

Din sökning på "*" gav 536224 sökträffar

Discount Puzzle of Closed-End Mutual Funds: A Case of Bangladesh

The thesis paper intends to perform a relevant study on the closed-end fund puzzle in the perspective of an emerging market. Quarterly data of 36 closed-end mutual funds traded in Dhaka Stock Exchange are collected over the sample period of 2016 to 2019. Dependent and Independent variables are mapped down by exploring previous research. Number of stocks, weight of top 10 investments, fund size, fu

Immobilization and Heterogenization of Homogeneous Catalysts in Metal-Organic-Frameworks

Denna avhandling beskriver studier av hur metallkomplex som fungerar som katalysatorer i lösning kan absorberas i s k metall-organiska nätverksstrukturer (metal-organic frameworks = MOFs). MOFs är porösa kristallina material som har en bred funktion i såväl laboratorium som industri. Genom sådan absorption kan det lösliga komplexet inkorporeras i håligheter i nätverket; det lösliga komplexet befinThis work constitutes the results from a one year master thesis research project (Sep, 2019 to Aug, 2020). Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) have been used for encapsulation of homogeneous catalysts to generate heterogeneous catalysts. This work describes the incorporation of the non-heme iron complex [(Fe(II)N4Py)]2+ and two molybdenum−sulfur clusters (MOS) into the pores of UiO-type MOFs via absor

Characterization of InAs-Al semiconductor-superconductor hybrid devices

Olösliga problem blir lösbara med framtidens kvantdatorer! Under 1900-talet gjordes oerhörda framsteg i vår förståelse av kvantmekaniska fenomen, men för varje besvarad fråga väcks två nya. Många högaktuella frågor, och mål, gäller förverkligandet av kvantdatorn, där en av de främsta frågorna är: vilka kvantmekaniska fenomen ska utgöra grunden för kvantdatorns grundkomponent (en ’qubit’)? AlternatIn this thesis we study charge and spin transport through InAs-Al nanowire superconductor-semiconductor hybrid devices. We focus on assessing the quality of the InAs-Al contact interface when using a weak HCl acid to wet-etch the nanowire surface prior to metal evaporation. The contact quality assessment is based on parameters extracted via electrical characterization performed mK temperatures in

The virtual public sphere and social movements on social media

Like many things, social movements have been able to take a new form, and behave differently, thanks to the rise of the internet and social media networks. The purpose of this study is to analyze how long lasting this engagement is from its participants, and how short-run participation in social movements can be understood. This study has been heavily inspired by Zizi Papacharissi, therefore the t

Rätt subjekt? - En undersökning av rättssubjektet och rättssubjektiviteten med utgångspunkt i Visa Kurkis the bundle theory of legal personhood

De senaste decenniernas juridiska utveckling där nya sorters entiteter erkänns status som rättssubjekt har aktualiserat frågan om vad som egentligen definierar ett rättssubjekt och vad rättssubjektivitet, de rättsliga positioner som rättssubjekt typiskt sett kan inneha, egentligen innebär. Uppsatsen använder sig av en av de senaste teorierna i ämnet, Visa Kurkis the bundle theory of legal personThe past decades new kinds of entities have been recognised as legal persons. This global development in law have led to an increased academic interest in the concepts of legal person and legal personhood and what it is that defines these concepts. The thesis explores legal personhood through one of the latest theories on the subject, the bundle theory of legal personhood of Visa Kurki. It does

How to Develop Core Elements of Empowerment

The aim of the study is to examine how young women conceive their empowerment processes through access to ICTs, provided by the non-governmental organization IT for Children. The thesis is a qualitative case study of young women’s empowerment. Accordingly, a minor field study was conducted in the village Dixcove in the south of the western region of Ghana. Material was gathered through semi-struct

Global goals on local level: How do civil society organizations in Indonesia working with gender equality, female empowerment and female entrepreneurs frame the Sustainable Development Goals and local challenges?

The SDGs provide a global policy framework for regulatory actions at national, regional and international levels. However, when it comes to how to locally implement these goals it is important to understand the context of the local reality. This paper has two objectives. It seeks to critically analyse how the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) goals are framed by civil society organizations (CSO

“I don’t feel like a refugee. I’m here as a student”: Exploring Syrian Displaced-Background Students' Transitional Process in Private Mexican Higher Education

Humanitarian crises caused by natural disasters or human reasons have hampered the access of generations of young adults to higher education. The aftermath of the Syrian conflict in 2011 led to the emergence of various initiatives, mostly set in neighboring countries and the global north, for refugees and displaced populations to pursue higher education studies. Policymakers and academics have foc

Narrative and Gender: Similarities and differences in written narratives produced from same- and opposite-gender perspective in Modern Greek

Narrative and gender are both notions closely connected to culture and society. Narrative, on the one hand, is not just the art of telling stories, it carries deeper meanings, evokes feelings, and even affects our actions and interactions with one another. Gender, on the other hand, and specifically social gender, is defined as the gender identity that a person has shaped through his or her intera

Beelining for sustainable transport : analysing accessibility inequities and opportunities connecting trams to bicycles in Greater Manchester

