

Din sökning på "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" gav 11363 sökträffar

PRODUKTUTVECKLING/TEKNISK DESIGN: Se lyktstolpars potential och utveckla dem till något mer – Northc

PRODUKTUTVECKLING/TEKNISK DESIGN: Se lyktstolpars potential och utveckla dem till något mer – Northcone Skip to main content This site uses cookies to enhance the user experience. By continuing to use the site you agree that cookies are used according to our Cookie Policy (on the website of LTH) . Essential cookies These cookies are necessary for the website to function and cannot be turned off in

https://www.design.lth.se/english/article/produktutvecklingteknisk-design-se-lyktstolpars-potential-och-utveckla-dem-till-naagot-mer-northc/ - 2025-03-15


Brevmall Postadress Box 117, 221 00 Lund Besöksadress Allhelgona kyrkogata 14M Telefon kursadministratör, 046-222 08 01 Fax 046-222 40 04 Webbadress genus.lu.se Genusvetenskapl iga ins t i tu t ionen GNVA22 Genusvetenskap: fortsättningskurs 30 hp VT 2018 Delkurs 1: Teori Butler, Judith. 2007. Genustrubbel: Feminism och identitetens subversion. Göteborg: Daidalos eller Gender Trouble: Feminism and

https://www.genus.lu.se/sites/genus.lu.se/files/gnva22.pdf - 2025-03-15

EU:s vattenlagstiftning ur ett miljöskyddsperspektiv. Ramdirektivet för vatten - ett framsteg för unionens vattenresurser?

Vattendirektiv med en reglering som främst haft miljöskyddet som utgångspunkt har funnits på gemenskapsnivå sedan mitten på 1970-talet. Traditionellt har två sorters direktiv med skilda regleringstekniker trätt i kraft - miljökvalitetsdirektiv och direktiv avseende farliga ämnen. I kvalitetsdirektiv utgår regleringen från miljökvalitetsnormer. Regleringen i direktiven avseende farliga ämnen utgår

Wes Montgomery och hans förhållande till gitarrens greppbräda

Title: Wes Montgomery and his approach to the guitar's fingerboard The purpose of this study is toinvestigate Wes Montgomery's approach to the fingerboard. It is based not only on audio but also on the visual performance. The tablature matches exactly with Montgomery's playing. The study analyzes the way he moved on the fingerboard and presents a theory why he moved in that particular

My Bergius

Postdoc Contact details Email: my [dot] bergius [at] jur [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 10 61Organisation Department of Law Room number: 318 Service point: 56 WebpageMy Bergius profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Researcher Law, Evidence and Cognition (LEVIC) Researcher Criminal Law Researcher Health Law Publications Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then ti

https://www.law.lu.se/my-bergius - 2025-03-16

Gender equality in academia

Here we have gathered some resources about gender (in)equality in academia. Please send us an email if you know about anything that should be on this list!   WINGS workshop recommendations For the STEM equality boards, 2015 For the Central LU equality board on professor-recruitment, 2015 Publications and reports   The underrepresentation of women in leading science journals, by Daniel J. Conley an

https://www.wings.lu.se/gender-equality-academia - 2025-03-15

No title

Course evaluation Course:Design of experimemts:MASC05 Evaluated on LTH: Yes Lecturer:Fredrik Olsson Number of students: 14 Grades: 5 VG, 6 G, 3 U Summary: Overall the students were satisfied although there were some technical issues due the distance education. Comments: The course work overall well. The problems that occured due to the Corona pandemic will be reoslved until next time. 1 Course eva

https://www.maths.lu.se/fileadmin/maths/utbildning_education/KU_Design_of_experimentsMASC05.pdf - 2025-03-15