Din sökning på "*" gav 534375 sökträffar
Läkemedels bortprioriterade biverkningar : kommunikationsåtgärder för en mer hållbar läkemedelskonsumtion
Miljö är ett aktuellt ämne som belyser och påverkar flera branscher idag, där konsumenternas efterfrågan på miljömärkta varor styr och påverkar utbudet. Det är ett väl uppmärksammat och återkommande tema på medieagendan och många anser sig idag vara miljömedvetna samt väl insatta i hållbarhet och miljöanpassad konsumtion. Vid handel av läkemedel är dock miljöaspekterna till synes betydligt mindre
Horses vs. Machines: A Comparative Energy Analysis between Eighteenth Century- and Modern Copper Mining
This study shows the positive benefits of early 18th century copper mining in terms of energy efficiency due to the utilization of animate power, pre-industrial machinery, biofuels and a small-scale of organization. Based on the concept of embodied energy, this study calculates the inputs in early 18th century Falun Coppermine in Sweden and compares it with present-day Chibuluma Coppermine in Zamb
Defending the dark: exploring motivations and actions against light pollution in a UK wetland area
Over the last century and a half, there has been a dramatic increase in the use of artificial light at night (ALAN) across the globe, particularly in the Global North. Though this has provided a range of socioeconomic benefits to these societies, it has also come with a range of negative impacts, due to its associated energy consumption, and also the effects of light itself. The latter has led to
Nyblivna mammors upplevelse av att separeras från sitt barn efter kejsarsnitt -en intervjustudie
Bakgrund: Efter kejsarsnitt är det vanligt att mamma och barn separeras vilket medför att fördelarna med hud mot hudkontakt uteblir. Barnmorskans roll är att främja hud mot hudkontakt mellan mamma och barn vilket kan försvåras beroende på hur vården efter ett kejsarsnitt utformas. Syfte: Att beskriva nyblivna mammors upplevelse av separation från sitt nyfödda barn efter kejsarsnitt. Metod: Kvali
Living Sustainably and Well: Individuals’ Views of Sustainable Living and Well-Being Show as Compatible
Uppmaningen till att leva hållbart genomsyrar samhället, fast en övergång till hållbara liv är långt ifrån verklighet. Genom att förstå hur individer ser på hållbara liv i relation till välmående kan potentiellt hjälpa människor i övergången till mer hållbara liv. Den här studien var förregistrerad till undersöka valensen av individers syn på en hållbar livsstil, och hur denna synen relaterar tillThe call for living sustainably can be seen in many places throughout society, although a transition towards sustainable lifestyles is far from a reality. Understanding how people view sustainable living in relation to well-being can potentially help individuals in the transition to live more sustainably. This study was pre-registered to examine the valence of how people view sustainable lifestyle
(O)lika inför lagen - en diskursanalytisk studie av rekvisitet "annat socialt nedbrytande beteende" i LVU-domar
This study aims to investigate judicial decisions of people between the ages of 13-18 years old who have been placed in compulsory care according to the prerequisite “other socially destructive behavior”. A prerequisite that has been criticized for being far too open for interpretation. This study is based on 28 judgments from the administrative court of appeal (Kammarrätten) in 2019, involving 16
Att minska variabelbortfallsfelet - En fallstudie av Strukturundersökningen 2020
The ideal survey is a survey without errors. This essay seeks possible improvements to diminish the item non-response error in order to minimize the total error. It’s done by investigating and analyzing the results from the Census of Agriculture 2020 made by the Swedish Board of Agri-culture. Normally an evaluation of a survey and its errors is useless since the survey is already conducted and the
Användande av digitala informationssystem för att bevara kunskap i företag
Påverkar aktiemarknaden ekonomisk tillväxt? En empirisk undersökning av aktiemarknadens relation till ekonomisk tillväxt
Economic growth has always been a topic of interest. The approach to influencing factors has developed over time. Due to the established theories broadly generalized assumptions, more focus has been assigned to the stock market. Studies on the topic present different results and therefore more research is of demand. The purpose of the study is to examine whether the stock market can be used as an
Evaluating the Use of Flow Cytometry for Routine Monitoring of Bathing Water Quailty
