

Din sökning på "*" gav 533668 sökträffar

Bridging the past, the present and the future : Ecuadorian indigenous youth defenders’ role in the creation of just social change in Ecuador

Indigenous peoples are one of the most marginalized social groups in Ecuador. Emerging as a new actor contesting this situation, indigenous youth defenders (IYD) appear to be leading initiatives that promote indigenous rights in the country. Thus, grounded in Social Movements Theory, this thesis aims to explore the perceived role of IYD in broadening the promotion of indigenous rights and identiti

Internet of Things och samtycke enligt dataskyddsförordningen – En undersökning om hur väl dataskyddsförordningens reglering, särskilt gällande samtycke, är anpassad för Internet of Things

Internet of Things (IoT), det vill säga fysiska objekt med inbyggd elektronik som kan kopplas upp mot internet och styras eller utbyta data över nätet, har idag blivit en självklar del i många personers vardag. Det kan vara allt från hälsoarmband och kylskåp, till glödlampor och termostater. Som förutspås har vi dock ännu inte sett det stora genombrottet för denna teknik och vad den kan komma att The Internet of Things (IoT), i.e. physical objects with embedded electronics that can be connected to the internet and be controlled or exchange data over the network, has become an integral part of many people's daily lives. IoT devices can be anything from fitness trackers and refrigerators to light bulbs and thermostats. However, as is being predicted, we have yet to see the major breakthr

Did lockdowns work? : The verdict on Covid restrictions

The purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis is to determine the effect of lockdowns, also referred to as ‘Covid restrictions’, ‘social distancing measures’ etc., on COVID-19 mortality based on available empirical evidence. We define lockdowns as the imposition of at least one compulsory, non-pharmaceutical intervention (NPI). We employ a systematic search and screening procedure in whi

Miljökrav vid offentlig upphandling - Om möjligheten för en upphandlande myndighet att ställa miljökrav vid offentlig upphandling, genom tillämpningen av Europeiska unionens reglering.

Den offentliga upphandlingen, inom Europeiska unionen, står för totalt 14% av unionens BNP. På grund av att den offentliga upphandlingen utgör en stor del av unionens BNP är användandet av en miljösmart offentlig upphandling en viktig faktor för att nå unionens högt ställda klimatmål. Uppsatsen kommer att behandla de rättsregler och rättsliga principer som har uppkommit till följd av rättsreglernPublic procurement, within the European Union, accounts for a total of 14% of the Union's GDP. Due to the fact that public procurement constitutes a large part of the Union's GDP, the use of environmentally smart public procurement is an important factor in reaching the Union's ambitious climate goals. The essay will deal with the legal rules and legal principles that have arisen as a

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This document details the main economic benefits of the blue economy of Ibiza and Formentera (Henceforth the “Pitiusas”). The main ecosystem services that the marine environment provides on both islands are identified, and the economic benefits estimated. The final objective of this study is to support the design of a sustainable blue economy strategy in the islands, in line with the Agenda 2030 a

Conversations on Change: A Case Study of a Swiss Private Bank on Employees’ Sensemaking and Engagement in Light of its Rebranding

The rebranding of an organization can be a beneficial strategy to reposition itself in the market to maintain its relevance. At the same time however, it can have disrupting effects on its members' daily work life, creating a novel situation in which perplexity and even resistance may arise, and which they need to make sense of. The aim of this qualitative study is to provide insights into sen

Preparation and characterisation of chemisorbents based on heteropolyacids supported on synthetic mesoporous carbons and silica

The preparation of chemisorbents based on tungsto- and molybdophosphoric acids supported on two types of synthetic mesoporous carbons and two types of mesoporous silica is described. Strong solid acids with good accessibility to acid sites may potentially be effective adsorbents for the removal of basic molecular impurities, such as amines, from ultrapure manufacturing environments. Prepared mater

Formation of surfactant-silica mesophase films at a silica interface

Neutron reflectometry has been used to study the development of mesoporous silicated films at a hydrophilic silicon-solution interface. We find the time for film formation was altered in a manner similar to that seen at the air-liquid interface as the silica source-to-surfactant ratio was altered. Interestingly for films grown at the silica-liquid interface in a cell with no air space only one gro

The effect of surface texture on total reflection of neutrons and X-rays from modified interfaces

X-ray and neutron scattering from macroscopically rough surfaces and interfaces is considered and a new method of analysis based on the variation of the shape of the total reflection edge in the reflectivity profile is proposed. It was shown that in the limit that the correlation length and the height of the surface roughness are larger than the wavelength (at least 100 times bigger) of the incomi

Plasma Galectin-4 Levels Are Increased after Stroke in Mice and Humans

Epidemiological studies have associated plasma galectin-4 (Gal-4) levels with prevalent and incident diabetes, and with an increased risk of coronary artery disease. To date, data regarding possible associations between plasma Gal-4 and stroke are lacking. Using linear and logistic regression analyses, we tested Gal-4 association with prevalent stroke in a population-based cohort. Additionally, in

Förtätning i storstäderna – En analys av förtätningens påverkan på småhuspriser

Förtätning är en strategi som används i storstäderna för att hantera den snabba urbaniseringstakten, bostadsbristen och den ökande befolkningstillväxten. I Stockholm och Göteborg har småhusområden förtätats genom avstyckning av tomter eller genom att flerbostadshus får ersätta enbostadshus. Den pågående förtätningen av småhusområden har de senaste åren blivit uppmärksammat både medialt och politisInfill development has become a common occurrence in Sweden’s bigger cities. The densification of residential areas has been a strategy for managing the accelerating urbanization rate. In Stockholm and Gothenburg, neighbourhoods consisting of single- family houses have been a subject of densification through the subdivision of property units and the replacement of single-family dwellings with apar

Ett permanent beslut? - Om förhållandet mellan principen om gynnande besluts negativa rättskraft och möjligheten att återkalla beviljade permanenta uppehållstillstånd.

