

Din sökning på "*" gav 528046 sökträffar

Den svenska nötköttsbranschen: klimat, djuromsorg eller lönsamhet?

I takt med den globala uppvärmningen, Covid-19-pandemin och kriget i Ukraina står den svenska nötköttsbranschen inför fler utmaningar än någonsin för att framgångsrikt och långsiktigt arbeta med hållbar utveckling. I studien appliceras Triple Bottom Line vilket inkluderar social, miljövänlig och ekonomisk hållbarhet. Tidigare forskning har en avsaknad kring hur Triple Bottom Line kan appliceras fö

Varje ord ett vägskäl: en komparativ studie av de styrdokument som reglerar utbildning för nyanlända elever i Sverige och i Andalusien

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilka likheter och skillnader det finns i de styrdokument som reglerar utbildningen för nyanlända elever i Sverige och i den autonoma regionen Andalusien i Spanien. Det svenska styrdokumentet utgörs av de allmänna råd som Skolverket publicerade 2016 och det spanska dokumentet är en lagtext som reglerar undervisningen för nyanlända från 2007. Studien är en kompThe aim of this study is to investigate what similarities and differences there are to be found in those policy documents that regulate the education for immigrant students in Sweden and in the autonomous region Andalucia in Spain. The Swedish document consists of “general advices” that are provided by the Department of Education of Sweden from 2016 and the Spanish document is a legal text that re

Digital Twin, development of a monitoring and analytical tool

Tillverkning av batterier är en mycket komplex process och det är en process som Saft AB är väl förtrogen med. För att kunna producera det antal batterier Saft AB gör måste de se till att alla led i produktionen håller en viss standard. Detta projekt hade i mål att utveckla ett användarcentrerat, interaktivt verktyg för Saft AB med förmågan att övervaka och analysera data som samlas in av sensorerThe production of batteries is a substantially complex process, and it is a process with which Saft AB is greatly familiarised. In order to produce the number of batteries Saft AB does, they need to ensure that all stages of production adhere to a certain standard. This project’s purpose aimed to develop a user focused, interactive tool for Saft AB with the capability to monitor and analyse the da

YAWN: one night in nature

This project got inspired by Alastair Humphreys‘ book ”Microadventures. Micro adventures are small escapes from daily life which should be ”short, simple, close to the home and cheap” as Humphreys writes. For me, the epitome of micro-adventures is staying one night out in nature - an activity that shouldn’t afford a lot of gear, knowledge, money, or time and should be accessible for everyone. Foc

Narrative analysis of the effects of the Russo-Ukrainian war on first-generation Russian migrants in Finland

The aim of this study is to explore the ways in which the Russo-Ukrainian war influences and is manifested in first-generation Russian migrants’ narratives of belonging, the purpose of which is to further explore the relationship between homeland conflict and the ways in which migrants construct deterritorialised narratives of belonging. The research is based on seven in-depth interviews analysed

Quantum state tomography of attosecond electron wavepackets

In this master thesis, a broad theoretical description is done of a novel quantum state tomography protocol called KRAKEN. This protocol is meant for the determination of the density matrix of an electronic state created by absorption of XUV radiation in the vicinity of a Fano resonance. At first, a description of the KRAKEN protocol is provided. Then, the theory of Fano resonances is discussed. A

Utilizing user centered design to mitigate security threats

I takt med att teknologin blir en större och större del av vårt vardagsliv ökar även vikten av att säkerställa att dessa system har en hög säkerhet. Säkerheten blir en större del av vår vardag och har alltid varit viktigt för människan. Abraham Maslow placerade säkerhet på andra steget i hans hierarki av behov för en människa, precis under fysiska nödvändigheter som luft att andas, mat att äta ochAs technology advances and is more and more intertwined with our everyday lives, the security of these systems becomes very important. Abraham Maslow famously put safety needs as the second level of his hierarchy of needs, its importance second only to physical needs such as air, food and sleep. To make sure technological systems are as safe as possible there exists threat modeling frameworks and

