

Din sökning på "*" gav 528275 sökträffar

Intensivvårdssjuksköterskors upplevelser av att arbeta under COVID-19 pandemin - Systematisk litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Första fallen av COVID-19 kom i december 2019 i Kina. I mars 2020 blev COVID-19 klassat som pandemi. Pandemin satte stor press på sjukvården världen över, men framför allt på intensivvården och intensivvårdssjuksköterskorna som tog emot ett större antal patienter än normalt. Syfte: Att belysa intensivvårdssjuksköterskors upplevelser av att arbeta under COVID-19 pandemin ur ett globalt peBackground: The first cases of COVID-19 emerged in China in December 2019. In March 2020 COVID-19 became a pandemic. The pandemic put a big strain on healthcare all over the world but especially intensive care units and the critical care nurses who had to take care of an unusually large number of patients. Aim: To highlight critical care nurses' experiences of working during the COVID-19 pande

Att förstå pch stötta patienter med stickrädsla

Bakgrund: Anestesisjuksköterskan ska bedriva en säker vård där ett personcentrerat förhållningssätt ska ligga till grund för patientmötet. Inom sjukvården är perifer venkatetersättning och intravenös kanylering bland de mest förekommande procedurerna. Dessutom förekommer stickprocedurer vid flertal andra interventioner som till exempel fosterdiagnostik och olika typer av vävnadsprover. Upp tilBackground: The anaesthesia nurse must provide safe care with a person-centred approach as the foundation for encounters. Peripheral venous catheterization and intravenous cannulation are among the most common procedures in healthcare. Additionally, needle procedures occur in various other interventions such as fetal diagnostics and tissue sampling. Up to 30% of adult patients expirience som fo

Balancing Different Legal and Ethical Requirements in the Construction of Informed Consents in Qualitative International Collaborative Research Across Continents - Reflections from a Scandinavian Perspective

International research collaborations engage multiple countries, researchers, and universities. This enhances the magnitude of contextual challenges, including legal and ethical dimensions across various jurisdictions, that must be bridged in qualitative research regardless of discipline, also in the construction of informed consents. From a Scandinavian perspective, this discussion paper explores

Facilitating conversations about race : staff views on the importance of accountability and trust in a student-led project

Significant conversations provide a private and safe space for teachers to develop their thinking about teaching and learning. These conversations are important to academic development but may be limited by their privacy, although Roxå & Mårtensson noted that it was possible to create a culture which led to extended networks. This study explores how the concept of such conversations can be dev

Ytförstärkt murverk : Dimensionering och konstruktiv utformning

Handboken är inriktad på dimensionering och konstruktiv utformning av ytarmerat lättklinkermurverk. När det gäller andra murverksmaterial, sker dimensionering på samma sätt som för lättklinkermurverk. När det gäller konstruktiv utformning av främst byggnadsdetaljer, kan särskilda aspekter behöva beaktas, beroende på murverksmaterial.Handboken har tagits fram inom ramen för utvecklingsprojektet ”De

Modeling uranium and 226Ra mobility during and after an acidic in situ recovery test (Dulaan Uul, Mongolia)

This article presents the results of groundwater monitoring over a period of six years and the interpretation of these results by a reactive transport model, following an In Situ Recovery (ISR) test on the Dulaan Uul uranium deposit in Mongolia. An environmental monitoring survey was set up using 17 piezometers, from which it has been possible to describe the changes in the water composition befor

Phase-in and phase-out policies in the global steel transition

To reach the goals of the Paris Agreement, global emissions should be reduced to net zero by mid-century. The steel sector is an emission-intensive industrial subsector where low-carbon production routes are emerging, and recent studies have shown that rapid decarbonization of the sector is technically possible. However, several barriers block the sector-wide diffusion of low-carbon steelmaking. I

Investigation of brake wear particle emissions from heavy-duty vehicles

Emissions from road transport are one of the biggest health threats during the 21st century and are therefore being regulated with Euro standards. Part of the emissions from road transport originates from brakes and brake wear particle will therefore be included in the new standards. Brake system manufacturers will have to meet the new Euro standard and potentially reduce emissions from their prod

Unveiling Immune Complexity and Regenerative Dynamics in Pleurodeles waltl: A Cross-Species Single-Cell Analysis

Unveiling the Immune System: Pleurodeles waltl and the Puzzle of Regeneration Salamanders like Pleurodeles waltl have extraordinary regenerative capabilities, these creatures can regrow limbs, tails, and even parts of their hearts, a stark contrast to humans, who have much more limited regenerative abilities. Previous studies have shown that the immune system plays a major role in the regenerati

Drivers of the small-scale spatio-temporal distribution of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) investigated via UAV around Kullaberg, Sweden

The harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) is elusive and challenging to study. Recent reports indicate negative population trends in the Belt Sea population, which is found around the peninsula of Kullaberg in southern Sweden. In this study, the driving factors of the small-scale distribution of porpoises around Kullaberg were investigated by use of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Over 17 weeks f

InP/InAsP Quantum Discs-in-Nanowire Array Photodetectors: Design, Fabrication and Optical Performance

This thesis focuses on design, processing and electro-optical investigations of two- and three-terminal photodetectors based on large arraysof around three million n+-i-n+ InP nanowires with embedded InAsP quantum heterostructures for broadband detection. The first part of thethesis work dealt with a general investigation of the room-temperature optoelectronic behavior of two-terminal photodetecto