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Individual Layer Scaling and Redundancy Reduction of Singleshot Multiplane Images for View Synthesis
Flerplansbilder används för att rendera bilder av 3D scener från nya vyer. I detta arbete gör vi ett djupdyk ner i flerplansbilder för att undersöka hur vi kan justera avståndet mellan lagren, samt dess antal för att rendera bättre bilder och minska deras filstorlek.Image-based rendering for view synthesis is a field within computer vision that has seen a growing number of research activity within the past few years, much due to deep learning techniques emerging, allowing researchers to re-format view synthesis as a learning problem. The multiplane image (MPI) is a recently proposed learning-based layered 3D representation, created from one or a few input ima
Instrumentet och Jag - En studie om hur fem manliga gymnasieelever valt sina huvudinstrument.
I denna studie har fem manliga gymnasiestudenter intervjuats med syfte att skapa en bättre förståelse för hur unga människor väljer huvudinstrument. Ambitionen var att synliggöra faktorer som har varit inflytelserika i deras val av huvudinstrument för att vi lärare ska kunna arbeta aktivt med att vidga unga människors intresse för musik. Datainsamlingen skedde genom enskilda semistrukturerade inteIn this study, five sixth-form college students were interviewed in order to create a better understanding of how young people choose their main instrument. The aim was to make visible the factors which were influential in the informants’ choice of instrument in order for teachers to be able to actively work with broadening young people’s perspective on music. The collection of data was done throu
Scope of Labour Law, Negative Freedom of Association and Minimum Wage Setting - Comparing Japan and EU
This essay compares the labour law regulations in Japan and EU/Sweden. The focus of the paper is the definition of workers, negative freedom of association, and minimum wage settings. This paper firstly illustrates who is classified as a ‘worker’ and discusses the issues of unclear categorisation of platform workers and the potential impact of gigification in the labour markets. The EU proposal re
Impact from Tourism on Vegetation Greenness in Yellowstone National Park
Tourism has increased drastically during the last decades in Yellowstone National Park, from nearly 20 000 visitors in 1910 to almost five million visitors in 2021. Yellowstone is an important ecosystem with unique wildlife, and geological and cultural history. It has a high variety of plants and serves as the home for many different animal species. Previously, tourism has been found to have an im
Digitalisering och hållbarhet i symbios - En kvalitativ studie om skånska kommuner
Denna kandidatuppsats forskningsfokus har varit digitalisering och hållbar utveckling. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur kommuner i Skåne använder digitalisering för hållbarhet med avsikt att kunna föreslå förbättringsförslag. För att uppfylla syftet med forskningsstudien har en kvalitativ forskningsstudie genomförts, där insamlade data från semi-strukturerade intervjuer med kommunanställda
Attention Deficit Hyper(sexual?) Disorder - En kvantitativ studie om hur medicin och samsjuklighet påverkar hypersexuella tendenser hos kvinnor med ADHD
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether there are differences in hypersexual tendencies when comparing women with ADHD who are taking medication for their ADHD with women with ADHD who are not taking any medication. Knowledge of how a condition like ADHD can affect sexuality is of relevance to social work since this is a target group for a lot of organizations employing social workers
Reduced binding of apoE4 to complement factor H promotes amyloid-β oligomerization and neuroinflammation
The APOE4 variant of apolipoprotein E (apoE) is the most prevalent genetic risk allele associated with late-onset Alzheimer's disease (AD). ApoE interacts with complement regulator factor H (FH), but the role of this interaction in AD pathogenesis is unknown. Here we elucidate the mechanism by which isoform-specific binding of apoE to FH alters Aβ1-42-mediated neurotoxicity and clearance. Flow cyt
Development and Evaluation of Additive Manufactured Cellular Heat Exchanger
Värmeväxlare är system som ofta används i många olika tillämpningsområden så som kylning, uppvärmning, ventilation eller andra områden där man strävar efter att maximera värmeutbytet mellan fluider. Vanliga tillverkningsmetoder för värmeväxlare inkluderar hydraulisk pressning av värmeöverförande plattor, eller att på andra sätt skapa värmeöverförande ytor av rör, korrugerad plåt eller liknade mateHeat exchangers are systems commonly used in many different applications such as cooling, heating, ventilation, and other areas where maximizing the heat transfer between fluids is desirable. Common manufacturing techniques of heat exchangers include hydraulic pressing of heat-transferring plates, or otherwise creating a heat-transferring area of pipes, corrugated sheet metal, or similar materials