Principen om gynnande besluts negativa rättskraft innebär att beslut som är gynnande för en enskild inte kan ändras eller återkallas efter det att beslutet expedierats eller tillkännagivits för adressaten på annat sätt. Principen beskrivs som en rättssäkerhetsgaranti då den anses tillförsäkra trygghet, stabilitet och förutsebarhet för enskilda. Principen har långsamt växt fram genom praxis och dokAccording to the principle of negative legal force of favourable decisions, a decision favourable to an individual cannot be changed or revoked after the decision has been dispatched or otherwise notified to the addressee. The principle can be described as a guarantee of legal certainty, as is it considered to ensure security, stability, and predictability for individuals. The principle has gradua

Towards Bias-Free AI-Supported Decision-Making: Exploring Organisational and Technology Characteristics for Algorithmic Bias Mitigation

With the growing adoption of data analytics and powerful algorithms in organisational decision-making, the ethical concerns surrounding algorithmic bias have become increasingly apparent. This research aims to explore the extent to which organisational characteristics (e.g., laws, policies, norms, and standards) and technology characteristics (e.g., transparency, user control, and auditability) ad

Navigating the Unknown: A Study on How the Brand Manager Role Evolves in Response to the Metaverse as a New Branding Context

The evolution of the digital landscape through emerging technologies presents brand managers with a new context for managing their brand: the metaverse. This thesis investigates how the role of the brand manager and the related brand management practices evolve in response to this. The method used followed a qualitative approach, conducting semi-structured interviews with professionals working in

The Fair Circularity Principles in the Informal Waste Sector: PepsiCo Case Study in Vietnam's Informal Waste Sector

The informal waste sector (IWS) is a global phenomenon involving millions of people engaged in waste management across various industries. Informal waste workers (IWWs) face social issues and lack recognition as legitimate workers, leading to exploitation and limited access to social protection. Despite their crucial role in reducing waste and contributing to a circular economy, IWWs often lack th

Privat- och offentliganställdas yttrandefrihet i ljuset av nya visselblåsarlagen

I Sverige finns det idag ett antal lagar och prejudikat ämnade att reglera och skydda den svenska yttrandefriheten. Något speciellt blir det när yttrande friheten nyttjas av en arbetstagare i förhållande till arbetsgivaren. Det finns skydd för arbetstagares yttrandefrihet i Europakonventionen, svensk grundlag, EU direktiv, speciallagstiftning främst i form av visselblåsarlagen och praxis. Arbetet In Sweden today there are variety of laws and legal precedents intended to regulate and protect Swedish freedom of expression. It becomes even more complex when freedom of expression is used by an employee in relation to their employer. The employee’s freedom of expression is, among others, protected in the European Convention on Human Rights, the Swedish constitution, EU directives, the whistle-b

Polisers rätt till ersättning för kränkning

I december 2022 blev en polis allvarligt skadad i samband med ett ingripande. Den kvinnliga polisen blev biten och fick motstå upprepande slag mot huvudet. 27 februari 2023 blev en polis i Norrköping överfallen med kniv utanför polishuset. Detta är bara två av flera incidenter där poliser blir offer för våld och hot om våld i deras yrkesutövning. Poliser tillhör en yrkesgrupp som till vardags fårIn December 2022, a police officer was seriously injured in connection with an intervention. The female police officer was bitten and had to with-stand repeated blows to the head. On February 27, 2023, a police officer in Norrköping was attacked with a knife outside the police station. These are just two of several incidents where police officers are victims of violence and threats of violence in

Återkrav av överdebiteringar - En studie om passivitet och condictio indebiti

När någon har betalat ett för stort belopp i den felaktiga tron att det fanns en betalningsskyldighet aktualiseras läran om condictio indebiti. För att princi-perna ska kunna tillämpas krävs att betalningen saknar rättsgrund. En rätts-grund för betalningen föreligger om det finns en avtalsrättslig grund för den, eller om betalningen utgjort en disposition. Huvudregeln enligt condictio indebiti är When someone has overpaid in the mistaken belief that there was an obliga-tion to pay, the doctrine of condictio indebiti comes into play. For the princi-ples to be applicable, the payment must have no legal basis. A legal basis for the payment exists if there is a contractual basis for it, or if the payment con-stituted a disposition. The general rule of condictio indebiti is that the payment mus

Private Climate Litigation: A Viable Tool for Climate Justice?

This essay concerns private climate litigation as a tool through which victims of loss and damage can access climate justice. Anthropogenic climate change is already today causing substantial harm to people and communities all over the world. The people living in the Global South are particularly vulnerable to this harm due to their geographical location and limited access to funds and technologie