

Din sökning på "*" gav 533726 sökträffar

Grönska för vem? En kritisk diskursanalys av den kompakta stadens hållbarhetsnormer

Making the city both dense and green is today described as a part of realizing sustainable urban development. Although dense city planning previously has led to less greenery, it is now a development strategy that is used to achieve both aspects. The purpose of this essay is thereby to bring light to the discourse about greenery in the planning process of the dense city. Critical discourse analysi

Overview of the Extrusion Department at Nolato Meditor AB

This master thesis was done in collaboration between the division of Production and Materials Engineering at Lund University, Faculty of Engineering, and Nolato MediTor AB. The company, located in Torekov, offers a variety of solutions for the medical device and pharmaceutical industries. The project was performed in the extrusion department that manufactures a wide variety of medical tubes and ho

Sharing is caring – the sharing economy, a tool to promote social sustainability in Sege Park?

This study examines how the sharing economy is utilized in an emerging area to promote social sustainability. Sege Park in Malmö provide this study's research area. This community served as a testbed for a Sharing Cities Sweden initiative, with support from Malmö municipality, to create a collaborative neighbourhood. The research contains a document analysis of official planning documents by M

Alternative traction system for road-rail vehicles

Tänk om vi kunde ersätta dagens hydrauliska lösningar med elektriska och skapa mer energieffektiva system i dagens moderna arbetsmaskiner? Vilka möjligheter och utmaningar uppstår då man ersätter pumpar och hydraulik med batterier och elektronik? Den pågående elektrifieringen av fordon inom många sektorer skapar nya möjligheter att utmana och ersätta traditionella lösningar med hjälp av modern teExcavators have traditionally been diesel driven with hydraulic actuators, but with the ongoing electrification of vehicles, smaller electric excavators are getting more common. Larger electrical excavators are still in a prototyping or early production stage but can be expected to grow. The electrification of construction equipment creates new possibilities to replace previous hydraulic- with ele

Countering Discourses of Derision : Moving towards Action in Teacher Education in the USA and Sweden

This article is about how negative discourses of teacher education position teacher educators and how they might influence or inspire action. We use self-study methods to investigate the political dimension of teacher education in two national contexts: Sweden and the USA. More specifically, we examine the emotions stirred by the positioning related to being a teacher educator and how those emotio

In-plane Wetting in Packaging Material and its Consequences for Cap Performance

Sedan papperförpackningens entré under 50-talet har Tetra Pak varit en självklarhet i många kylar världen över. En stor del av de Tetra Pak-förpackningar som produceras behöver dock inte stå kylt eftersom de är gjorda på en speciell sorts material med en barriär som skyddar den förvarade produkten även i rumstemperatur. Denna typ av förpackningar kallas för aseptiska och de gör transport och förvaAseptic packaging solutions enable long time storage without refrigeration and are an important part of securing food supply globally. The package material consists of multiple layers: A paperboard for robustness, polymers for adhesion as well as shielding the board from liquid, and a barrier protecting the product. This thesis consists of two parts regarding in-plane wetting into the paperboard.

Formation of CTAB-templated mesophase silicate films from acidic solutions

We have examined the effect of the different components in the spontaneous formation of surfactant-templated mesostructured silicate films grown at the air/solution interface. The rate of film formation shows differing dependencies on the concentrations of the silica precursor, tetramethoxysilane, the surfactant template, cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), water and the solution pH. Further, w

Evaluation of the effect of conflict on fire and GPP in Ukraine

The war in Ukraine in 2022 has caused environmental damages on different scales which come with their own challenges. One of the factors that can cause environmental damage is vegetation fire. As earlier studies have concluded, in conflict regions the amount of vegetation fires can increase due to (forced) migration, change in agriculture and warfare tactics. Not only conflict can change fire occu


Participation is highly relevant in the contemporary planning. One of the seventeen goals in Agenda 2030 suggest that participation needs to be a part of the current planning processes. Consequently, authorities in Sweden are now forced by law to include citizens in the comprehensive plan. But in what extent is it possible for citizens to actually affect the comprehensive plan and what obstacles e

Fotbollens plats i staden - finns det plats för fotbollsplaner i det täta Malmö?

