

Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar

Morphometric analysis of inter‐ and intraspecific variation in the Cambrian helcionelloid mollusc Mackinnonia

Phylogenetic relationships within the helcionelloid molluscs have been difficult to establish. One of the reasons for this is that qualitative approaches to investigating morphological variation in this group have struggled to identify clear patterns. An alternative method of identifying these patterns is to study these organisms quantitatively. Here this approach is exemplified by employing morph

Natural and social dimensions of forest carbon accounting

Världens skogar lagrar stora mängder kol både som levande biomassa och i marken. Skogarnas förmåga att motverka klimatförändring genom att fungera som kolsänkor har erkänts inom global klimatpolitik, till exempel Parisavtalet från 2015 vilket uppmanar länder att minska sina utsläpp av växthusgaser. Sverige är ett av flera länder med ambitiösa målsättningar och har lovat att inte ha några nettoutslGlobal forests store large amounts of carbon both in living biomass and in the soil. The ability of forests to counteract climate change by acting as carbon sinks have been recognized in global climate politics, such as the 2015 Paris agreement which calls for national commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Sweden is one of many countries who have pledged ambitious climate goals, promisin

Real wages and labor supply in a quasi life-cycle framework : A macro compression by Swedish National Transfer Accounts (1985-2003)

This paper examines the life-cycle dynamics of real wages and labor supply in Sweden. The descriptive results lend support to the inter-temporal substitution hypothesis (ISH), as the age patterns of real wages and the labor supply are both hump-shaped. However, the age-wage profiles increasingly shift toward older ages over time, whereas the age-employment profiles do not. This leads to an accentu

Investigating the source of free fetal hemoglobin in preeclampsia. The role of the placenta and the fetus.

Preeclampsia (PE) is an important pregnancy complication that affects 3-8% of women worldwide and is a leading cause of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. It is known that PE is associated with placental dysfunction, resulting in hypoxia, oxidative stress, altered metabolism and production of inflammatory cytokines. Hypoxia could enhance erythropoiesis and induce non-erythroid hemoglobin

Hypothesis-testing demands trustworthy data-a simulation approach to inferential statistics advocating the research program strategy

In psychology as elsewhere, the main statistical inference strategy to establish empirical effects is null-hypothesis significance testing (NHST). The recent failure to replicate allegedly well-established NHST-results, however, implies that such results lack sufficient statistical power, and thus feature unacceptably high error-rates. Using data-simulation to estimate the error-rates of NHST-resu

Amniotic fluid INSL3 measured during the critical time window in human pregnancy relates to cryptorchidism, hypospadias, and phthalate load : A large case-control study

The period of the first to second trimester transition in human pregnancy represents a sensitive window for fetal organogenesis, particularly in regard to the development of the male reproductive system. This is a time of relative analytical inaccessibility. We have used a large national biobank of amniotic fluid samples collected at routine amniocentesis to determine the impacts of exogenous endo

CW Laser radar for combustion diagnostics

A CW-laser radar system developed for combustion diagnostics is described. The system is based on triangulation to attain range information. A portable system has been constructed and here we show some result from measurements in various flames, for example Rayleigh scattering thermometry and monitoring of particle distributions with high temporal and spatial resolution. The concept can equally we

The Question of Punctuation in John 1.3-4: Arguments from Ancient Colometry

The question of how to punctuate John 1:3-4 has confounded both ancient and modern readers. Various textual and linguistic arguments have been used to support one of at least four suggestions about how to punctuate the passage. The present state of research, which supports both Reading A (belongs to the sentence in 1:4) and Reading B (belongs to the sentence in 1:3), is based primarily on textual

Kinetics of available lysine in stored commercial skim milk powder at moderate temperatures

Kinetics of lysine blockage, as an early step of the Maillard reaction, was investigated in commercial skim milk powder to understand the extent of the reaction, specifically after packages are opened and during the subsequent storage. Samples were stored at six conditions including three temperatures (30, 32.5 and 35 °C) and two relative humidities (43% and 52%) for 30 days, the period in which t

Safety, immunogenicity, pharmacokinetics, and efficacy of degradation of anti-HLA antibodies by IdeS (imlifidase) in chronic kidney disease patients

Safety, immunogenicity, pharmacokinetics, and efficacy of the IgG-degrading enzyme of Streptococcus pyogenes (IdeS [imlifidase]) were assessed in a single-center, open-label ascending-dose study in highly sensitized patients with chronic kidney disease. Eight patients with cytotoxic PRAs (median cytotoxic PRAs of 64%) at enrollment received 1 or 2 intravenous infusions of IdeS on consecutive days

Media, Knowledge and Trust : The Deepening Epistemic Crisis of Democracy

The argument has two related parts: firstly, we are witnessing an “epistemic” crisis in public spheres that threatens to undermine political agency. This crisis has to do with the massive amounts and speed of information, the processes by which we construct knowledge, as well as the new forms of knowledge deriving from digital technologies. Many developments in information technologies benefit dem

Ultrahigh vacuum dc magnetron sputter-deposition of epitaxial Pd(111)/Al2O3(0001) thin films

Pd(111) thin films, ∼245 nm thick, are deposited on Al2O3(0001) substrates at ≈0.5Tm, where Tm is the Pd melting point, by ultrahigh vacuum dc magnetron sputtering of Pd target in pure Ar discharges. Auger electron spectra and low-energy electron diffraction patterns acquired in situ from the as-deposited samples reveal that the surfaces are compositionally pure 111-oriented Pd. Double-axis x-ray

Towards Nanowire Tandem Junction Solar Cells on Silicon

The development of photovoltaics as a serious means of producing renewable energy has accelerated greatly in the last ten years, with prices for silicon-based solar cell systems dropping dramatically in the last few years. The next great opportunity for photovoltaics following this competitiveness in prices will be to enhance the cell and panel efficiencies. It is quite generally seen that the mos

Leadership and organization : A philosophical Introduction

This book is a philosophical exploration of the relationship between leadership and organization. Each chapter in the book sheds light on this relationship by exploring leadership with respect to a particular theme: charisma, authority, religion, language, authenticity, image and followership. These themes are linked to popular notions of leadership, such as transformational leadership, authentic

A Mesoproterozoic iron formation

We describe a 1,400 million-year old (Ma) iron formation (IF) from the Xiamaling Formation of the North China Craton. We estimate this IF to have contained at least 520 gigatons of authigenic Fe, comparable in size to many IFs of the Paleoproterozoic Era (2,500–1,600 Ma). Therefore, substantial IFs formed in the time window between 1,800 and 800 Ma, where they are generally believed to have been a

Drosophila Sensory Neuroethology

Animals, like humans, need to perceive their surroundings via their senses in order to make sensible behavioral decisions, reproduce successfully, and survive. Animals are equipped with audition, vision, thermosensation, hygrosensation, mechanosensation, magnetoception, gustation, and olfaction, which detects physical and chemical changes in their habitats. Among these senses, olfaction is likely