions to help us to reach our aim: · How can helpers work with children in acute crises? · How can children in crises react? · What apprehension does children have of death during different ages? · How much should children participate

"De visade mig en plats och sen satt jag där" : en studie av nyanställda socialsekreterares integration på arbetsplatsen

The purpose with this essay was to examine and understand factors with great importance for the new employed social welfare secretaries' integration into their working environment. It was a qualitative study done with eight interviews and as a result it gave us the social welfare secretaries' experiences. We proceeded from following questions: o What kind of reception does the new employed

Hur kunde detta ske? Vanvård och misshandel vid institutioner för barn på Irland under 1900- talet

The aim with this paper is to trying to give its reader an insight into the alleged abuse at institutions for children that was run by various religious orders of the Catholic church in Ireland. My research is mainly based on the 20th century, but I have also taken earlier centuries into account in order to get a wider picture of the development of the service provided by the religious orders. I h

"Vi och dom" : några iranier och afrikaner berättar om inneslutning och uteslutning inom grupperna

A number of theories explain how and why groups are setting up boundaries between them. Groups are often categorising each other and individuals are created into stereotypes for belonging to a certain group. Our theory is that there exist boundaries between individuals and small groups within a larger group. We examined different factors that we think could participate in these exclusion- and incl