

Din sökning på "*" gav 528089 sökträffar

The effect of physical exercise on inflammatory cells of the brain

The effect of physical exercise on inflammatory cells of the brain Neurodegenerative diseases are the leading causes of permanent cognitive impairment and motor dysfunctions in the adult population worldwide. These diseases are characterized by neuroinflammation (inflammation in the brain), primarily mediated by resident immune cells of the central nervous system known as microglia. As pharmaceut

Evaluation of extraction methods for detection of human DNA in soil samples from crime scenes.

På senare år har polisen i Sverige börjat använda sig av spårhundar i sitt arbete för att säkra biologiska spår vid brottsplatser. En hund har tusen gånger mer känsligt luktsinne än människan vilket betyder att hundar kan hitta små biologiska spår, ofta blandade med jord, som är omöjliga för människan att se med blotta ögat. Det ökande användandet av spårhundar har lett till att fler biologiska prThe aim of the project was to investigate and evaluate different extraction methods for detection of human DNA in environmental crime scene samples containing soil. Soil is a complex and heterogeneous material consisting of several inhibitory compounds, which makes it difficult to extract DNA from such samples. The investigation included the evaluation of 19 different extraction methods based on s

Närhet och fredagsmys : Familjens betydelse för ungdomar

The aim of this study was to examine how young people define their family and how they describe their own family relations. What makes the family a family from the perspective of a youth? The questions posed were: Who do you include in your family? and What makes family important?. Utilizing a qualitative method known as self-documentary data compilation, young people, aged 15, have written essays

Supplier selection methods in public procurement

In what follows, two properties characterizing supplier selection methods, namely, transparency and independence of irrelevant alternatives, will be properly discerned. Consecutively, three hypotheses, concerning the impact these properties have on the procurement outcome, will be suggested. Transparency is presumed to decrease the likelihood of having a locally established winner as well as to in

Indirect detection of myelin water by T2-relaxation during the RF pulse

Magnetkameran är en icke-invasiv metod som används för att avbilda mjukvävnad i kroppen med hög spatial upplösning. Myelinskidan som omger axonerna i det centrala nervsystemet ger upphov till kontrasten mellan vit och grå substans i konventionella magnetkamerabilder. Det är av intresse att detektera nedbrytningen av myelinskidan eftersom förekomst av sådan kan ge en indikation på tidigare stadier Introduction: The axonal myelin sheath is the main cause of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast between gray matter (GM) and white matter (WM) in the brain. It encloses a small pool of myelin water (MW) with a short T2 of about 15 ms. Common signal equations of MRI sequence assume an instantaneous RF excitation pulse followed by free relaxation. As known from ultra-short echo time (UTE) MRI,

Radiochromic Film Dosimetry in Kilovoltage X-­‐ray Beams: A Pre-­‐ Investigation for In Vitro Studies of Bystander Effects

Inom strålbehandling innebär den s.k. åskådareffekten ("bystander effect") ett relativt nytt tankesätt som betonar de biologiska effekterna av strålning på icke-bestrålade celler i närheten av bestrålade celler. Denna effekt har visat sig påverka inte bara de celler som angränsar till det bestrålade området utan även celler på större avstånd. I Lund pågår just nu ett projekt där man villPurpose Intensity modulation of radiation is one of several important conditions to evaluate for full understanding of how cells involved in the bystander effect influence each other when cells are exposed to radiation at low and high dose rates. The aim of this study was to develop and apply a useful and practical dosimetric method for measurement of the absorbed dose to cell cultures exposed to

“What integration process?” - The role of subsidiary autonomy in integration processes

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how the autonomy in an acquired subsidiary affects the integration process within an M&A process. The study uses a qualitative and deductive method by conducting a case study in a major Swedish technological company. We have made five different hypotheses based on three prominent articles within the M&A research area that deal with the subject o

Analysis and Modification of Heatex Model H2 Heat Exchanger

The product H2 is a new heat exchanger produced, manufactured and sold by Heatex. It has an excellent surface efficiency, in large parts because of its slim features. The slim features does however have a drawback. It isn’t as mechanically stable and robust as its earlier cousins. The product tends to deform plastically in lifting conditions, especially the heavier versions needs extra support or,

Population Change and its Effects on Public Spending:Cost Efficiency Behaviors of Swedish Municipalities on the Case of School Expenditures

