Din sökning på "*" gav 529909 sökträffar
Individuellt och organisatoriskt lärande i den kunskpsbaserade ekonomin
Människovetenskaperna. Problem och traditioner i humanioras vetenskapsteori
Regulatory telematics for heavy vehicles - Policy and innovation implications from the intelligent access program (IAP)
In Australia a national public/private telematics framework has been established, which is administered by Transport Certification Australia (TCA). The first application was the Intelligent Access Program (IAP), which has enabled several road transport reforms by managing infrastructure risks associated with the operation of extra heavy vehicle configurations. The paper uses the IAP to demonstrate
Physics of Column Stability
[abstract missing]
Effects of Coherence and Correlations on Transport through Nanostructures
Popular Abstract in English For several decades the electronic industry has developed towards smaller and smaller electronic components. The idea behind this development is quite simple: Small components have faster response times, which enables faster devices. Also, smaller components make it possible to decrease the size of the devices. A common example is today's mobile phones, that actually arThis dissertation deals with the effects of coherence and correlations on transport through nanostructures. Simulations are mainly performed using the second order von Neumann approach, a method capable of dealing with these effects in the presence of higher order tunneling. We see that such effects can result in various kinds of current suppression as well as efficient thermoelectric devices. Fu
A Model for Integrating Environmental Aspects into Transport Purchasing
In logistics, transport purchasers are increasingly facing environmental challenges. The role of logistics managers is important because their decisions as to how and where resources are used can potentially have major impacts on the environment. The challenge for logistics managers is to determine how to incorporate environmental management principles into their daily decision-making processes. 1
Market orientation of a leading British food retailer
Nyfikna på andra kvinnors liv i andra kulturer
Genusperspektiv på yrkesmässiga relationer : omsorg i mans- och kvinnodominerade yrken
I denna bok har författaren anlagt ett genusperspektiv på yrkesmässiga relationer. I den teoretiska delen presenteras såväl traditionellt manliga som feministiska och kvinnovetenskapliga omsorgsteoretiker och filosofer. Hur de yrkesmässiga relationerna kan yttra sig i praktiken speglas genom vårdbiträden inom hemtjänst, distriktssköterskor, fastighetsansvariga i ett bostadsbolag och kvarterspolise
Putting evaluations to use: from measuring to endorsing social value
This paper examines the concept of ‘social value’, emphasised in the recently implemented Social Value Act. It argues that evaluations can play an important role in advocating the status of social value. Evaluations are tailored to highlight priorities and promote interests and can offer an important way of evidencing and promoting social value in order that it becomes an active ingredient in deci
Psykolog i skolan. 2nd ed.
Att det ska finnas en psykolog i skolans elevhälsa är numera lagstadgat. Att psykologen ska finnas tillgänglig för samtlig personal, alla elever och deras föräldrar i frågor som är skolrelaterade är mindre självklart. Skolpsykologers förutsättningar ser väldigt olika ut och det finns ett stort behov av fortsatt utveckling. Boken är reviderad för att spegla kraven i den nya skollagen samt även uppd
Categorization in The Affective Domain
Data collected in Romance and Scandinavian languages (N=474) in a superordinate category name production task indicate that a multiple-strategy approach would be more suitable for accounting of categorization in the affective domain instead of a prototype approach as suggested by previous studies. This paper will highlight performance aspects which appear to be consistent with such an interpretati
På tvärs mot tidsandan? Solzjenitsyn och Gulagarkipelagen i den svenska 1970-talsdebatten
Framing Tolkien : Trailers, High Concept, and the Ring
This essay deals with the film trailers advertising the films in the Lord of the Rings cycle after J. R. R. Tolkien's famous novel: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of King. This cycle of films proved to be one of the most profitable media ventures so far in the twenty-first century. This financial success was secured by the films adhering to the modern aesthetic of High
Piety and Modernity
Piety and Modernity examines the dynamics fo religious reform from the point of view of piety and devotional life between 1780 and 1920 in Britain, Ireland, Scandinavia, Germany, and the Low Countries. The "long" nineteenth century saw the introduction of devotional organizations as a means of channeling popular religion. This era also witnessed the translation and publication of devotional books
The materiality of encyclopedic information : Remediating a loved one – Mourning Britannica
Abstract in UndeterminedThis paper presents a qualitative thematic analysis of reader comments posted in connection to a series of articles published after Encyclopaedia Britannica’s announcement to forego its print edition. It shows how ideas of what information is, are entangled with ideas of what a certain medium is and does. Two research questions guide the analysis: 1) How are encyclopedias a
Analysis of the asymptotic iterative decoding performance of turbo codes
We analyse the iterative decoding performance of conventional rate R=1/3 turbo codes, when both code length and number of iterations tend to infinity. To obtain a rigorous bound on the iterative limit, we introduce a two-phase decoding algorithm which can be analyzed asymptotically