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Social forskning i konflikt
Towards a new business paradigm - A study of the paper packaging industry
An organization aiming to survive on a more challenging or changing market has to adapt or fundamentally change the way it is doing business. For the Swedish forest products industry, and more specifically the paper packaging industry, the market challenges range from saturated home markets, competing materials and increasing production costs, to growth of new markets and more powerful actors in t
Transmission Electron Microscopy of Nanowires: Influence of Doping and Etching on Polytypism in InP
Semiconductor nanowires have many properties which makes them interesting for future electronic devices. The fact that they have very small diameters allow them to combine different III-V materials into heterostructures, and makes it possible to grow them on Si substrates which are the basis of nearly all current semiconductor technology. It also allows them to adopt the wurtzite crystal structure
Species interactions govern evolutionary and ecological effects of population harvesting
Popular Abstract in Swedish FISKETS EFFEKTER BEROR PÅ SAMSPELET MELLAN ARTER Fiske och jakt, så kallad populationsbeskattning, påverkar den fiskade eller jagade populationen på en rad olika sätt. Den direkta effekten är uppenbar: dödligheten ökar, och antalet individer i populationen minskar. I förlängningen påverkar denna minskning också andra arter, som t ex äter eller äts av individerna i den bHarvesting changes population abundance and can affect adaptation of several life-history traits. Harvesting can also have indirect effects ? effects on non-target species and secondary effects on target species ? because interactions between species in a community determine the relevant ecological and evolutionary feedback environment. Species interactions therefore influence the effect of harves
Blödningssjukdomar och tromboser
Malmö och America's Cup - Det koloniala evenemanget
Skolkulturer - tröghet, förändring, framgång
Vad gör primärvården för äldre med komplexa behov?
Abstract is not available
Through the Eyes of a Child: Childhood and Mass Dictatorship in Modern European Literature
Performance and implementation of routing and wireless transport layer connections in micro mobility Ad hoc networks
In mobile ad hoc networks wireless nodes communicate over multi hop links and are capable of movement. This paper evaluates a solution that provide these networks with Internet Access and the capability to roam between different access points. Design and implemenation consideration are discussed that focus on behaviour and criterias for performing handover. Simulation result show that the main fac
Computer-controlled systems : theory and design (3. rev. Dover ed.)
Hope and Otherness: Christian Eschatology in an Interreligious Horizon
Mechanical and adhesive properties of alkoxysilane-modified polymer blends
[abstract missing]
Ion specific protein assembly and hydrophobic surface forces
Large anions are attracted to hydrophobic surfaces while smaller, well solvated ions are repelled. Using a combination of explicit solvent and continuum model simulations we show that this leads to significant ion-specific protein-protein interactions due to hydrophobic patches on the protein surfaces. In solutions of NaI and NaCl we calculate the potentials of mean force and find that the resulti
No title
Belysning och färgsättning i kontorsmiljö: Icke visuella effekter
Interaktion i forskningspraktiken : vårdvetenskapliga forskares sociala nätverk
This licentiate thesis builds on an interest in scholarly communication and social networks within in library and information science, in particular in the area of information seeking and use. The specific purpose is to create a scientifically founded understanding of how the interaction of caring scientists in social networks contributes to the scientists sense-making in their research practice.
The Manifestation of Modernity in Genetic Science
In this chapter we discuss genetic science as a manifestation of modernity. Accordingly, we will, firstly, discuss the notion of modernity. Modernity will be understood and presented as epoch, as cultural and mental disposition. We will deploy a conceptual constellation which denotes specific and typical, constituting and regulating elements of modernity. Secondly, we will turn to the early develo