

Din sökning på "*" gav 534686 sökträffar

Theoretical developments in low-dimensional magnetic systems

In this thesis, we investigate low-dimensional magnetic systems from the theoretical points of view. To address situations with several and distinct magnetic interactions, we develop different frameworks, including a magnon self-energy approach, a spin dynamical exchange-correlation (xc) field formalism and a scheme combining Matrix Product States method and exact diagonalization/nonequilibrium Gr

Urbanisation-associated shifts in the avian metabolome within the annual cycle

While organisms have evolved to cope with predictable changes in the environment, the rapid rate of current global change presents numerous novel and unpredictable stressors to which organisms have had less time to adapt. To persist in the urban environment, organisms must modify their physiology, morphology and behaviour accordingly. Metabolomics offers great potential for characterising organism

Search for Nearly Mass-Degenerate Higgsinos Using Low-Momentum Mildly Displaced Tracks in pp Collisions at sqrt[s]=13 TeV with the ATLAS Detector

Higgsinos with masses near the electroweak scale can solve the hierarchy problem and provide a dark matter candidate, while detecting them at the LHC remains challenging if their mass splitting is O(1 GeV). This Letter presents a novel search for nearly mass-degenerate Higgsinos in events with an energetic jet, missing transverse momentum, and a low-momentum track with a significant transverse imp

Antirasismer och antirasister : Realistiska utopier, spänningar och vardagserfarenheter

I antologin Antirasismer och antirasister: Realistiska utopier, spänningar och vardagserfarenheter utforskar 24 forskare hur motståndet mot olika former av rasism bedrivs och förkroppsligas bedrivs bland grupper av människor som på en mängd sätt, ofta motsägelsefullt, sällan framgångsrikt, men alltid envist och framåtblickande drömmer bortom rasismer. Antologin illustrerar antirasismens bredd, men

Remapping syntax–prosody mapping : The intonational phrase as the unit of discourse–prosody mapping

Poster presented at the Workshop on Intonation at the crossroads (CROSSIN)This study revisits arguments for and against the mapping of syntactic clauses to intonational phrases (ι) and argues that the clause–ι mapping is only apparent, and hence should be eliminated from the syntax–prosody mapping. Instead, it will be proposed that the ι is more directly related to discourse-related units, namely,

Flight-intensive practices and wellbeing: current evidence and future research

This article draws on social practice theory and wellbeing perspectives to outline a research framework for the study of flight-intensive practices. The framework is then used to discuss, through a non-systematic review, the social science air travel literature and to propose avenues for future research. We study both the work and leisure domains, with sub-cases for travel in academia and visiting

Enhancing metabolic efficiency via novel constitutive promoters to produce protocatechuic acid in Escherichia coli

Abstract: The antioxidant molecule protocatechuic acid (PCA) can also serve as a precursor for polymer building blocks. PCA can be produced in Escherichia coli overexpressing 3-dehydroshikimate dehydratase (DSD), an enzyme that catalyses the transformation of 3-dehydroshikimate to PCA. Nevertheless, optimizing the expression rate of recombinant enzymes is a key factor in metabolic engineering when

Towards a service life extension of the Øresund Fixed Link

The Øresund Fixed Link is a 15,9 km road and railway connection between the southerly Swedish city of Malmö and its neighbor across the Øresund strait, Copenhagen, in Denmark. The link, which opened in 2000, consists of an elevated bridge, including a high stay cable bridge, an artificial island, as well as a submerged tunnel. The operators of the link, Øresundsbron Consortium, have recently, as p

A study of radiative corrections to the mass spectrum in the Scale Invariant Two Higgs Doublet Model with an additional Real Singlet

Standardmodellen inom partikelfysik har besvarat många av de frågor som människan har ställt genom åren. Till exempel har vi fått svar på frågor som: Vad är de minsta partiklarna uppbyggda av? Vilka krafter får dem att röra sig som de gör? Hur får partiklar sin massa? Även om många frågor har fått svar, leder varje öppnad dörr till en ny dörr bakom, med ett nytt lås vars nyckel ännu inte har hittaIn this thesis, we study the Higgs boson mass spectrum of a Scale Invariant Two Higgs Doublet Model that includes an additional real singlet. This model results in three neutral CP-even states due to the mixing with the singlet. At tree level, one of these states has zero mass. To obtain a consistent and accurate mass spectrum for the Higgs bosons, the scale invariance is broken by incorporating r

