

Din sökning på "*" gav 526767 sökträffar

Electronic structure and chemical bonding in W-2 molecule

The electronic structure of the lowest-lying electronic states of W-2 were investigated at the CASPT2 level. The ground state is a X-1 Sigma(+)(g) state, followed by the a(3)Delta(u), b(3)Sigma(+)(u) and A(1)Delta(u) electronic states. Seven low-lying Omega-states were computed: (1)0(g)(+), (2)3(u), (3)2(u), (4)1(u), (5)0(u)(-), (6)1(u), and (7)2(u), with the ground state corresponding to the (1)0

Terminal fatty-acyl-CoA desaturase involved in sex pheromone biosynthesis in the Winter Moth (Operophtera brumata)

The Winter Moth (Operophtera brumata L., Lepidoptera: Geometridae) utilizes a single hydrocarbon, 1,Z3,Z6,Z9-nonadecatetraene, as its sex pheromone. We tested the hypothesis that a fatty acid precursor, Z11,Z14,Z17,19-nonadecanoic acid, is biosynthesized from α-linolenic acid, through chain elongation by one 2-carbon unit, and subsequent methyl-terminus desaturation. Our results show that labeled

The specificity triad: notions of disease and therapeutic specificity in biomedical reasoning

Biomedicine is typically defined as the branch of medicine that is based on the principles of biology and biochemistry. A central tenet for biomedicine is the notion of disease and therapeutic specificity, i.e. the idea of tailored treatments for discrete disorders underpinned by specific pathologies. The present paper is concerned with how notions of disease and therapeutic specificity guide biom

High-resolution genomic profiling of male breast cancer reveals differences hidden behind the similarities with female breast cancer

Male breast cancer (MBC) is extremely rare and poorly characterized on the molecular level. Using high-resolution genomic data, we aimed to characterize MBC by genomic imbalances and to compare it with female breast cancer (FBC), and further to investigate whether the genomic profiles hold any prognostic information. Fifty-six fresh frozen MBC tumors were analyzed using high-resolution tiling BAC

There's more to the picture than meets the ear - Gaze behavior during communication in children with hearing impairment

Many children and adolescents with hearing impairment struggle to meet school demands. The difficulties can be traced to the characteristics of the hearing impairment, and to adverse consequences on language development, often overlooked in diagnostics and intervention. This thesis investigates the communicative ability of children and adolescents with bilateral sensorineural hearing impairment by

Slaget vid Fantehåla år 1510

Vid Fantehåla, på gränsen mellan Örkelljunga och Rya socknar i nordvästra Skåne, utkämpades år 1510 ett slag mellan en svensk styrka under ledning av Åke Hansson Thott och en dansk-skånsk under ledning av Tyge Krabbe. Vid slaget dödades Åke Hansson och de svenska styrkorna slogs tillbaka. Mot bakgrund av samtliga uppgifter om slaget och den lokala topografin försöker författaren rekonstruera hände

Oxidation of the GaAs semiconductor at the Al2O3/GaAs junction

Atomic-scale understanding and processing of the oxidation of III-V compound-semiconductor surfaces are essential for developing materials for various devices (e.g., transistors, solar cells, and light emitting diodes). The oxidation-induced defect-rich phases at the interfaces of oxide/III-V junctions significantly affect the electrical performance of devices. In this study, a method to control t

Comparative Molecular Evolution of Trichoderma Chitinases in Response to Mycoparasitic Interactions

Certain species of the fungal genus Trichoderma are potent mycoparasites and are used for biological control of fungal diseases on agricultural crops. In Trichoderma, whole-genome sequencing reveal between 20 and 36 different genes encoding chitinases, hydrolytic enzymes that are involved in the mycoparasitic attack. Sequences of Trichoderma chitinase genes chi18-5, chi18-13, chi18-15 and chi18-17

FACS-Based Isolation, Propagation and Characterization of Mouse Embryonic Cardiomyocytes Based on VCAM-1 Surface Marker Expression.

Purification of cardiomyocytes from the embryonic mouse heart, embryonic stem (ES) or induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) is a challenging task and will require specific isolation procedures. Lately the significance of surface markers for the isolation of cardiac cell populations with fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) has been acknowledged, and the hunt for cardiac specific markers has i

Mechanisms and significance of lipoprotein(a) in hepatocellular carcinoma

BACKGROUND: The liver plays a key role in the metabolism of plasma apolipoproteins, endogenous lipids and lipoproteins. Hepatocellular carcinoma is one of the most common fatal malignant tumors in China and in other Southeast Asian countries. It has been demonstrated that plasma lipid profiles are changed in liver cancer. DATA SOURCES: A MEDLINE database search was performed to identify relevant a

Male Circumcision and Serologically Determined Human Papillomavirus Infection in a Birth Cohort

Circumcision has been reported to protect against infection with human papillomavirus (HPV) in men, but results have been inconsistent. We followed males in a birth cohort born in Dunedin, New Zealand, in 1972 and 1973 from age 3 to 32 years. Seropositivity at age 32 years for the oncogenic types HPV-16 and 18, and the nononcogenic types 6 and 11, was studied in relation to maternal reports of cir

Height and Earnings: The Role of Cognitive and Noncognitive Skills

We use large-scale register data on 450,000 Swedish males who underwent mandatory military enlistment at age 18, and a subsample of 150,000 siblings, to examine why tall people earn more. We show the importance of both cognitive and noncognitive skills, as well as family background and muscular strength for the height-earnings relationship. In addition, we show that a substantial height premium re

Associations Between Sex Steroids and the Development of Metabolic Syndrome: A Longitudinal Study in European Men

Context: Low testosterone (T) has been associated with incident metabolic syndrome (MetS), but it remains unclear if this association is independent of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). Estradiol (E2) may also be associated with MetS, but few studies have investigated this. Objective: To study the association between baseline sex steroids and the development of incident MetS and to investigate

Cholesterol and POPC segmental order parameters in lipid membranes: solid state (1)H-(13)C NMR and MD simulation studies.

The concentration of cholesterol in cell membranes affects membrane fluidity and thickness, and might regulate different processes such as the formation of lipid rafts. Since interpreting experimental data from biological membranes is rather intricate, investigations on simple models with biological relevance are necessary to understand the natural systems. We study the effect of cholesterol on th

Numerical Analysis of Constructal Water-Cooled Microchannel Heat Sinks with Multiple Bifurcations in the Entrance Region

The Constructal Theory is applied to obtain better thermal performance from a type of microchannel heat sink. Based on a smooth, straight, rectangular microchannel heat sink (Case 1), three different configurations of constructal multiple bifurcation are designed for the entrance region of each microchannel. These types are one bifurcation (Case 2), two bifurcations with the second placed in the f

Optimal single-port matching impedance for capacity maximization in compact MIMO arrays

A complete MIMO system model with compact arrays at both link ends containing arbitrary matching networks is presented based on a Z-parameter approach. The complete channel matrix including the coupling effect is also presented. Utilizing this system model, the optimum single-port matching impedance for capacity maximization is derived for a 2 × 2 MIMO system with coupling at the receivers only. A

Effects of differences in postprandial glycaemia on cognitive functions in healthy middle aged subjects

Objective: To find useful methods for the studies of cognitive function during a postprandial period, and to use these methods to evaluate function after test meals differing in post meal glycaemia. Subjects/Methods: Forty healthy volunteers aged 49–70 years were studied. A glucose solution (glucose 50 g) was provided through either a bolus or sipping regimen at breakfast to simulate a high-GI or