Civil society’s role in times of social polarization and shrinking civil space : a deductive content analysis of Swedish aid policies with focus on civil society in Turkey
I denna kandidatuppsats undersöks hur det civila samhällets roll i demokratiseringspro-cesser uttrycks i svenska biståndsstrategier med särskilt fokus på Turkiet. Det empiriska materialet som valts består av två mer generella policyer och ett med regionalt fokus. Mitt teoretiska ramverk bygger på tidigare forskning om ämnet som har inspirerat en kategori-seringsmatris bestående av fem olika kategoThis bachelor thesis investigates how civil society’s role in democratization processes is expressed in Swedish aid policies with specific focus on Turkey. The empirical material selected consists of two more general policies and one with a regional focus. My theoretical framework is based on previous research about the subject which have inspired a categorization matrix consisting of five differe