The paper investigates the relationship between population changes and public spending. The main interest is hereby whether local governments can adjust their public spending in times of population decline. A Swedish case study is conducted on all 290 municipalities in regard to their comprehensive school expenses between 2005 and 2013. The theoretical framework incorporates economies of scale and

"Disruptive Technologies – Mobile Internet & Mobile Application market in China"

Abstract: This paper tried to investigate the internet, in particular mobile internet and mobile application economy in China through theories like catching up, disruptive technologies and leapfrogging concept. The unique development of mobile internet and mobile application economy in China facilitate the motivation to investigate the fundamental characteristics and stories behind mobile app mark

Development of Income-Related Health Inequality in Europe - The Impact of Different Value Judgements

This essay estimates the trends in Income-Related Health Inequalities (IRHI) in 11 European countries between 2006 to 2013 and investigates the sensitivity of these trends with respect to different inequality measures. The motivation for this study is both empirically and theoretically driven. Empirically, there have been many studies aiming to quantify and explain IRHI but relatively few have inv

Vägen till medling

Med direktiv 2008/52 EG avser kommissionen främja uppgörelser om tvister i godo, särskilt genom medling. Direktivet kräver att medlemsstaterna ger domstolarna befogenhet att föreslå parterna i målet att denna metod används, dock utan att tvinga dem att använda den. I Sverige har detta direktiv implementerats genom Lag (2011:860) om medling i vissa privaträttsliga tvister. Uppsatsen ger en förklaThrough Directive 2008/52/EC the European Union intends to encourage amicable dispute resolution, particularly through the use of mediation The Directive requires the Member States to authorise the courts to suggest the use of this method to the litigants, without, however, compelling them to use it. In Sweden, this directive was implemented through Lag (2011:860) om medling i vissa privaträttslig

Äktenskapets symbolik - det manliga och kvinnliga i förändring?

Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att undersöka hur kärlek, äktenskap och romantiska relationer beskrivs i ett axplock av populärmedia, specifikt skönlitteratur eller s.k. kiosklitteratur. Min avsikt har varit att utifrån beskrivningarna kunna säga något om hur texterna beskriver parrelationer, genus och vilka maktperspektiv som utmärker de valda texterna. Delfrågor som tas upp: - Vilken syn på kärl

Chinese Investments in Africa’s SME Sector: a case study of Zambia

This paper investigates Chinese investments in Africa’s SME sector through a case study of Zambia. It analyses this growing trend by looking at the nature and effects of Chinese investments in the SME sector and their potential for fostering new knowledge that can lead to increased entrepreneurial activity and ultimate economic growth. It is a contribution to the empirical and theoretical understa

Hur ett företag når ut med sin vision och strategi med hjälp av budget, nyckeltal samt företagskultur

Vårt syfte med studien är att undersöka hur koncernen NilsonGroup använder sig av styrmedel så som budget, nyckeltal och företagskultur för att nå ut med företagets vision och strategi. Vi har gjort en kvalitativ studie med deduktiv ansats. Uppsatsen är en fallstudie av koncernen NilsonGroup, samt två av deras sex butikskedjor; Skopunkten och Nilson Shoes. Studien utgår från teorier om budget, nyc

Towards a Business Model that promotes Sustainable Solutions

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of how the business model of an architecture firm needs to adapt when the company decides to offer sustainable construction. This by identifying what characterizes the business model in an architecture firm that actively works with sustainable construction. When relevant, the study will also provide insights about the transformati

Water quality in the Apac, Mbale & Lira districts, Uganda : a field study evaluating problems and suitable solutions

Safe water is a widespread problem in developing countries. In 2004 The United Nations formed the Lake Victoria Region Water and Sanitation Initiative, which focuses on increasing the water quality and basic sanitation in both rural- and urban areas. The government of Uganda is a part of the initiative, since the quality of the drinking water in the country persists to be a widespread problem. In

The Role of Corporate Responsibility in Transitioning Countries. A Case Study on Workplace Inequality in Myanmar.

The present paper examines contributions of corporate responsibility to respect human rights —outlined in the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights— to eradication of the problem of workplace discrimination in Myanmar, a developing country in Southeast Asia undergoing a transition from an authoritative military rule to a civil democratic government. Based on the analysis o