

Din sökning på "*" gav 528139 sökträffar

Greening the future: identifying and mitigating environmental hotspots in the MSME sector - a wall mixer case study

In response to concerns about depleting natural resources, organisations are developing eco-friendly products and services. This study examines the role of manufacturing industries and services in sustainable resource utilisation, focusing on the Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector, a significant contributor to global Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) metho

Navigating towards corporate sustainability: a case study of social learning in the sustainability committee of an Indonesian company

Corporations are often linked to environmental and social issues due to profit motives. To keep in check with those concerns, many establish sustainability committees, however, research gaps persist in understanding their internal processes and theoretical approaches. This study employs social learning theory to examine a management-level sustainability committee in an Indonesian company. Intervie

“Growing and sharing together”: A case study of the social impacts of libraries of things towards community-based scaling

Libraries of things (LoTs) have potential to create positive environmental and social impact. However, not enough is known about their social impact, especially as LoTs scale. This thesis studies the case of Circle Centre (CC), a LoT in Lund, Sweden and analyzes the social impact of LoTs through interviews and a survey. After understanding the social impact, participants in a participatory qualita

“Innovate Integration” - The Impact of Malmö’s Social Innovations on Sustainable Development Goals through Immigrant Labor Inclusion

Integrating immigrants into the labor market is a challenge for the city of Malmö, impacting its performance to achieve Sustainable Development Goals related to Decent Jobs and Reduced Inequalities. This thesis explores the role of 3 social innovations in addressing this challenge, guided by the Multi-Level Perspective. The research explores unique approaches these enterprises apply to create empl

Who even cares about water? It’s a problem for the future: A mixed methods study on reusing greywater to reduce Sweden’s residential water consumption. The Case of Sörsjön.

Freshwater demand is expected to rise while supplies decline, putting pressure on water systems. Water conservation and determining potential alternative sources is imperative. The thesis aims to determine the effectiveness of greywater recycling as an alternative source in Sweden. Sörsjön was used as a case study and the roles of property owners and water utilities explored. The theory of planned

A sustainable reconstruction of the construction industry - Assessing biodiversity considerations and their outlook in the Finnish construction sector

Biodiversity loss and diminishing urban green space are widely recognized sustainability issues, but little research exists on the construction sector’s role and the attitudes they hold towards biodiversity. This study contributes to the sustainable urban design literature by studying how construction companies in Finland view their relation to biodiversity and how they could achieve better biodiv

Sustainable, diverse, and nutritious? A study of nutritional characteristics of forest food products in agroforestry systems in the Amazon Region

The path to achieving food security is complex due to the linkage between human health and environmental impacts. Alternative approaches to industrial monoculture agriculture, such as agroforestry, are increasingly being explored due to the variety of forest foods it provides and the environmental benefits associated with its use. I conducted a meta-analysis of 15 published studies that reported 3

Mental oil spills Visualizing petroleumscapes to uncover fossil fuel dependence in Stavanger, Norway

Given the urgent need to address climate change, it is critical to confront fossil fuel dependency, particularly in the Global North. How fossil fuels are spatially perceived by citizens must be considered to better recognize the ways in which petro-dependency has become embedded in urban spaces. This is imperative to understanding spatio-cultural challenges of implementing green energy transition

The duality of man: An exploration of masculine identities as both drivers and disruptors of far-right climate denialism in Canada

The climate is in a state of emergency. Anthropogenic climate change is destroying social and environmental systems across the world (albeit, unevenly) and jeopardizing the safety and humanity of present and future generations. Nevertheless, climate denialism persists as a rhetoric and belief, particularly within the burgeoning far-right political projects in countries most responsible for rising

Do not steel our identities! Industry, identity, and its implications for a green steel transition in Oxelösund, Sweden

To achieve established climate objectives, Sweden must effectively target its carbon-intensive steel industry. This study offers a social perspective on the Swedish steel industry's decarbonization, exploring how workers’ identities shape their experience of the transition. Social identity theory is utilised to explore what elements shape steelworkers’ collective and occupational identities in

Climate clash: navigating the dilemma between carbon-intensive study abroad and climate action

Climate-focused study abroad relying on high-emitting travel poses a dilemma between study abroad and emission reductions. This study employs the three spheres of transformation investigating this dilemma through coding syllabi (n=156,) surveying educators (n=9,) and interviewing (n=14) Climate Action Network for International Educators (CANIE) affiliates considering whether studying climate chang