As the clock ticks on our opportunity to limit catastrophic climate change, mitigation efforts are becoming increasingly essential, especially amongst countries with high current or historic emissions. However, these mitigation attempts are not a guaranteed success, especially when the system within which they operate is not understood due to unacknowledged bias in quantitative data. As such, wick

A framework for generating loyalty in the alcohol industry: a case study of Heineken and Budweiser

Purpose: The purpose of this study is trying to understand which elements are essential to obtain loyalty in the alcoholic beverage industry and how companies can focus their branding efforts on these drivers of loyalty. Methodology: A literature review is conducted to identify the key drivers which can influence brand loyalty. These drivers are then analysed by researching two case studies, Hein

Picture-perfect, peaceful, and protected: Canadian national parks’ multimodal discourses and representations of mandates on Instagram

This thesis analyzed multimodal social media communications of a government agency that manages national parks, to study the kinds of discourses that are constructed by national parks agencies through representations of the parks and their nature. Furthermore, it analyzed and interpreted how the discourses relate to the mandate and other missions that the agency must adhere to, which are generally

Sound ranging using multilateration and Kalman filter

Sound ranging is a method to locate sources of sound waves using microphones or other types of receivers at known reference positions. Nowadays, these receivers can be made both very small and powerful, lasting for a long time on a single battery charge, making them suitable for longtime outdoor purposes such as detecting artillery fire or other loud sounds. In this master thesis, we present a sou

Finding a place for old things: The role of pre-Norse features in constructing Norse conceptual landscapes in the Scottish Isles

The Viking Age saw the colonisation of most of the isles of Scotland by settlers from Norway. These newcomers brought their own customs, practices and perceptions to the Isles, maintaining close links with the Scandinavian world. However, these islands had already experienced millennia of anthropogenic change by the time of Norse settlement, and generations of previous inhabitants had populated th

Investigation for Capacity Planning within the Supply Chain: A Case Study

Planning for capacity in not just the production, but also in the supply chain, is important. Strategic long-term planning for the supply chain will affect how the company will be able to meet the demand. This Master Thesis will focus on the capacities within the supply chain at PolyPeptide and how they could be planned for in the future. PolyPeptide is a company that manufactures active pharmaceu

Do Shifts in Migration policies affect Foreign Trade? - Evidence from the Swedish asylum policy changes of 2016.

This paper investigates if migration policy reforms have the ability to affect the trade enhancing effect of migration. Migration policies are one of the factors through which a country can control its migration. A shift in migration policy could therefore possibly alter or affect the effect that migration has on trade. In order to investigate this, the Swedish asylum policy changes of 2016 and it

Bistånd: bilateralt, multilateralt eller NGO - vilket är bäst?

This paper assesses the effectiveness of foreign aid in reducing poverty and increasing HDI by analysing three different types of aid; bilateral, multilateral and NGO aid. While there have been several papers that have studied the differences between bilateral and multilateral aid and their effectiveness, such studies have not included NGO aid. In addition, research on what impact foreign aid has

Hybrida missmatchningar i ATAD 2 och dess implementering i svensk rätt - Förenligt med etableringsfriheten?

I ett försök till att hindra den skatteflykt som uppstår av skatteplanering genom hybrida missmatchningar som leder till att länders skattebaser urholkas antog Europakommissionen direktivet ATAD 2. Till skillnad från ATAD 1 så siktar ATAD 2 in sig på olika typer av betalningar, inte bara räntebetalningar, samt att bestämmelserna även rör tredje land och inte bara medlemsländerna i EU. MedlemsländeIn an attempt to prevent tax evasion caused by tax planning through hybrid mismatches that lead to tax bases erosion in countries, the European Commission adopted the directive ATAD 2. Unlike ATAD 1, ATAD 2 aims at different payments, not just interest payments, and third countries, not just member states of the EU. ATAD 2 should have been implemented in member states national legislation on 31 Ja

"att inte prata om varandra, men att alltid prata med varandra" - En kvalitativ studie om kommunikation och konflikter i en arbetsgrupp på ett SoL-boende

Communication and conflict are inevitable in working groups and is the foundation of how working groups cooperate. This study explored how communication and conflict can be perceived by individuals in a smaller work group at a support home for children ages 14–20. Aim: The aim was to create an understanding of how communication and conflicts were described by staff at a support home for children a

“Du måste lära dig om du ska överleva” - En kvalitativ studie om ideella verksamheter och kommunala myndigheters arbete med ofrivilligt digitalt utanförskap

Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka hur ideella verksamheter och kommunala myndigheter arbetar med digital utanförskap bland sina klienter, vilka faktorerna för digital utanförskap kan vara samt hur den digitala utvecklingen ser ut. Studien genomfördes som en kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Totalt intervjuades sex personer, tre från ideella verksamheter och tre från The aim of this study has been to examine the way non-profit organizations and municipal administrations work with digital exclusion amongst their clients, what the factors for digital exclusion can be and what the digital development looks like. The study was performed using a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews. In total six people were interviewed, three from non-profit organizat