

Din sökning på "*" gav 532906 sökträffar

Analyzing potato protein isolates for their potential in developing meat analogues

To keep up with the rapidly increasing global population, a significant increase in production of protein foods is required. The environmental impact of the meat industry, in combination with consumer awareness, calls for this food production to become more sustainable. One solution is development of meat analogues, which are meat-like texturized products based on vegetable proteins. In this proj

Experimental and numerical investigation of longitudinal static stability and stick force gradient of an ultralight aircraft

The main goal was to improve the longitudinal flying qualities by investigation of low stick forces and pitch-sensitivity of the ultralight aircraft, BW600-RG and to provide design suggestions for improvement. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was used to estimate stability derivatives and coefficients for calculation of the flying qualities derivate stick force gradient. Flight testing was condu

En hermeneutik värdig Gud? : En undersökning av Maximos Bekännarens hermeneutik och dess potentiella bidrag till dagens bibeltolkning

Some theological schools consider the human conscience to be subordinate as a means to revelation of God’s nature compared to the biblical text. This can lead the reader of these texts to do violence to their own conscience by conforming it to the perceived biblical witness, although the two (the reader’s conscience and the biblical witness) can appear as in stark contrast to one another. A cognit

Påverkande faktorer att beakta vid införandet av ett LIS

Ett sätt för företag att legitimera sitt informationssäkerhetsarbete är genom att upprätta ett ledningssystem för informationssäkerhet, även kallat LIS. Genom ett LIS kan ett tydligt värde uppvisas mot kunder och andra intressenter. Ett införande av ett LIS kan däremot påverkas av olika typer av faktorer, exempelvis säkerhetsmedvetenhet, ledningen, kostnad och policys och regelverk. Faktorerna kan

Förvärvsfinansiering i samband med 21:5 - Efter förvärvstidpunkten

I Aktiebolagslagen (2005:551) 21 kap 5§ finner man förvärvslåneförbudet. Förvärvslåneförbudet stipulerar att ett aktiebolag inte får lämna lån, ge förskott eller ställa säkerhet i syfte att mottagaren av detta ska förvärva aktier i det långivande bolaget. De huvudsakliga frågeställningarna i uppsatsen var; hur förhåller sig förvärvslåneförbudet till efterföljande finansiering och minutenlån och huIn the Swedish limited company act chapter 21 section 5 (Aktiebolagslag 2005:551) there is a prohibition that limits the ability to issue loans, give anything in advance or provide collateral with the purpose that the receiver is going to acquire shares in that same company. The main questions of this essay are to bring clarity to the following things. Can the prohibition loans against acquisition

Perceptions of punishment: a mixed methods approach to understanding differing levels of punitive attitudes

The purpose of this paper was to contribute to an increased knowledge of the punitive attitudes of Swedish 18-30 year olds, and more specifically which potential factors could possibly explain why people have the different levels of punitive attitude that they do as, well as how these factors impact people’s level of punitive attitude. The variables that were chosen to be explored further were pol

Library construction optimization and analysis of Short Tandem Repeats by a simple, PCR-based DNA barcoding method

DNA profiling is evolving in the forensics community towards introducing massively parallel sequencing (MPS) as a complement to capillary electrophoresis (CE). Obstacles remain however before this technology can become routine in forensic casework, such as the development of more efficient bioinformatics solutions and recommendations concerning data analyses. Additionally, there is a need to devel

Evaluation of detection methods for Alicyclobacillus spp, aerobic mesophilic microorganisms and yeasts and moulds

Inom fruktjuiceindustrin är kontroll av mikrobiell tillväxt viktigt för att hålla en god kvalité och säkerhet i produkterna. Flera olika typer av mikroorgnismer är intressanta att ha i åtanke. Detta projekt fokuserade på Alicyclobacillus sp., en grampositiv, sporbildande och strikt aerob bakterie som tillväxer vid låga pH mellan 3-6 och sporerna kan överleva den vanliga pastöriseringen för industrFor the fruit juice industry, control of microbial growth is important to keep a high quality and safety of products. Several kinds of microorganisms are important to consider. This project focused on Alicyclobacillus spp., a gram-positive, spore-forming, strictly aerob spoilage bacteria able to grow at low pH of 3-6 and the spores survive pasteurization of 86–96 degrees C and 2 min. The project a

Challenges of Achieving a Green Future and Financial Security - A Multiple Case Study of Swedish Pension Firms' Green Bond Assessment Processes

Deriving from an increased awareness of the devastating effects of global warming consequences, the interest for green bonds is growing at an explosive pace. However, researchers and practitioners have raised concerns about the challenges of assessing green bonds. Responding to a well-defined research gap stemming from identified challenges to assess green bonds, the primary purpose of this study

What's Next in Sustainable Acoustic Materials?

