Din sökning på "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" gav 11304 sökträffar
Rätten och den sociosymboliska sömnen - reflektioner om det industriella folkmordets eftereffekter
Combining cultural theory with the philosophy of law, this essay argues that the advent of state-managed, industrial genocide has brought about a crisis of confidence in the institutions of modern society. A wave of incrimination emanates from the holocaust, which primarily strikes against the institutions of law, but also affects the credibility of sociosymbolic mandate as such. Drawing on the wr
Lärare av idag. Om konstitueringen av identitet och roll.
This thesis comprises four articles and a summarizing text. The articles build on three sets of data regarding various aspects of the teaching profession. One objective is to illustrate and discuss what may make teaching appear to be a complex and intensive profession, as well as what conditions are necessary to make the relationship between teachers and pupils appear to be characterized by asymm
Ordets hyggda i Babel, Alexandria, Hippo och Lissabon: Om teodicén som hermeneutisk metod
We are constantly reminded of the problem of evil. There are a number of models to cope with theodicy, but the problem with most of them is that, in different ways, they tend to legitimate evil and accuse the victims. In this article it is suggested that theodicy may serve as a hermeneutical key when reading often marginalised or misunderstood text belonging to the Jewish and Christian traditions.
Om politisk reformulering: en forskningsinriktning och dess teoretiska anknytning
Allmänläkare utfrågade om etik. Vad gör du med den »ovillige« patienten? Och med den som kräver onödig terapi?
Köpstad, kungamakt och kyrka - några tankar om medeltidens Laholm
The article discusses several aspects of the town Laholm in southern Halland in the Middle Ages, and it is put forward that royal influence may have been a significant factor in the urbanization process. The possible importance of the king in the introduction of the Christian faith in the Laholm area is also hinted, but the exact nature of Laholms medieval parish structure is difficult to comprehe
Demokrati och lagprövning : om rättfärdigandet av en positiv respektive negativ inställning till lagprövning
This article focuses on the justification of a positive and a negative attitude respectively towards judicial review. The analysis is performed by textual analysis of the texts of four authors with different opinions on the subject matter: Robert Dahl and Jeremy Waldron who have a negative attitude towards judicial review, and Erwin Chemerinsky and Ronald Dworkin who have a positive attitude. A th
I vått och torrt-om de nedre urinvägarnas funktionsstörningar
Planering av biogasanläggningar: en fråga om samverkan och förhandling
När tron blir sång. Om psalm i text och ton
Modern Swedish hymns (written after 1960)and the relation between text-music. Overviews and special analyzes of hymns by Harry Martinson, Bo Setterlind, Arne H. Lindgren and Ylva Eggehorn among others.
Svensk filmhistoriografi: om kanonbildning och tolkningsstrategier
Kunskapens kretsar : essäer om kunskap, bildning och vetenskap genom tiderna
Kommunalt chefskap - en studie om ansvar, ledarskap och demokrati
Abstract is not available
Carola Nordbäck, Samvetets röst. Om mötet mellan luthersk ortodoxi och konservativ pietism i 1720-talets Sverige
Review of a book on pietism in Sweden in the 1720s.
Folkpension och åldringsvård : om svensk socialpolitik 1903-1950
Leva vid Östersjöns kust. En antologi om naturförutsättningar och resursutnyttjande på båda sidor av Östersjön ca 800–1800
Clio på bio. Om amerikansk film, historia och identitet
History in films often reflects attitudes in contemporary society. Thus, films deals more with the time when it was produced rather then the historical time that it is set in. In Clio på bio, I discuss how american history have been "written" and "rewritten" in films due to changes in the american society from late 19th century to the early 21st century.
Civitas humana : en essä om dygd, moral och samhällets ordning
Abstract is not available
Resan in i det nya : om film, biografkultur och modernitet
Discussion concerning Swedish film spectators and cinema culture