

Din sökning på "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" gav 11251 sökträffar

The Vulnerable Power of Worship A Study of a Power Approach to Contextualization in Christian Mission

This dissertation deals with the process of contextualizing the Christian discourse with a specific focus on worship and power negotiation. The study is based on literature, interviews and approximately six months of fieldwork in the U.S. in the years 1996,1998, and 2004. I focus on negotiation of power in the light of increasing Christian encounter with different cultural contexts and changing pe

Kritik essaistik och artists writings - kopia

Kritik, essäistik och Artist’s Writings / Criticism, Essayism and Artist’s Writings w/ Hans Carlsson Kritik, essäistik och Artist’s Writings / Criticism, Essayism and Artist’s Writings Valbar kurs på BFA nivå/Optional BFA-level course Antal hp/Credits: 6 Lärare/Teacher: Hans Carlsson Tid/Time: 11,18,25 .11 & 2 12, time TBC Undervisningsform/Form: Seminar Språk/Language: Svenska och engelska/Swedis

https://www.khm.lu.se/en/sites/khm.lu.se.en/files/kritik_essaistik_och_artists_writings_-_kopia.pdf - 2025-01-11

Sexuellt våld i krig: Fallet krigen i Jugoslavien och ICTY

ICTY bildades efter krigen i Jugoslavien. I uppsatsen beskrivs tribunalens bakgrund organisatoriskt och historiskt. Jag utreder även dels vad som faller under begreppet sexuellt våld enligt olika internationella organisationer som arbetar med internationella konflikter av olika slag, dels hur den jugoslaviska konflikten såg ut och hur sexuellt våld användes som del av krigföringen under konflikten

Fundamentalism och terrorism ur strukturella förändringar, förhindrad subjektivitet, produktion och reproduktion av diskurser Ett alternativt analytiskt ramverk för konfliktlösning

This essay criticizes common theories within the three traditional perspectives, conflict management, conflict resolution and conflict transformation, for not being able to explain and/or generate solutions to the problems of fundamentalism and religious terrorism in a satisfying manner. This essay is trying to synthesize an alternative analytical framework that better can explaining these phenome

No title

Abstract in Norwegian Målet med denne studien var å utforske hvordan en kunne fortolke ekstatisk spiritualitet i et religionspsykologisk perspektiv, illustrert ved Toronto-vekkelsen. Studien er en kvalitativ studie basert på intervjuer, feltobservasjoner og skrevne dokumenter. Det teoretiske rammeverket er interdisiplinært ved at det er brukt teorier fra egopsykologi, sosialpsykologi, sosiologi, kThe purpose of this dissertation was to study how to interpret ecstatic spirituality, illustrated by the Toronto Blessing, from a religio-psycho¬logical point of view. The study is a qualitative research based on inter¬views, field observations and written documents. The theo¬retical framework is interdisciplinary, using theories from ego-psychology, social psychology, sociology, cultural anthropo

Bo Isenberg

Associate Professor | Senior Lecturer | Director of Doctoral Studies Contact details Email: bo [dot] isenberg [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 38 49Organisation Sociology Room number: 242 Service point: 31 WebpageBo Isenbergs profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Senior lecturer SociologyReaderSociology Main research and teaching areasContemporary and classical s

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/bo-isenberg - 2025-01-11

"Fratres in unum" En undersökning av enhetsbegreppet i den tidiga kristna kyrkan med utgångspunkt i Regula Benedicti 42 och Ps. 133:1

Abstract This essay examines the idea of unity in the early church, based on Psalm 133:1. My interest in this was awakened during a seminar with the scholar Sr. Dr. Michaela Puzicha OSB, who proposed that St. Benedict of Nursia in his Rule, RB 42, alludes to Ps. 133:1 and does this because he wants to stress how much he values the unity of the community. The main question of my essay is whether i

Jesu Kristi sinnelag : om konsensusmodellen i Kyrkornas Världsråd

This essay examines the using of consensus method for decision making within the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the process that led to the decision to adopt its usage. The main question of my essay is why the method was introduced to the WCC and what motives lay behind its introduction. Other questions are how the consensus method works; both in theory and in practice, and what the predecess

Lärare - därför förkunnare : En undersökning av kristendomslärarinnan Astri Heimers morgonböner och hennes roll som morgonbönsförrättare 1938-1954

Unlike previous research, this thesis considers the possibility of regarding the morning prayers in Swedish schools as preaching, rather than teaching. 28 morning prayers, delivered in the church of S:t Johannes in the city of Malmö during 1939-1954 by the religious teacher Astri Heimer (1889-1986), constitutes the material for analysis. The purpose of this thesis is to examine if Heimer's mor

Att navigera bland bristande riktlinjer: en studie om hur fastighetsbolag tillämpar EU:s taxonomi och miljöcertifieringar för klimatanpassning

EU taxonomin är både en betydande drivkraft och incitament för fastighetsbolagens arbete med klimatanpassning av sina bestånd. Däremot är det väldigt få större kilmatanpassningsåtgärder som genomförts av fastighetsbolagen i dagsläget. Det anses från studiens resultat bero på bland annat taxonomins nyliga introduktion, svårigheterna med att monetärt kunna värdera klimatanpassningsåtgärderna, ansvarEU’s green Taxonomy is a key incentive and framework to accelerate the transition towards a sustainable future. This has brought significant changes to the real estate sector's climate adaptation efforts. The Taxonomy and related reporting requirements remain relatively new, leading to limited research and uncertainty about their implementation. This study aims to analyze the impact of unclear

Ska Sverige införa ett svenskt kronvittnessystem? En studie om kronvittnen och i vilken utsträckning ett sådant system kan bidra till att bekämpa den organiserade brottsligheten.

Organized crime has received much attention in Sweden the last decade and it is seen as a big threat against the society. In 2007 the government emphasized the importance to fight this type of criminality by taking a first initiative towards a national campaign against organized crime. Further the Minister of Justice wants to investigate whether it is possible to introduce a crown witness system i