Din sökning på "*" gav 528282 sökträffar
InP/InAsP Quantum Discs-in-Nanowire Array Photodetectors: Design, Fabrication and Optical Performance
This thesis focuses on design, processing and electro-optical investigations of two- and three-terminal photodetectors based on large arraysof around three million n+-i-n+ InP nanowires with embedded InAsP quantum heterostructures for broadband detection. The first part of thethesis work dealt with a general investigation of the room-temperature optoelectronic behavior of two-terminal photodetecto
The Global South as a theoretical and methodological marker for scientific inquiry : researching and teaching decolonial peace
How do we know, theorize, and teach the possibilities of peace in the Global South? For most of Eurocentric literature on the topic, peace in the Global South seems like an impossible utopia. Building on Freire’s pedagogy, I argue for a decolonial approach to peace studies centered on the agency of Global South peoples and their power to transform the world. This means that the construction of kno
Temporality, nationalism and the territorialisation of public space : Commemorational presences in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv
In this article, I investigate how material strategies of commemoration are part of the recategorisation of public space in a series of nationalistic projects in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. I look especially at the different ways in which these commemorative territories are made present, and the specific view of history that these presences entail. The studied cases include for example the transformat
Environmental democracy: Examining the interplay between Escazu Agreement’s innovations and EU economic law
Perioperativ intravenös magnesium tillförsel och dess påverkan på akut postoperativ smärta
Bakgrund: 75% av patienter som genomgår kirurgi upplever medel till svåra smärtor postoperativt. Akut postoperativ smärta är vanligt och nästan 20 procent av patienterna upplever svår smärta under de första 24 timmarna efter operationen, en siffra som har varit i stort sett oförändrad under de senaste 30 åren. Förutom lidandet kan otillräcklig smärtbehandling leda till många fysiologiska problem p
Operationssjuksköterskans upplevelse av kommunikation i operationsteamet- En litteraturstudie
Bakgrund: Brister i kommunikation och teamarbete hos vårdpersonal är en bidragande faktor till vårdskador för patienter. Kommunikation i ett operationsteam sker i en komplex arbetsmiljö mellan flera olika professioner som besitter olika kompetenser, där det interprofessionella teamarbetet har påverkan för patientsäkerheten. Operationssjuksköterskan är en del av det operativa teamet och ska förhåll
Nordic Microclimate Response: A study on microclimate design and its impact on seasonal life in the coastal town of Åkrehamn, Norway
This project explores the way design can adapt existing local areas to be better suited to their changing climates. In doing so it analyzes the current and seasonal climate conditions of Scandinavian towns such as Åkrehamn, Norway. Using available sun, wind, and weather data, the design is evaluated with climate modeling software to help visualize the climate conditions that the thesis aims to wor
Dwell-time station-service analysis using a Rasch analysis technique
In order to ensure punctual and robust service, it is vital to have a good understanding of the current performance of a railway network. Several approaches to doing so exist but lack the ability to compare both service and station performance in a single dimension. The study presented here proposes the use of the Rasch analysis technique within an operational context to compare the relative dwell
Superporous agarose monoliths as mini-reactors in flow injection systems
A new type of agarose material, superporous agarose, was used as a support material in an analytical system designed for monitoring of bioprocesses with respect to metabolites and intracellular enzymes. The superporous agarose was used in the form of miniaturised gel plug columns (15×5.0 mM I.D. monolithic gel bed). The gel plugs were designed to have one set of very large pores (about 50 μm i
A cubic DNA nanocage probe for in situ analysis of miRNA-10b in tumor-derived extracellular vesicles
A cubic DNA nanocage probe is able to enter EVs derived from MDA-MB-231 cells and react with miRNA-10b. The probe-loaded EVs were employed to monitor the process of entry of miRNA-10b into MCF-10A cells, allowing visualization of EV-mediated intercellular communication of miRNA-10b between the cancer cells.
Transcultural palliative care
Transgenerational effects of maternal infection in great reed warblers (Acrocephalus arundinaceus)
Kronisk malaria i en flyttfågel: Sjuka mammor har favoritungar. Precis som människor kan djur bli sjuka. Dessa sjukdomar spelar en stor roll i ekosystem, bland annat för att de kan ge negativ påverkan på populationsstorlekar via ökad dödlighet och minskad fortplantningsframgång (fitness) bland infekterade individer. En sådan sjukdom är fågelmalaria. Trastsångaren (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) är enLife-history theory predicts that individuals carrying parasite infections should experience a trade-off between allocation of resources towards reproduction versus repression of the infection. However, in the case of chronic avian malaria infections in the great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) and other passerines, correlational studies have found little effect on annual survival and fec
Haemosporidian infections in jackdaw nestlings - are all siblings the same?
Avian blood parasites are common vector-transmitted protozoan parasites in wild birds and can cause acute and chronic infections in individuals at different life stages. These infections can have important effects on life-history trade-offs for the birds. In many avian species, infections with blood parasites happen during the nestling period, when dipteran biting insects have easy access to their
Bat activity in Ammarnäs, Västerbotten - Infuence of biological and environmental factors on the activity of Northern bats (Eptesicus nilssonii) in Northern Sweden
In northern Sweden, insectivorous bats must face challenging conditions throughout most of the year, with longer and colder winters compared to the south, and continuous daylight for several weeks during the summer. The northern bat (Eptesicus nilssonii) is common in Sweden, despite experiencing population declines over the last 30 years, and can be found at high latitudes across Europe. This stud
Person, population, mechanism. A rejoinder to critics and an elaboration of the three-branch model
In a previous paper (Lundh, 2023), it was argued that psychological science can be seen as having three main branches, corresponding to three levels of research: research at the person level, at the population level, and at the mechanism level. The purpose of the present paper is to discuss the critique that has been raised against this model by Lamiell (2024) and Nilsson (2024) and to elaborate a
François Grosjean and Ping Li (Eds.), The Psycholinguistics of Bilingualism
Linguistic relativity and second language acquisition
The principle of linguistic relativity was formulated by Benjamin Lee Whorf (1940/1956), but it is also often referred to as the Sapir–Whorf hypothesis in reference to Whorf's mentor at Yale University, Edward Sapir. Whorf contended that while we all see the same objective reality, we nonetheless interpret and classify it differently, based on the categories made available in our language. Therefo