The Three R’s for Transformation - Reconnect, Reflect, React! Unveiling the Transformative Potential in Environmental Activism in Russia

The recognition of both inner (beliefs, mindsets, values) and outer dimensions (structures, technologies, behaviours) in addressing the climate crisis offers a powerful leverage point for the transformation needed. However, there is a lack of understanding of how this approach can be adapted to different groups and contexts. This thesis focuses on environmental activists from Russia as valuable ch

Sustaining the “black gold”: Examining coal narratives in the Bełchatów Basin Area and their impact on carbon lock-in

As one of the biggest coal producers in the EU and a country with a coal-based energy system, Poland is faced with a difficult challenge of transforming the energy sector. However, coal has a very powerful position in the country, protected by incumbent actors and their interests. This thesis focuses on the Bełchatów Basin, an important lignite region, and examines coal narratives and their implic

Towards a just transition: Exploring discourses, regulation, and indigenous engagement in Western Australia’s lithium frontier

Reducing CO2 emissions is crucial in combating climate change, with clean energy technologies playing a key role. Lithium is a vital component in such technologies but has extensive environmental and social impacts, including Indigenous oppression. This thesis examines how lithium mining in Western Australia is discursively legitimised and how the discourses interact with Western Australia's s

The mechanisms behind sports injuries in Para Alpine Skiing during the Paralympic Games, Sochi 2014, Pyeongchang 2018 and Beijing 2022

Introduction: Para sport has during the last decades increased and one of the largest sports during the Paralympic Winter Games is Para Alpine Skiing. Injuries are common among both Alpine skiers with and without disability and to be able to develop preventive measures there is a need to further understand the epidemiology behind injuries in Para Alpine Skiing. Aim: The overall aim of this thesis

Postoperativ opioidkonsumtion och smärta efter peroperativ infusion med remifentanil

Abstrakt Bakgrund: Remifentanil har fått allt större plats i anestesiologisk kontext sedan dess introduktion under 90-talet. Det har genom åren noterats att patienter som får remifentanilinfusion har ökad postoperativ smärta jämfört med traditionell opioidtillförsel (upprepade enstaka doser) av preparat med längre halveringstid. Ökad postoperativ opioidkonsumtion kan ses som en indikator för förhö

Barriärer för protokollstyrd urträning från ventilator på intensivvårdsavdelningar - En systematisk litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Forskning har visat på vinster för patienter som urtränas från ventilator med protokoll, då vårdtiden i ventilator minskar markant vid användning av protokoll. Detta till trots är det mindre än hälften av intensivvårdsavdelningarna i Sverige som använder sig av protokoll vid urträning ur ventilator. Syfte: Belysa barriärer för användning av standardiserade urträningsprotokoll för patient

Intensivvårdssjuksköterskors upplevelser av att arbeta under COVID-19 pandemin - Systematisk litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Första fallen av COVID-19 kom i december 2019 i Kina. I mars 2020 blev COVID-19 klassat som pandemi. Pandemin satte stor press på sjukvården världen över, men framför allt på intensivvården och intensivvårdssjuksköterskorna som tog emot ett större antal patienter än normalt. Syfte: Att belysa intensivvårdssjuksköterskors upplevelser av att arbeta under COVID-19 pandemin ur ett globalt peBackground: The first cases of COVID-19 emerged in China in December 2019. In March 2020 COVID-19 became a pandemic. The pandemic put a big strain on healthcare all over the world but especially intensive care units and the critical care nurses who had to take care of an unusually large number of patients. Aim: To highlight critical care nurses' experiences of working during the COVID-19 pande

Att förstå pch stötta patienter med stickrädsla

Bakgrund: Anestesisjuksköterskan ska bedriva en säker vård där ett personcentrerat förhållningssätt ska ligga till grund för patientmötet. Inom sjukvården är perifer venkatetersättning och intravenös kanylering bland de mest förekommande procedurerna. Dessutom förekommer stickprocedurer vid flertal andra interventioner som till exempel fosterdiagnostik och olika typer av vävnadsprover. Upp tilBackground: The anaesthesia nurse must provide safe care with a person-centred approach as the foundation for encounters. Peripheral venous catheterization and intravenous cannulation are among the most common procedures in healthcare. Additionally, needle procedures occur in various other interventions such as fetal diagnostics and tissue sampling. Up to 30% of adult patients expirience som fo