

Din sökning på "*" gav 533149 sökträffar

Clinical trial: colectomy after rescue therapy in ulcerative colitis-3-year follow-up of the Swedish-Danish controlled infliximab study

P>Background The long-term efficacy of infliximab as rescue therapy in steroid-refractory ulcerative colitis is not well described. Aim To examine the long-term efficacy of infliximab as a rescue therapy through a 3-year follow-up of a previous placebo-controlled trial of infliximab in acute steroid-refractory ulcerative colitis. Method In the original study, 45 patients were randomized to a singl

Design and Performance Analysis of a Nonstandard EPICS Fast Controller

Large scientific projects present new technological challenges, such as the distributed control over a communication network. In particular, the middleware Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) is the most extended communication standard in particle accelerators. The integration of modern control architectures in these EPICS networks is becoming common, as for example for the

Characterisation of weak and null phenotypes in the KEL and JK blood group systems

The focus of this thesis is on KEL and JK, two clinically important blood group systems, and the investigations of blood samples with aberrant antigen expression as in null and weak phenotypes, or with a phenotype that does not correspond to genotype. With the increasing use of DNA assays based on single nucleotide polymorphisms for blood group prediction, it is important to characterize the bloo

Attosecond control of electron-ion recollision in high harmonic generation

We show that high harmonic generation driven by an intense near-infrared (IR) laser can be temporally controlled when an attosecond pulse train (APT) is used to ionize the generation medium, thereby replacing tunnel ionization as the first step in the well-known three-step model. New harmonics are formed when the ionization occurs at a well-defined time within the optical cycle of the IR field. Th

Using EMG for Real-time Prediction of Joint Angles to Control a Prosthetic Hand Equipped with a Sensory Feedback System

All commercially available upper limb prosthesis controllers only allow the hand to be commanded in an open and close fashion without any sensory feedback to the user. Here the evaluation of a multi-degree of freedom hand controlled using a real-time EMG pattern recognition algorithm and incorporating a sensory feedback system is reported. The hand prosthesis, called SmartHand, was controlled in r

The ratio of interstitial to substitutional site occupation by Mn atoms in GaAs estimated by EXAFS

The location of Mn atoms in the MBE-grown layers of Ga1-xMnxAs is correlated with all important physical properties of the final material, therefore, it is the subject of many studies. It is known that in the as-grown MBE samples the Mn atoms occupy substitutional and interstitial positions but the proportion between these sites is not easy to find. A powerful tool for this kind of study is XAS as

Kiselalgernas egendomliga evolutionshistoria

Kiselalger finns över nästan hela jorden och står för en stor del av jordens samlade fotosyntes. Deras kloroplaster härstammar från rödalger, men resten av deras celler kommer från andra håll. Kiselalgerna har många gener vilkas närmaste släktingar återfinns hos djur, svampar, grönalger eller olika bakterier.

Body weight and risk of atrial fibrillation in 7,169 patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes; an observational study

Background: Obesity, type 2 diabetes and atrial fibrillation (AF) are closely associated, but the underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. We aimed to explore associations between body mass index (BMI) or weight change with risk of AF in patients with type 2 diabetes. Methods: A total of 7,169 participations with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes were stratified according to baseline BMI, and

Hemodynamic Aging as the Consequence of Structural Changes Associated with Early Vascular Aging (EVA).

An increase in peripheral vascular resistance at rest is not routinely observed in healthy older persons, but often associated with increased stiffness of central elastic arteries, as hallmarks of aging effects on the vasculature, referred to as early vascular aging (EVA). In clinical practice, the increased arterial stiffness translates into increased brachial and central systolic blood pressure

Direct neural conversion from human fibroblasts using self-regulating and nonintegrating viral vectors.

Recent findings show that human fibroblasts can be directly programmed into functional neurons without passing via a proliferative stem cell intermediate. These findings open up the possibility of generating subtype-specific neurons of human origin for therapeutic use from fetal cell, from patients themselves, or from matched donors. In this study, we present an improved system for direct neural c

A genome-wide association study on copy-number variation identifies a 11q11 loss as a candidate susceptibility variant for colorectal cancer

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a complex disease, and therefore its development is determined by the combination of both environmental factors and genetic variants. Although genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of SNP variation have conveniently identified 20 genetic variants so far, a significant proportion of the observed heritability is yet to be explained. Common copy-number variants (CNVs) are

Exceptional Excited-State Lifetime of an Iron(II)-N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complex Explained

Earth-abundant transition-metal complexes are desirable for sensitizers in dye-sensitized solar cells or photocatalysts. Iron is an obvious choice, but the energy level structure of its typical polypyridyl complexes, featuring low-lying metal-centered states, has made such complexes useless as energy converters. Recently, we synthesized a novel iron-N-heterocyclic carbene complex exhibiting a rema

Checklistor och »crowdsourcing« för ökad patientsäkerhet på akutmottagningen

Checklistor gör det lättare att göra rätt på akuten. Det är tanken bakom en webbplats som lanseras denna månad. Den kommer att innehålla förslag till checklistor om vilken information som bör inhämtas för bedömningen på akutmottagningen. All akutpersonal inbjuds delta i utvecklingsprojektet.Checklists make it easier for the emergency physician. This is the idea behind a website launched this month. The site will contain suggestions for checklists on what information which should be obtained for the assessment of the patient at the emergency department. All emergency staff are invited to participate in the development of the project.

Mining of public sequencing databases supports a non-dietary origin for putative foreign miRNAs: underestimated effects of contamination in NGS

The report that exogenous plant miRNAs are able to cross the mammalian gastrointestinal tract and exert gene-regulation mechanism in mammalian tissues has yielded a lot of controversy, both in the public press and the scientific literature. Despite the initial enthusiasm, reproducibility of these results was recently questioned by several authors. To analyze the causes of this unease, we searched