This study aims at understanding how Malmö plan for grassroot footballfields and how they will manage the demand with the ongoing densification of the city. The soft values provided by grassroot footballfields will also be examined and analysed. The research questions provided in this study is How does Malmö Municipality plan footballfields today?, How should footballfields be guaranteed place in

Geobacillus 7349 – A new potential biosurfactant producing microorganism

The main aim of this master project is to find out whether strain Geobacillus 7349 can produce biosurfactant during their growth by extraction and characterization of the product. The other goal is to optimize the cultivation condition of the strain. This work presents an evaluation of batch and fed-batch cultivation techniques for production of Geobacillus 7349 in shake flask, using DRM medium. T

A Small Company With Big Dreams - A study of challenges during change management in a small manufacturing company when it adopted e-commerce

The field of change management is continuously developing and is an important subject for organizations worldwide. The models and theories of change management are broad and cover many aspects but cannot be applied to all change processes. In this study, we have looked into the challenges and strategies to overcome them in a small manufacturing business based in Sweden. The change process of the c

Self-management support needs of patients with inflammatory arthritis and the content of self-management interventions : a scoping review

Background: Self-management skills can empower a person to manage the physical, psychological, and social impact of a health condition. However, the components of self-management interventions differ widely between studies and interventions. By performing a scoping review, we aimed to describe patients’ self-management needs and how health professionals (HPs) can provide effective self-management

När klandertalan är "uppenbart" ogrundad - En kritisk granskning av hovrättens tillämpning av rekvisitet "uppenbart ogrundat" i 42 kap. 5 § 1 st. andra meningen RB i klanderprocesser

En bärande princip för klanderprocessen är att hovrätten inte får ägna sig åt någon materiell överprövning. I klanderprocesser prövas i huvudsak om det i skiljeförfarandet förekommit något processuellt fel. För prövningen gäller samma processuella regelverk som för tvistemål i underrätt. Ett av de processuella verktyg som kan användas i klanderprocesser är 42 kap. 5 § 1 st. andra meningen RB. Den One of the basic principles of the challenge process is that the Court of Ap-peals should not engage in any substantive review. In challenge proceedings, the focus is on whether there have been any procedural errors in the arbitration process. The same procedural rules that apply to civil litigation in lower courts are also applicable to these reviews. One of the procedural tools that can be used

Between Discursive Power, Visibility and Resistance: A Critical Study of Employee Ambassadorship on Social Media

Social media offers employees new opportunities to contribute as communicators and ambassadors to the strategic communication of organizations. However, this study problematizes the prevailing normative and managerial-dominated understanding of self-initiated employee ambassadorship on social media, which neglects power structures in which employees’ communication on social media is embedded. Thus

Silica gels with tunable nanopores through templating of the L3 phase

We describe a detailed synthesis of a silicified inorgaric/organic nanoporous monolithic composite conforming to the lyotropic liquid crystalline L3 phase. The pore dimensions of the silicified L3 phase scale with the solvent volume fraction in the synthesis reaction mixture. Changing the solvent fraction in the initial solution changes the ultimate pore diameter in the silicate, providing a simpl

Terror, kränkande motiv eller något annat? – En granskning av terroristbrottsbestämmelsens tillämpningsområde

I uppsatsen undersöks tillämpningsområdet för terroristbrottsbestämmelsen i terroristbrottslagen (2022:666). Bestämmelsen har varit föremål för domstolsprövning ett antal gånger under 2000-talet, bland annat så sent som i december i fjol med anledning av ett knivmord som ägde rum under Almedalsveckan samma år. Vidare undersöks vilka skillnader och likheter som finns mellan tillämpningsområdet för This thesis examines the area of application of Section 4 of the Swedish Act on Criminal Responsibility for Terrorist Offences, terroristbrottslag (2022:666). The section regulates criminal responsibility for terrorist offences. Several cases concerning terrorist crime have been subject to Swedish courts in the 2000s, most recently in December in 2022, relating to a murder carried out at the Almed