I en enda droppe vatten från Öresund finns det ungefär 25 000 bakterier, vilket resulterar i att man kan få i sig en hel del bakterier när man badar i havet, speciellt barn och hundar som inte är så duktiga på att hålla munnen stängd vid bad. Lyckligtvis är de allra flesta av dessa bakterier goda som inte skadar dig men om du haft oturen att bada i vatten med dålig kvalitet kan du bli sjuk av exemThis master thesis has investigated if flow cytometry can be used to monitor bathing water quality on the beaches in Southern Sweden. The current method for monitoring the bathing water quality takes 3 days to get results about the concentrations of fecal indicator bacteria, E.coli and intestinal enterococci, and to get answers if the water is usable or unusable for swimming. These bacteria serve
How to evade a fossil gas trap
This paper examines to what extent a government decision concerning a debated climate issue was a result of the efforts of a climate justice campaign. In 2017, a campaign organisation was launched under the name ‘Fossilgasfällan’, and two and a half years later the Swedish government essentially met their most important demand. I argue that this was very likely indeed a consequence of a sustained
Credit Risk Modelling - An IRB & Machine Learning Approach
Machine learning techniques have gained ground in macroeconomic forecasting in recent years. Estimations with the elastic net technique have yielded good results. There is currently not much research on how statistical techniques can be used to estimate the financial result in Swedish municipalities. This study adds to the current body of research by investigating how the elastic net technique can
Playing a two-faced game in a changing arena: A Neo-Gramscian analysis of China's policy on Latin America
The position of The People’s Republic of China in international relations has developed significantly during the 21st century. In Latin America, growing Chinese engagement has been particularly visible. The purpose of this thesis is to gain better understanding of China’s increasing influence in Latin America over time, examine possible power relations, as well as discuss if the country can be see
The middle class and its importance for democracy: A European study of the middle class, decreasing democracy and rising extremism surrounding the financial crisis of 2008-2010
By testing theories from the likes of Seymour Martin Lipset and Francis Fukuyama, this thesis aims to illuminate the correlations between the size of a nation’s middle class and the stability and rigor of its democracy. Using quantitative data on democracy and middle class size in the time surrounding the financial crisis of 2008-2010, this thesis illustrates the parallel declines in both democrac
Drömmen om Europa: en studie av ledarskribenters bild av företeelsen flyktingbåtar
Denna studie har skett mot bakgrunden av den flyktingsituation som uppstod i Europa under 2015, där många flyktingar kom att mista livet under sin färd på fartyg över Medelhavet. Syftet med analysen är att genom en diskursanalys som tar avstamp i socialkonstruktivismens tankar gällande språkets påverkansbarhet på individens tankar och handlingar, blottlägga ledarskribenters bild av flyktingbåtar o
Movement of Foxfonna rock glacier in Svalbard between 2017-2019
The movement of a rock glacier located at the bottom of the Foxfonna glacier, Svalbard, Norway, was studied through the use of photogrammetry and feature tracking software, between the years of 2017-2019, as well as elevation changes between 2009 and 2019. This could aid in further knowledge about the rapid velocity changes of rock glaciers in a continuous permafrost environment. It was found that
Making Room: Exploring the relationship of Housing and Urbanism
This project is inspired by my own journey of house hunting in 10 cities across 3 countries in last 10 years and the search continues These experiences have made me curious to explore the urban dynamics of this never ending housing demand in cities across the globe The thesis examines the parameters associated with rental housing deficiency in Berlin a city that offers diversity and opportunity at
Rättslig grund för behandling av personuppgifter vid direktmarknadsföring
Att näringsidkare behandlar enskilda individers personuppgifter till ändamål för att individanpassa marknadsföring genom elektronisk väg får anses vara vanligt i dagens digitaliserade samhälle. Personuppgifter har fått ett eget kommersiellt värde och kan ses som en tillgång som bland annat genererar intäkter och konkurrensfördelar. Det är dock viktigt att individer får det skydd som krävs för att Personal data has an inherent commercial value and can be seen as an asset that generates revenue and competitive advantages. It is important that individuals receive the necessary protection for their personal data so that it is not used or processed in ways that are not legally compatible. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) creates protection for individuals by informing organizations