Din sökning på "*" gav 532841 sökträffar
Limits of Tax Policy
Missbrukande kvinnors narrativ om olika behandlingsdiskurser
Ancient Sculptures in the Royal Museum. The eighteenth-century Collection in Stockholm.
The volume is an introduction to the study of ancient marbles collected by Swedish royalty up to the turn of the 18th century. In 1794, two years after the death of King Gustav III, main collector of the preserved marbles, a selected part of the sculptures were put to display in public museum. The main themes treated are as follows: the history of collecting, the function and agencies of the Roman
Från idealbyråkrat till förvaltningspolitiker - ny syn på offentlig förvaltning
Abstract is not available
Science vs. Fiction: Interaction, Integration, Depiction
Bridging the Emissions Gap
Synthetic studies of rigid tetracyclic oxanorbornanes. Regioselective reductive Heck arylation of a tetracyclic scaffold
Rigid or conformationally restricted compounds are intresting from a pharmacological point of view since they do not have to pay the entropy penalty paid by more flexible molecules in binding to e.g. a protein. In this thesis, synthetic transformations of a rigid tetracyclic oxanorbornene scaffold are described, yielding novel compounds with low molecular weight, rigid framework and high oxygen co
Pore Chip Protein Microarrays for Bioassay Applications
Den interagerande människan
Galileo Dust Detection System V4.1
This data set contains the data from the Galileo dust detector system (GDDS) from start of mission through the end of mission. Included are the dust impact data, noise data, laboratory calibration data, and location and orientation of the spacecraft and instrument.
Particle Analysis: Particle Size, Particle Shape and Structure and Surface Characterisation
Global Climate Governance and Energy Choices
The International Politics of Recognition
Models and Fictions in (Micro-)Economics
How can an argument that is based on assumptions known to be false deliver any insightful conclusions let alone be used for policy recommendations? Over the years, a variety of concerns regarding (micro-)economic modelling and its relevance for real life have been expressed along these lines. Adding to this methodological discussion, I take seriously the recurrent comparison of economic models wit
John the Apostle
Arbetsgivarstrategier i Sverige under 100 år
The chapter on Swedish employers' associations contains a calculation on collective bargaining coverage in 1995. Despite the absence of state extension mechanisms collective agreements in 1995 covered as much as 90 per cent of all private sector employees (p. 211). Including the public sector the rate was 94 per cent. The same year the density of employers' organisations was 77 per cent, i.e. 77 p
Projective Area-Invariants as an Extension of the Cross-Ratio
Topics in Authentication Theory
Authentication theory deals with problems connected with the protection of information sent over insecure channels. This thesis concerns different problems in authentication theory. In particular, we consider unconditionally secure authentication, i.e., providing authentication protection agains an enemy equipped with unlimited computing power. Several topics in authentication theory are treated:
Electron Spectroscopy Studies of Cuprate and Bismuthate Superconductors
The electronic structure of the cuprate superconductors Bi(2)Sr(2)CaCu(2)O(8) and Bi(2)Sr(2)CuO(6) and the bismuthate superconductor Ba(0.6)K(0.4)BiO(3), as well as semiconducting Ba(0.9)K(0.1)BiO(3), have been studied by electron spectroscopy techniques. The intention has been to investigate fundamental properties of the metallic state such as the importance of strong electron correlations. In ad