

Din sökning på "Johan Bergström" gav 444 sökträffar

Johan Bergström, universitetslektor på LTH

"JAG LÄR MIG MINST LIKA MYCKET SOM JAG LÄR UT" Avdelningen för riskhantering och samhällssäkerhet på LTH har anordnat uppdragsutbildningar tillsammans med LUCE sedan flera år tillbaka. De internationella utbildningarna inom systematiskt säkerhetsarbete brukar ha deltagare från en mängd högrisksektorer, såsom transportsektorn, konstruktionsindustrin och sjukvården. Eftersom deltagarna är diversifie

https://www.medarbetarwebben.lu.se/forska-och-utbilda/uppdragsutbildning/mot-larare-som-engagerat-sig-i-uppdragsutbildning/johan-bergstrom-universitetslektor-pa-lth - 2025-03-07

Vem bär ansvaret för samhällets katastrofriskreducering?

Offentliga aktörer argumenterar och agerar för ett alltmer decentraliserat ansvar för katastrofriskreducering. Det är upp till individer och lokalsamhällen att säkerställa sin säkerhet i händelse av en påfrestning. Detta är en tendens som hittat en vetenskaplig legitimitet i begreppet resiliens.

Challenges and potential to improve airline safety and demonstrate resilience through monitoring

Rasmussen (1997) shows how it may be possible to go beyond an acceptable safety boundary, and if crossing the boundary is irreversible, an error or an accident may occur. Organizations reside as a specific operating point within three specific boundaries. The three boundaries are: the economic failure boundary, the unacceptable workload boundary, and the boundary of functionally acceptable perform

The effects on language and curriculum of flight safety training used in helicopter emergency medical service after implementing a safety management system

The trend in contemporary aviation is to enhance safety by implementing a Safety Management System (SMS). This trend has also become a part of the medical rotary industry. As a part of a SMS, Flight Safety Training (FST) is included, which consist of Human factors, Crew Resource Management (CRM) -training and the creation/shaping of attitudes and safety culture. During 2012 a SMS was implemented i

Visualizing healthcare system variability and resilience: a longitudinal study of patient movements following discharge from a Swedish psychiatric clinic

Background: As healthcare becomes increasingly complex, new methods are needed to identify weaknesses in the system that could lead to increased risk. Traditionally, the focus for patient safety is to study incident reports and adverse events, but that starting point has been contested with a new era of safety investigations: the analysis of everyday clinical work, and the resilient healthcare. Th

Morphogenesis and Morphostasis: What forms and maintains the safety norm?

Progress in patient safety in healthcare has been frustratingly slow despite 20 years of intense effort. Recent literature suggests that current approaches inadequately address the complexity of healthcare, possibly explaining this lack of progress. What then sustains the current safety norm, sustaining a mismatched safety model in the face of challenge? This research project explores this issue

Mind the gap between recommendation and implementation-principles and lessons in the aftermath of incident investigations: a semi-quantitative and qualitative study of factors leading to the successful implementation of recommendations.

Using the findings of incident investigations to improve patient safety management is well-established and mandatory under Swedish law. This study seeks to identify the mechanisms behind successful implementation of the recommendations of incident investigations.

Ledarskap, förändringsmotstånd & kommunikativt handlande - En teoretisk studie

Bakgrund: Förändringar innebär risker för företagen, ett sätt att minska dessa risker och öka chanserna att det lyckas är att hantera det motstånd som dyker upp. Syfte: Med utgångspunkt i kommunikativt handlande genomföra en analys av relationen mellan ledarskap och förändringsmotstånd samt diskutera vikten av hantering av förändringsmotstånd. Metod: En teoretisk studie med viss hjälp av hermeneut

Organised behaviour in the Swedish fire and rescue service - a case study

Organised behaviour in disaster can be distinguished by looking at the organisation's post disaster structure and tasks. While past research seemingly has taken a multi-organisational perspective we have used organised behaviour as analytical tool in a case study of the Swedish fire and rescue service to focus on analysing one organisation and sub organisations within this. We argue that different

Developing Resilience, Foresight & Intuition During Clinical Handovers

Over the past number of years, there has been an international focus on improving communication amongst clinicians during transition points in care. Although clinicians achieve successes in bridging gaps during clinical handovers the focus of research continues to be on communication problems amongst team members and its association to healthcare errors. As such, there are a limited number of stud

Jobba på TFHS

Jobba på TFHS | Trafikflyghögskolan Hoppa till huvudinnehåll Den här webbplatsen använder cookies för att förbättra användarupplevelsen. Genom att fortsätta använda webbplatsen samtycker du till att cookies används enligt vår cookie-policy (på LTH:s webbplats) . Absolut nödvändiga cookies Dessa cookies är nödvändiga för att webbplatsen ska fungera och kan inte stängas av i våra system. Dessa cooki

https://www.tfhs.lu.se/om-tfhs/jobba-paa-tfhs/ - 2025-03-08

Modelling complexity in everyday operations: Functional resonance in maritime mooring at quay

Maritime operations are complex socio-technical activities, with many interacting agents. Such agents are acting based on different, sometimes conflicting, goals. The traditional approach for safety, based on decomposition and bimodality, might lead to ineffective analyses, ignoring the transient and hidden links among activities as they are performed in everyday work. In this sense, the Functiona

Emergence of power and complexity in obstetric teamwork

AbstractBackgroundRecently, increasing attention has been paid to team processes in peripartum care settings with the aim to improve fetomaternal outcomes. However, we have yet to understand how the perception of teamwork in peripartum care is shaped in a complex, multi-disciplinary environment.MethodsThe aim of this study was to approach the question using qualitative social-scientific methodolog

Safety Culture Assessment and Interventions at Lund University School of Aviation

This study describes the safety culture at Lund University School of Aviation (LUSA) at two occasions, separated by a period of approximately one year, and the effects of the interventions that were carried out during this year. The study was conducted by means of two attitude measurement surveys with interviews after the first survey and opportunities for the respondents to propose improvements a

Comparative analysis of the understanding of 'expertise' and 'resilience' in novice and expert anesthesiologists

Anesthesiology is the medical specialty dedicated to the relief of pain and care of the surgical patient before, during and after surgery. Most of the work in anesthesiology is routine patient care, but because patients are sick and surgical procedures may develop in unexpected ways, anesthesiology by its nature often involves medical crises. In recent years, two concepts have gained increasing i