Att hyra lycka: En kulturanalytisk studie om konsumenters affektiva upplevelser vid konventionell klädkonsumtion och vid konsumtion av hyrkläder

To Rent Happiness: A cultural analytical study about consumers’ affective experiences of conventional clothing consumption and consumption of rented clothes, Klara Ekstrand The purpose of this study was to investigate consumers’ affective experiences of conventional clothing consumption and renting of clothes and how these experiences affected consumers’ willingness to engage in access-based fash

A Meta-Synthesis of Architecture

The built environment will soon continue to develop as virtual and augmented reality become increasingly integrated into how we work, play, and learn. My degree project explores the many possibilities of combining architecture with augmented virtuality by looking into this new medium of technology that is constructing mixed reality with the built environment. It talks about the metaverse in bri

Learning-Based Controller Design with Application to a Chiller Process

In this thesis, we present and study a few approaches for constructing controllers for uncertain systems, using a combination of classical control theory and modern machine learning methods. The thesis can be divided into two subtopics. The first, which is the focus of the first two papers, is dual control. The second, which is the focus of the third and last paper, is multiple-input multiple-outp

Quality Assurance of Generative Dialog Models in an Evolving Conversational Agent Used for Swedish Language Practice

Due to the migration megatrend, efficient and effective second-language acquisition is vital. One proposed solution involves AI-enabled conversational agents for person-centered interactive language practice. We present results from ongoing action research targeting quality assurance of proprietary generative dialog models trained for virtual job interviews. The action team elicited a set of 38 re

Interact or counteract? Behavioural observation of interactions between vulnerable road users and autonomous shuttles in Oslo, Norway

The current paper presents the results of behavioural observations in a field experiment with automated shuttles in Oslo, Norway. Video observations were conducted at five fixed locations along a challenging 1.2 km automated shuttle line with varying traffic conditions. Observed interactions between vulnerable road users and automated shuttles were coded using a predefined codebook, which allowed

NMR Observation of Sulfhydryl Signals in SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease Aids Structural Studies

The 68-kDa homodimeric 3C-like protease of SARS-CoV-2, Mpro (3CLpro/Nsp5), is a key antiviral drug target. NMR spectroscopy of this large system proved challenging and resonance assignments have remained incomplete. Here we present the near-complete (>97 %) backbone assignments of a C145A variant of Mpro (MproC145A) both with, and without, the N-terminal auto-cleavage substrate sequence, in its na

Long-Term Risk of Hospitalization for Somatic Diseases among Survivors of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Background: Survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) may be at increased long-term risk of hospitalization for somatic diseases. However, large population-based cohort studies with risk estimates for survivors successfully cured without experiencing a relapse or requiring hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) are lacking. Methods: Danish and Swedish patients diagnosed wit


OBJECTIVE: Few studies address results from use of new technology and patient participation in hypertension management. The PERHIT Study is a multicentre randomised controlled trial with the aim to evaluate the effects of a person-centred approach using a web-based, interactive self-management system through the patient´s own mobile phone on blood-pressure and well-being. Primary aim is the degree

Polymer Surface Analysis with regards to various Machining Parameters

Polymers have existed in the manufacturing scenario for a long time now. However, the surprising part is that the data for metal cutting is still being incorporated for machining of polymers. Polymers are often machined using the tools on the data available for soft materials like aluminum. There is little research done in the domain of machinability of polymers to find out the best cutting combin

The Discount Dilemma: The Announcement Effects of Seasoned Equity Offerings on the Short-Run Performance of South African-listed Firms

The rationale behind the SEO and the correct pricing are of utmost importance to the success of the SEO, the share price performance, and any subsequent corporate projects the firm wishes to undertake. The primary objective of this research paper is to investigate how the share price of South African-listed firms is affected by the management team’s decision to announce the intention to undertake