

Din sökning på "*" gav 312731 sökträffar

Discrimination of Patients with Acoustic Neuroma and Peripheral Vestibular Lesions with Human Posture Dynamics

A group of normal subjects (n = 17) was compared with groups of patients with a diagnosis of vestibular neuritis (n = 18), and acoustic neuromas (n = 35). Fisher linear discriminant analysis was applied to distinguish clusters of parameters characteristic for each disease. Hence it was possible to distinguish the vestibular neuritis patients from the normal group with statistical significance (p <

A flexible runtime system for image processing in a distributed computational environment for an unmanned aerial vehicle

A runtime system for implementation of image processing operations is presented. It is designed for working in a flexible and distributed environment related to the software architecture of a newly developed UAV system. The software architecture can be characterized at a coarse scale as a layered system, with a deliberative layer at the top, a reactive layer in the middle, and a processing layer a

Work ethics and general work attitudes in adolescents are related to quality of life, sense of coherence and subjective health - a Swedish questionnaire study

Background: Working life is an important arena in most people's lives, and the working line concept is important for the development of welfare in a society. For young people, the period before permanent establishment in working life has become longer during the last two decades. Knowledge about attitudes towards work can help us to understand young people's transition to the labour market. Adoles

Interactions between M proteins of Streptococcus pyogenes and glycosaminoglycans promote bacterial adhesion to host cells.

Several microbial pathogens have been reported to interact with glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) on cell surfaces and in the extracellular matrix. Here we demonstrate that M protein, a major surface-expressed virulence factor of the human bacterial pathogen, Streptococcus pyogenes, mediates binding to various forms of GAGs. Hence, S. pyogenes strains expressing a large number of different types of M prot

Effects of support material on the pattern of volatile fatty acid accumulation at overload in anaerobic digestion of semi-solid waste

Anaerobic degradation of a semi-solid waste with a total solids content of 4% particulate matter, much of it insoluble, was investigated in four laboratory-scale reactors. Two of the reactors were equipped with different textile materials for immobilisation of microorganisms, while the other two were used as continuously-stirred-tank reactor references, A constant organic loading rate and hydrauli

Formal Languages and Automata in Computational Algebra

This thesis is a collection of six papers in computational algebra. In particular, we study noncommutative Gröb- ner bases, SAGBI bases and similar algebraic objects which can be represented as a graph or an automaton. In Paper I we introduce the concept of bi-automaton algebras, generalizing the automaton algebras previously defined by Ufnarovski. A bi-automaton algebra is a quotient of the free

Reduced Toll-like receptor 4 expression in children with asymptomatic bacteriuria

Toll-like receptor (TLR) 4 is essential for the defense against infection with gram-negative pathogens, but reduced TLR4 expression has not been linked to altered disease susceptibility in humans. In mice, Tlr4 controls the mucosal response to Escherichia coli urinary tract infections. Inactivation of mouse Tlr4 causes an asymptomatic carrier state resembling asymptomatic bacteriuria (ABU). The pr

Cancer incidence and mortality of isocyanate exposed workers from the Swedish polyurethane foam industry: updated findings 1959-98.

Aims: To assess whether cancer incidence and mortality in chronic obstructive lung diseases were increased in the Swedish polyurethane foam industry cohort, updated with 11 more years of follow up. Methods: The mortality and cancer incidence (1959–98) experienced by a cohort of 4175 male and female employees employed for at least one year in the period 1959–87 at one of nine Swedish polyurethane

The influence of metal coordination on ligand geometry: the structure of 2-(diphenylphosphino)acetophenone and bis(2-(diphenylphosphino)acetophenone)palladium(II)bistriflate

The structures of 2(diphenylphosphino)acetophenone and bis(2(diphenyl phosphino)acetophenone)palladium(II)bistriflate have been determined by X-ray crystallography. The ligand is of interest because its P,O donor set combines the hard and soft properties. In the Pd-complex, which was prepared by treating tetrakisacetonitrile-palladium-bistriflate with 2-(diphenylphosphino)acetophenone in dichlorom

Improved selectivity of microbial biosensor using membrane coating. Application to the analysis of ethanol during fermentation

A ferricyanide mediated microbial biosensor for ethanol detection was prepared by surface modification of a glassy carbon electrode. The selectivity of the whole Gluconobacter oxydans cell biosensor for ethanol determination was greatly enhanced by the size exclusion effect of a cellulose acetate (CA) membrane. The use of a CA membrane increased the ethanol to glucose sensitivity ratio by a factor

Adhesive Joints in Timber Engineering. Modelling and Testing of Fracture Properties

Popular Abstract in Swedish Trälimfogar är en väsentlig del av modern träkonstruktionsteknik. För att höja förädlingsvärdet hos träråvaran, tillverkas idag flera olika sorters produkter vilka är beroende av limfogar. Exempel på sådana produkter är limträ och fanerträ (LVL). Ett annat exempel där limfogar används är vid inlimning av skruvar eller stänger för sammanfogning eller förstärkning av limtThis thesis, which is a compilation of seven papers, concerns the mechanical testing, numerical analysis and constitutive modelling of wood-adhesive bonds in timber engineering. Applications such as finger-joints, glued-laminated timber and glued-in rods are considered. The experimental studies include the testing of the fracture characteristics of wood-adhesive bonds, including both wood-to-wood