

Din sökning på "*" gav 528090 sökträffar

The Role of Corporate Responsibility in Transitioning Countries. A Case Study on Workplace Inequality in Myanmar.

The present paper examines contributions of corporate responsibility to respect human rights —outlined in the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights— to eradication of the problem of workplace discrimination in Myanmar, a developing country in Southeast Asia undergoing a transition from an authoritative military rule to a civil democratic government. Based on the analysis o

Radon i Lunds kommun

Radon är en radioaktiv gas och farligt för människors hälsa. Strålningen kan orsaka allvarliga sjukdomar såsom lungcancer. Miljömålet “God bebyggd miljö“ är ett av de 16 nationella miljömålen i Sverige och säger bl.a. att innan år 2020 ska det inte finnas några bostäder med högre radonhalt än 200 Bq/m3 luft. Miljöförvaltningen i Lund har vid ett flertal tidigare tillfällen försökt att kartlägga boRadongas is radioactive and dangerous for the human health. The radiation can cause serious diseases such as lung cancer. "Good built environment" is one of the 16 national environmental goals in Sweden which says that before year 2020 there must be no dwellings with radon concentrations over 200 Bq / m3 air. The environmental governance has on several occasions before attempted to ident

Analysis of the Determinants of the Fertility Decline in Southern Africa

Abstract: Southern Africa has already since the onset of the fertility transition recorded levels that are remarkably low in comparison with the other sub-Saharan regions. Theories suggest that socioeconomic development can explain a lot of the inter-regional fertility variations. Despite clear indications of higher socioeconomic development there are also question marks attached to the severe AID

Corporate Heritage Brands and Co-Creation - A Case Study on The Royal Danish Theatre

Thesis Purpose: The purpose of this study is to contribute to a further understanding of how managers of heritage brands within the arts and cultural sector can embrace co-creation activities to engage with and attract a broader segment of the market. Methodology: The Royal Danish Theatre serves as a single-case study. It is drawn on data that was generated using a qualitative research approach.

Går störst alltid först? En jämförande studie av total ersättning till verkställande direktörer för Mid- och Large Cap-bolag

Då höga bonusar och ersättningar till verkställande direktörer är ett ständigt omdebatterat ämne som upprör många uppkommer ofta frågan om lönen verkligen är satt i relation till arbetsprestation. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur stor andel av variationen i total ersättning till verkställande direktör som kan förklaras av ett antal utvalda variabler av storleks-, prestations- och meritkar

Do not sensationalize it, play it down”. Förståelse av Kinas censur av media, maktutövning och opinionsbildning.

Problem/bakgrund: Censur av media är ett karakteristiskt drag för Kinas stat och ett verktyg för att bevara politisk styrning. Samtidigt är media betydelsefullt för att främja ekonomisk och social utveckling. Det är en delikat uppgift för statliga kinesiska censurorgan att finna en medelväg som låter media gynna ekonomisk utveckling utan att riskera omstörtning av den politiska makten. Media är enMedia censorship is a characteristic feature for China’s government in order to retain political legitimacy. Concurrently, media are crucial for a flourishing economic and social development. It’s a delicate task for Chinese governmental censorship departments to find a middle way that promotes economic development without any risk for subversion of power. Hence, media is an arena for struggle bet

Developing Trust in Outsourcing Relationships - A Qualitative Analysis

Förtroende inom outsourcing har granskats av flera forskare under de senaste decennierna. Den här uppsatsen ger en förståelse av faktorer som påverkar förtroende i en outsourcing relation, samt ger en praktisk insikt i hur det ömsesidiga förtroendet mellan kund och leverantör kan förbättras. Det empiriska materialet består av djupintervjuer med experter från olika branscher. Forskningen utgör värdTrust and outsourcing have been a profound object of studies examined by several researchers in the last decades. This thesis offers an understanding of factors that affect trust in an outsourcing relationship as well as it provides practical insight of how to improve mutual trust between client and supplier. The data was gathered through in-depth interviews with experts from different industries.