Allteftersom företag har börjat att ompröva sättet de designar, tillverkar och avyttrar produkter inom ramarna för hållbar utveckling så har tillverkare av akustiska produkter varit långsamma ur startblocken. Majoriteten av akustiska produkter är fortfarande primärt sammansatta av nyråvara från petrokemiska resurser, vilka har en signifikant påverkan på miljön. Det är problematiskt ur både en miljAs industries have begun to rethink the way they design, make and dispose of products for the purpose of sustainable development, manufacturers of acoustic products have been slow off the mark. The majority of acoustic products are still made of primarily virgin material made from petrochemical resources, which have a significant impact on the environment. This is problematic from an environmental

Design of solvent vapor annealing tool and study of kinetics of selfassembly of block copolymers for nano-lithography

Block copolymer lithography is a very promising candidate for nanoscale fabrication and is economically viable. It provides a high resolution, inexpensive, and straightforward approach to nano-size patterning. In this thesis, fundamental concepts and theories of block copolymer lithography are introduced. A well-controlled dynamic solvent vapor annealing chamber is built, and the best annealing co

The Ties That Bind - Symbiotic initiatives and collaborative factors

Transnational actors such as the European Union, encourages and promotes the development of circular economics. The rationale is financially based, but it also comes from a perspective of sustainability. Funding is provided to programmes and projects with this intent in mind. Symbiosis is a concept within circular economics in which public and private actors can utilize each other’s residuals and

Relationerna som blev anstiftningsprocesser - En dokumentanalys av tingsrätternas domar i Knutbydramat och Arbogafallet

Att förmå någon att begå ett brott benämns inom juridiken som “anstiftan”. Det är ett brott som kan ge ett lika högt straff som det brott som anstiftas. Anstiftan förutsätter att det finns minst två gärningspersoner, varav den ena agerar på uppdrag av den andra. I två av Sveriges mest kända rättsfall, Knutbydramat från 2004 och Arbogafallet från 2016, är det just detta som sker – en person förmår

Trust Between Customers and Hotels: Through the Expression of Trust of Customers

The thesis aims to explore the customers' attitude and perception about trust between customers and hotels through the expression of trust of customers. Hotels nowadays interact and build relationships with customers frequently where there are many possible terms evoking expression of trust customers. In order to study the dynamic feature of trust, a qualitative approach is used. A netnographi

Bilder av drömhem - Om bildanalys som metod för att studera arkitektur

I uppsatsen undersöker jag hur begrepp och teori från visuell kultur kan användas för att analysera arkitektur och i synnerhet hem genom att utforma ett analysverktyg för bilder. Syftet är att undersöka hur föreställningar, värderingar och idéer hos betraktare kan påverkas av det som bilderna förmedlar, och vilken makt bildproducenter av bilder på arkitektur har som individer och grupper. Jag är s

Diskussioner om värde och värdet av diskussioner

As the digital revolution change how people interact, it becomes integral for all types of industries to understand how these interactions happen. The publishing industry is no exception. This paper analyses how Facebook-groups about literature function when it comes to discussions of value and creation of identity and communities. It is done by examining Facebook-posts from two groups, Litteratur


Empirical data of this thesis is based on qualitative methods and answers to the research question: How does branding by actors affiliated with the surfing community enact social inclusion or exclusion? Empirical data demonstrates that branding does not play an essential role in the social inclusiveness of local surfing communities. Not least, marketing communication executed by the biggest repres

A response to an ‘outbreak’: a comparative study of Belarusian and Swedish state discourses on irregular migration

In the light of migration’s popularity as a subject of public and academic interest, this thesis aspires to explore the ways in which contemporary articulation of migration in two politically contrasting settings occurs. Comparative approach not only allows to obtain a more holistic perspective on migration perceived through the prism of regularity but also to identify similarities across the case