"The Bird is Freed" - En kvalitativ studie om social legitimitet på sociala medier
Fem nyckelord: ledarskap, social legitimitet, sociala medier, Twitter, Elon Musk Forskningsfråga: Hur kan ledare använda sig av kontroversiella uttalanden på sociala medier för att skapa och upprätthålla social legitimitet? Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att skapa förståelse för hur ett kontroversiellt språk och uttalanden på sociala medier, med Twitter som exempel, kan användas för att skapa o
Hemtjänstens arbetsmiljö före och under pandemin
Building Bridges to Success: Analysing the Strength of Ties in Entrepreneurial Networks and their Contribution to Resource Mobilisation for New Ventures - A multi-case study within the Netherlands and Sweden
This thesis examines the complex relationship between networking and resource mobilisation in the context of entrepreneurship. The study investigates the extent to which different types of ties, namely strong, weak and new ties, contribute to an entrepreneur's ability to acquire resources. This qualitative study employed semi-structured interviews with eight founders in Sweden and the Netherla
The Compliance Burden for Private Sector Businesses under the GDPR in light of PIPEDA: A Comparative Analysis of the European and Canadian Data Privacy Laws
Information and communication technology has emerged significantly over the past two decades. The ever-growing trade and monetization of digital encounters are likely to extend technology even more in the upcoming decades. Recent technological developments have brought various advantages worldwide, such as effective communication, increased production, and artificial intelligence, which can solve
Unveiling Power Dynamics on Instagram: A Neo-medieval Analysis of Algorithmic control, Influencers and Users
Instagram is a large social media platform with strong power dynamics between the company, influencers and the users. Exploring this power dynamic within a theoretical framework rooted in neo-medievalism, this study investigates how power structures are manifested and enacted on the platform. The central research question focuses on the exercise of power from both hierarchical positions: from abov
Kartläggning av förbättringsmöjligheter gällande materialspill hos småhustillverkare
Prefabricerade planelement blev en viktig beståndsdel i bostadsbyggandet under 1900- talets bostadsbrist för att uppnå en ökad produktionstakt. Det industriella byggandet innebär tillverkning i en kontrollerad miljö, vilket ger en bättre kontroll över byggprocessen. För småhusindustrin utgör byggandet med prefabricerade planelement idag större delen av den svenska marknaden. Den slutna fabriksmilj
Kontraktuella detaljers påverkan på samarbete i byggsektorn
Filosofin ''Lean construction'' förklarar hur värdeskapande kan maximeras till följd av samarbete. Studiens syfte är att utforska kontraktuella detaljers påverkan på samarbete i byggsektorn. Den är utformad efter en kvalitativ metodteori där fokus inte bara placeras på handlingar, utan även deras innebörd. Målet var att skapa ett begrepp kring fenomenet samarbete. För att kunna preThe philosophy of ''Lean construction'' explains how value creation can be maximized as a result of collaboration. The purpose of the study is to explore the impact of contractual details on cooperation in the construction sector. It is designed according to a qualitative method theory where the focus is not only placed on actions, but also their meaning. The goal was to create a c
Det kunde vara kaos på ovanvåningen och jag kunde stå och laga mat
The purpose of this qualitative study was to research how people's experience of having a sibling with an autism spectrum disorder affected their upbringing. We held six semi-structured interviews where we examined three different aspects of the participants’ lives in regard to their upbringing and sibling. 1: Their relationship with their sibling. 2: Their role in the family. 3: What kind of
Betongens framtid-Klimatmål 2045
"Vi är ju dömda på förhand" En netnografisk studie om föräldrars erfarenheter av orosanmälningar och socialtjänsten
The aim of this study is to get a deeper understanding of parents' experiences of child protective services, how they experience a report of concern, and which perceptions of social services are shared on a Swedish anonymous online forum. The method used for collecting data was Netnography. Thirteen discussion threads on a Swedish anonymous online forum were selected and processed using themat
A pharmacoproteomic landscape of organotypic intervention responses in Gram-negative sepsis
Sepsis is the major cause of mortality across intensive care units globally, yet details of accompanying pathological molecular events remain unclear. This knowledge gap has resulted in ineffective biomarker development and suboptimal treatment regimens to prevent and manage organ dysfunction/damage. Here, we used pharmacoproteomics to score time-dependent treatment impact in a murine Escherichia