Med stereotypen som utgångspunkt: en studie om knivlagens tillämpningsproblematik

A knife is a tool which is used for both in- and outdoor purposes. Although wearing a knife in public areas is criminalized by Swedish law, the regulation includes several reservations about dispensations of judgement if the wearing is considered to be legitimated. The purpose of this study is to investigate and discuss the potential difficulties with the legal practice of the prohibition of knife

In-Store Recycling - A Consumer Perspective

Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera hur ett segment av Generation Y ser på in-store recycling - en tjänst myntad av författarna till arbetet. In-store recycling är en tjänst som många fast fashion retail-bolag har börjat erbjuda genom att placera insamlingslådor för kläder som konsumenter vill ha återvunnet eller återanvänt, och i retur får konsumenten en belöning i form av en rabattkupong. För atThe aim of the thesis is to study how a segment of Generation Y perceives in-store recycling, a service coined by the authors of this thesis. In-store recycling is a service many fast fashion retailers have begun offering by placing collecting boxes for clothes that consumers wish to be recycled or re-used and in return consumers are rewarded with a voucher to buy new clothes at a discount. To ach

Look-up table based Monte Carlo inverse model as a tool to discover liver tumors

Cancer i olika sorters vävnad är allt vanligare i det moderna samhället. Beroende på var i kroppen tumörerna sitter kan de diagnostiseras med olika metoder. För att kunna diagnostisera tumörer i levervävnad krävs biopsier, vilket innebär att en bit av vävnaden med en misstänkt tumör plockas ut och genomgår olika pateologiska undersökningar. Biopsier kan dessvärre ge oönskade bieffekter eftersom enDiffuse reflectance spectroscopy is a method that allows investigation of the chromophore composition of tissue. The objective is to explore if the composition can be used to determine whether the tissue is healthy or not. The measured diffuse reflectance is often modelled by a diffusion model. However, the diffusion model has some shortcomings, and therefore this project uses a Monte Carlo model

Kapitalstruktur vid börsintroduktion för bolag med eller utan riskkapitalägare

Abstract Title: Capital structure at IPO for corporations with or without private equity owners Seminar date: 4th June 2015 Course: FEKH89, Degree project Undergraduate level, corporate finance, 15 HP Authors: Carl-Johan Molin, Philip Karlsson, Viktor Hedström & Truls Törnqvist Advisor: Håkan Jankensgård Key words: Private equity, capital structure, IPO, debt level, financing Purpose: The purp

Uppföljning av Projektet Utsikter Är projektets pedagogiska insatser bestående över tid?

Project Utsikter (2008-2010) was to offer educational actions and preventive work with children aged 5-8 years whose parents had had prolonged livelihood support for at least 6 months. The group was represented at three different schools in Helsingborg. Twenty families were invited to the project. In this follow-up project five years after the completion of the initial project, the focus lies on e

A spatial analysis of innovation in regional Europe

The analysis of spatial dependence can provide a useful perspective in the complicated analysis of the determinants of innovation in the regional level. Perhaps it is beneficiary to have geographical proximity towards other innovative regions. This study attempts to analyse and describe this patterns for 238 regions in two time periods of analysis (2000-2003 & 2007-2010). Visual analysis and s

Citizen participation in development of public spaces- A case study in Nepal looking at Minecraft as a tool in urban planning

Public space are open spaces and areas where people in the city move around, get together and play, regardless of background, age, ethnicity, gender and income. This is particularly important in poor neighborhoods where people have no access to places where to socialize. Well designed and planned public spaces are symbols of several important aspects of a city; health, safety, culture and local ec

Obtaining Credibility through Transparent Marketing - A Critical View on Eco-Labels in the B2B Industry

The main aim of this study is to contribute to the existing gap regarding the combination of green marketing and B2B marketing. Building on this, the focus of this paper is to investigate critically the relevance of sustainability labels for products in industrial markets and to find alternative practices that companies can implemented to build up trust and obtain credibility. The choice of the in

Zucchinipasta och yogabyxor - en studie om varumärkesutvidgning mot hälsorelaterade produkter.

Titel: Zucchinipasta och yogabyxor - en studie om varumärkesutvidgning mot hälsorelaterade produkter. Författare: Olivia Jörgensen och Gabriella Mattisson Nivå: Kandidatuppsats i Service Management, VT 2015 Handledare: Elin Bommenel Universitet: Lunds Universitet, Campus Helsingborg, Institutionen för Service Management. Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva och analysera hur kunders attityder till en v

Highly loaded HPT blading in KTH test turbine - An attempt to reduce the number of blades in the first stage in a high pressure turbine

The main goal with this thesis was to investigate the possibility to reduce the number of blades in a high pressure gas turbine row. The reason for this study was the interest to reduce the amount of cooling air needed within the blade row by reducing the wetted area, hopefully without losing efficiency. Another reason for reducing the number of blades was to reduce the costs. A new design of an