När Napoleon mötte sitt Waterloo
Artikel om slaget vid Waterloo och hur det har ihågkommits i eftervärlden, såväl under 1800-talet som i efterkrigstidens Europa.
Artikel om slaget vid Waterloo och hur det har ihågkommits i eftervärlden, såväl under 1800-talet som i efterkrigstidens Europa.
Om minnet av Afghanistankriget i Kiev.
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he LP-norm and other functionals of the kernel estimate of density functions las functions of the bandwidth) are studied as means to test singularity. Given an absolutely continuous distribution function, the LP-norm, and the other studied functionals, will converge under some mild side-constraints as the bandwidth decreases. In the singular case, the functionals will diverge. These properties may
Ordet populism förekommer flitigt i den nordiska politiska retoriken just nu, inte minst i kölvattnet av Sverigedemokraternas och Sannfinländarnas valframgångar. I Norden har populism kommit att bli liktydigt med främlingsfientlighet i kombination med nationalism och konservativ värdepolitik; det har kommit att fungera som etikett på en grupp misshagliga partier som man helst vill slippa befatta s
Radiative lifetimes were determined for two short-lived states in neutral nitrogen. Following photodissociation and two-photon excitation employing the same UV source, excitation to higher states was performed with a distributed feedback dye laser (DFDL). The lifetimes were found to be tau(2p2 4d4D7/2) = 17(3) ns and tau(2p2 5s4P5/2) = 22(3) ns.
A compact fluorosensor with a fiber-optic measurement probe was developed, employing a continuous-wave violet diode laser as an exciting source and an integrated digital spectrometer for the monitoring of fluorescence signatures. The system has the dimensions 22x13x8 cm(3), and features 5 nm spectral resolution and an excellent detectivity. Results from measurements on vegetation and human premali
ABSTRACT: The microbiological composition of tobacco products was studied using culture and chemical analysis (of tobacco leaves) or chemical analysis only (tobacco and tobacco smoke). The chemical analyses utilized gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry for determining 3-hydroxy fatty acids, muramic acid, and ergosterol as markers of respectively lipopolysaccharide (LPS), peptidoglycan, and
Preclinical studies support an anticancer effect of statin drugs, yet epidemiologic evidence remains inconsistent regarding their role in breast cancer primary prevention. Here, we report an updated analysis of the association between statin use and breast cancer incidence in the Nurses' Health Study (NHS) cohort. Postmenopausal NHS participants without a cancer history were followed from 2000 unt