Lugnet i Stormen En studie om mental träning och dess påverkan på prestation

Mitt val av ämne grundar sig i min egen relation till stress och nervositet. Jag har alltid känt att jag haft svårt att hantera stress och att det begränsat mig i mina prestationer. Det pratas mycket om mental träning, men jag har inte vetat hur jag ska börja. Därför har jag valt att basera detta arbete på ett färdigt koncept. Det finns i Don Greenes bok ”Audition Success” och är en övning som hanMy choice of subject is based on my own relationship with stress and nervousness. I have always felt it difficult to handle stress and that it has limited my performances. People talk about nervousness a lot, but I have not known where to start. Therefore, my investigation is based on an already existing method. It is to be found in Don Greene’s book “Audition Success” and is an exercise about cen

Storsjöodjuret i ett kalejdoskop. Humanekologiska perspektiv på en svensk kryptid.

"Storsjöodjuret”, eller “The Great Lake Monster”, är ett undflyende fenomen i sjön Storsjön, belägen i landskapet Jämtland i norra Sverige. Denna avhandling i ämnet humanekologi undersöker hur det sammankopplingar av det sociala, det kulturella, det historiska och det lokala påverkar formandet av detta svenska kryptid, eller “dolda djur”. Syftet med studien är att visa hur detta vetenskapligt ännuStorsjöodjuret, or The Great Lake Monster, is an elusive phenomenon in lake Storsjön, situated in the province of Jämtland in Northern Sweden. This dissertation in Human Ecology investigates how the intricate web of the social, the cultural, the historical, and the local influence the shaping of this Swedish cryptid, or “hidden animal”. The purpose of the study is to demonstrate how this scientifi

Variations in glutamine deamidation for a Châtelperronian bone assemblage as measured by peptide mass fingerprinting of collagen

Peptide mass fingerprinting of bone collagen (ZooMS) has previously been proposed as a method to calculate the extent of the non-enzymatic degradation of glutamine into glutamic acid (deamidation). Temporal and spatial variation of glutamine deamidation at a single site, however, has not been investigated. Here we apply ZooMS screening of Châtelperronian and Early Holocene bone specimens from Quin

Room-temperature serial synchrotron crystallography structure of Spinacia oleracea RuBisCO

Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO) is the enzyme responsible for the first step of carbon dioxide (CO2) fixation in plants, which proceeds via the carboxylation of ribulose 1,5-biphosphate. Because of the enormous importance of this reaction in agriculture and the environment, there is considerable interest in the mechanism of fixation of CO2 by RuBisCO. Here, a serial synch

Developmental noise and phenotypic plasticity are correlated in Drosophila simulans

Non-genetic variation is the phenotypic variation induced by the differential expression of a genotype in response to varying environmental cues and is broadly categorized into two types: phenotypic plasticity and developmental noise. These aspects of variation have been suggested to play an important role in adaptive evolution. However, the mechanisms by which these two types of non-genetic varia

Reweighting Monte Carlo predictions and automated fragmentation variations in Pythia 8

This work reports on a method for uncertainty estimation in simulated collider-event predictions. The method is based on a Monte Carlo-veto algorithm, and extends previous work on uncertainty estimates in parton showers by including uncertainty estimates for the Lund string-fragmentation model. This method is advantageous from the perspective of simulation costs: a single ensemble of generated eve

Distribution of benefits and adverse effects and their role in industrial symbiosis decision-making – A Swedish case study

Industrial symbiosis (IS) has been recognized as an important approach to succeed in the transition towards increased circularity in industry and society. IS involves collaboration between different actors sharing resources, aiming to minimize waste, improve resource and/or energy efficiency, resulting in reduced emissions and environmental impact. This study conducts an embedded single case study