

Din sökning på "*" gav 533069 sökträffar

The entrepreneurial diary – a reflective learning activity to enhance the judgmental abilities of student entrepreneurs

Purpose: The purpose of the paper is to theorize how to develop student entrepreneurs' ability to reflect by means of a learning activity called the entrepreneurial diary, which seeks to develop self-regulated learners capable of intelligent entrepreneurial action. The importance of self-regulation in entrepreneurship is linked to the individual's ability to make judgments under conditions of unce

The Impacts of Climate and Wildfire on Ecosystem Gross Primary Productivity in Alaska

The increase in wildfire occurrence and severity seen over the past decades in the boreal and Arctic biomes is expected to continue in the future in response to rapid climate change in this region. Recent studies documented positive trends in gross primary productivity (GPP) for Arctic boreal biomes driven by warming, but it is unclear how GPP trends are affected by wildfires. Here, we used satell

Toward the equilibrium and kinetics of amyloid peptide self-assembly

Several devastating human diseases are linked to peptide self-assembly, but our understanding their onset and progression is not settled. This is a sign of the complexity of the aggregation process, which is prevented, catalyzed, or retarded by numerous factors in body fluids and cells, varying in time and space. Biophysical studies of pure peptide solutions contribute insights into the underlying

Disseminated tumour cells from the bone marrow of early breast cancer patients : Results from an international pooled analysis

Purpose: Presence of disseminated tumour cells (DTCs) in the bone marrow (BM) has been described as a surrogate of residual disease in patients with early breast cancer (EBC). PADDY (Pooled Analysis of DTC Detection in Early Breast Cancer) is a large international analysis of pooled data that aimed to assess the prognostic impact of DTCs in patients with EBC. Experimental design: Individual patien

Locating potential sources of capacity and vulnerability in geographically remote areas : Reflections based on three case studies

The relationship between geographical and social forms of remoteness and the concepts of vulnerability and capacity remains unclear. Recognising that capacities and vulnerabilities tend to co-exist in a population, the article assumes that the dynamics between these concepts are situational. In this article we draw on three cases to analyse the issue. An Arctic case study provides insight on remot

Homeostatic swimming of zooplankton upon crowding : The case of the copepod Centropages typicus

Crowding has a major impact on the dynamics of many material and biological systems, inducing effects as diverse as glassy dynamics and swarming. While this issue has been deeply investigated for a variety of living organisms, more research remains to be done on the effect of crowding on the behaviour of copepods, the most abundant metazoans on Earth. To this aim, we experimentally investigate the

The neurological and neuropsychiatric spectrum of adults with late-treated phenylketonuria

Introduction: Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a rare, treatable inborn error of metabolism with frequent neurological and neuropsychiatric complications, especially in undiagnosed or insufficiently treated individuals. Given the wide range of clinical presentations and the importance of treatment implications, we here delineate the neurological and neuropsychiatric symptom spectrum in a large cohort of p

Why we keep separating the ‘inseparable’ : Dialecticising intersectionality

Disputes about how to understand intersectional relations often pivot around the tension between separateness and inseparability, where some scholars emphasise the need to separate between different intersectional categories while others claim they are inseparable. In this chapter the author takes issue with the either/or thinking that underpins an unnecessary and unproductive polarisation in the

Gate control, g factors, and spin-orbit energy of p -type GaSb nanowire quantum dot devices

Proposals for quantum information applications are frequently based on the coherent manipulation of spins confined to quantum dots. For these applications, p-type III-V material systems promise a reduction of the hyperfine interaction while maintaining large g factors and strong spin-orbit interaction. In this Letter, we study bottom-gated device architectures to realize single and serial multiqua

Tissue response of radiation therapy assessed by electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) in subcutaneous tumours in rats.

Föreliggande undersökning syftar till att utvärdera möjligheten att använda bioimpedansspektrometri för att mäta tumör- och vävnadsrespons på strålterapi. Bioimpedansmätningar utförda med CythorLab ™ utrustade med en signalgenerator med en känd högutgångsimpedans och signalmätanordning som kan mäta spänningen som appliceras av generatorn. Styrenheten utlöser signalgeneratorn som genererar en MLS-sThe present investigation aims to evaluate the possibility of using bio-impedance spectrometry to measure tumour and tissue response to radiation therapy. Bio -impedance measurements performed with CythorLab™ equipped with a signal generator with a known high output impedance and signal measuring device able to measure the voltage applied by the generator. The control unit triggers the signal gene

A numerical model to simulate short-term beach and dune evolution

Sediment transport in the cross-shore (CS) and associated changes in the beach profile, especially during storms, have been topics of widespread concern. Since storms are often accompanied by high water levels and large waves, large quantities of sand from the beach and the dune are typically transported offshore, leading to severe beach and dune erosion, which threatens the integrity of buildings

Vilken roll spelar bin i det moderna jordbruket?

Bin är en del av den biologiska mångfalden och bidrar dessutom med pollineringstjänster i våra odlade grödor och trädgårdsväxter. Men många arter är hotade och minskar i antal, med minskande biologisk mångfald som följd. Vilka konsekvenser får detta för jordbruksproduktionen? Genom att identifiera hoten och hitta motåtgärder finns det hopp om en väg framåt som gynnar alla.

Genetic basis of lacunar stroke : a pooled analysis of individual patient data and genome-wide association studies

Background: The genetic basis of lacunar stroke is poorly understood, with a single locus on 16q24 identified to date. We sought to identify novel associations and provide mechanistic insights into the disease. Methods: We did a pooled analysis of data from newly recruited patients with an MRI-confirmed diagnosis of lacunar stroke and existing genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Patients were

Tourism and innovation

This ground-breaking volume on the relationships between tourism and innovation provides an overview of relevant innovation theories and related literatures on entrepreneurship, productivity, regional development and competitiveness, and their significance to contemporary tourism practices. Innovation is a key concept in business and entrepreneurial studies and the broader social sciences. Yet, de

The Transposition of Energy Communities into Swedish Regulations: Overview and Critique of Emerging Regulations

One organizational innovation introduced by the clean energy for all Europeans package (CEP) is that of the energy community (EC), including the renewable energy community (REC) and citizen energy community (CEC). The translation of related directives into national legislation is underway in Sweden, and the Swedish Energy Market Inspectorate (Ei) has proposed a new law on ECs, which has been sent One organizational innovation introduced by the clean energy for all Europeans package (CEP) is that of the energy community (EC), including the renewable energy community (REC) and citizen energy community (CEC). The translation of related directives into national legislation is underway in Sweden, and the Swedish Energy Market Inspectorate (Ei) has proposed a new law on ECs, which has been sent

How the Indiscriminate Virus Reinforced our Inequalities and the Lessons we can Draw from this when it is all over

The Corona pandemic is changing the way we live and function as a society for at least the coming weeks or months. While it is a virus that does not take into account race, sex, class or age, it is also quite brutally revealing and reinforcing socio-economic inequalities which reflect the distribution of power in our societies. This, at the same time as it is showing us the strength of empathy, re

Modeling gas exchange and biomass production in West African Sahelian and Sudanian ecological zones

West African Sahelian and Sudanian ecosystems provide essential services to people and also play a significant role within the global carbon cycle. However, climate and land use are dynamically changing, and uncertainty remains with respect to how these changes will affect the potential of these regions to provide food and fodder resources or how they will affect the biosphere-atmosphere exchange