

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

Strontium Titanate-based Anodes for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med detta arbete har varit att utveckla nya, stabila bränsleelektroder till bränsleceller baserade på fasta oxider, SOFC (solid oxide fuel cells). Vi har undersökt olika keramiska material eller kompositer med lovande egenskaper för att användas på anodsidan av bränslecellerna. För att förbättra redox-stabiliteten så ska bränsleelektroden företrädesvis inte innehThe purpose for this work has been to develop new robust fuel electrodes for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC). The aim was to find suitable ceramic materials or composites with promising properties for the use as SOFC anodes. Preferably, the electrode should not contain any metal (or at least a metal should not be a major component) in order to improve the redox properties. The present work focuses o

CREDIT Performance Indicator Framework - A proposal based on studies of building cases, regulations, standards and research in seven Nordic and Baltic countries. CREDIT Report 3.

This CREDIT Report 3 'CREDIT Performance Indicator Framework' presents a framework of building costs, performance and impact indicators. The framework is an endeavor to map and communicate many and differing approaches and perspectives on building and real estate in one model. The general and specific objectives of the research on the performance indicator framework were to: – Improve transparent

Svensk universitetsgrammatik för nybörjare. Övningar med facit och kommentarer

Boken innehåller praktiska övningar på moment inom olika delar av grammatiken: morfologi och ordklasser, ordbildning, syntax och språklig variation. Till övningarna finns facit med kommentarer. Kategoriseringarna och användningen av termer bygger på läroboken Svensk universitetsgrammatik för nybörjare, som i stort behandlar samma stoff. Övningsboken fungerar dock oberoende av läroboken, eftersom v

Well Testing, Methods and Applicability

Well testing is widely used today in water wells, oil and gas wells, for geothermal applications, within civil engineering projects, thermal storage and CO2 storage. The overall testing goal is to verify the productivity from a well and/or for characterization of hydraulic and thermal properties, as well as the spatial limitations of an aquifer. There are three major methods for conducting well te

Low-level analysis of microarray data

This thesis consists of an extensive introduction followed by seven papers (A-F) on low-level analysis of microarray data. Focus is on calibration and normalization of observed data. The introduction gives a brief background of the microarray technology and its applications in order for anyone not familiar with the field to read the thesis. Formal definitions of calibration and normalization are g

Competing on Manufacturing How combinations of resources can be a source of competitive advantage

Popular Abstract in Swedish En central fråga av både teoretisk och praktisk betydelse är varför vissa företag är mer framgångsrika - vilket ofta uttrycks som att de har större konkurrensfördelar - än andra. Speciellt uppkommer frågan då vissa fabriker inom samma företag år efter år uppvisar ett bättre ekonomiskt resultat än andra. Fokus i denna avhandling är att förstå varför så sker inom ett utvaThe most central question in the strategic management literature is why some firms are more successful than others, often expressed as an aim to understand sources of competitive advantage. In this thesis, an empirical observation is made that a number of manufacturing plants belonging to the same firm show sustainable differences in financial success, and the question is why. The main theoretical

Corporate governance and entrepreneurship at the organisational level in a frame of property rights

This doctoral dissertation has aimed to contribute to a modern theory of the firm that balances a disciplining view of the firm with an enabling view of the firm. This has been approached through exploring how corporate governance mechanisms influence entrepreneurship at the organisational level, in a frame of property rights. As such, the research model that guides the dissertation depicts a mode

Helsingborgstraktens förhistoria

The article constitutes a landscapearchaeological analysis of the prehistoric time in the Helsingborg area, covering chronologically the Stone Age, the Bronze Age and the Iron Age. A basic approach to interprete the archaeological fragments and their cultural context is that they come from oral cultures. To give an idea of the area's prehistory comparisons with other geographical areas, cultures a

Pension Reforms and gender : The Case of Sweden

Sweden, like most other industrialized countries, has an aging population. This is caused by decreases in fertility as well as increases in life expectancy. Table 6.1 shows the percentage of the population over sixty-five and eighty-years-old.

Radiolabeling and Biotinylation of Internalizing Monoclonal Antibody Chimeric BR96: Potential Use for Extracorporeal Immunoadsorption.

In this thesis, methodology of radiolabeling and simultaneous biotinylation for internalizing monoclonal antibody (MAb) chimeric BR96 (chiBR96) have been investigated by using three element groups of potential therapeutic radionuclides iodine, indium and rhenium, and their different labeling methods. The biodistribution and kinetics of biotinylated and radiolabeled chiBR96 have been studied in col